8 research outputs found

    Development of priming technology for enhanced planting value of seeds in kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    The continuous rise in global population demands more food production under limited land resources accompanied by climate change. More oversupply of quality seeds to meet ever-growing food demand is a highly challenging task. Seeds with low vigour level limit the growth and yield of crops at varied field conditions. Hence, an experiment was conducted to develop a technique for the fast and homogeneous growth of kabuli chickpea seeds. The priming treatments evaluated in the present study enhanced the various seed quality parameters of kabuli chickpea significantly when compared to control. Hydro-priming for 4 hours (at 20°C) and air drying for 72 hours showed better results compared to rest of the treatments both in fresh seeds which recorded higher first count (66.38%), germination (92.50%) root length (11.85 cm), shoot length (6.16), mean seedling length (18.01), dry seedling weight (747 mg), seedling vigour index-I (1665), higher speed of emergence (0.3992) and old seeds with higher first count (61.88%), germination (74.13%) root length (8.15 cm), shoot length (5.85 cm), mean seedling length (14.00 cm), seedling dry weight (611 mg), seedling vigour index-I (1056), higher speed of emergence (0.3814). The aged seeds have recorded 29 % increase in germination percentage in contrast to 8 percent increases in fresh seeds. Kabuli chickpea seeds could be subjected to hydropriming, an affordable, alternative, and eco-friendly technique for improving seed and seedling vigour of kabuli chickpea

    Effect of Organic Cultivation of Capsicum annuum L. on Soil Microbial Properties under Open-Field and Shade-House Conditions

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    Two bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties, viz., California Wonder and Gangavati Local, were raised under nine completely organic nutrient sources, along with recommended package of practices, and, under completely inorganic nutrient sources. Irrespective of the variety and growing environment, there was substantial increase in total bacterial count (22.97% and 24.98%), population of fungi (20.23% and 20.23%), actinomycetes (36.89% and 36.83%) and mycorrhiza (44.63% and 29.40%) in open-field and shade-house conditions, respectively, in all the nutrient combinations where organic sources were used, compared to the inorganic treatment. All organic nutrient sources used were found to be similar in their effect on soil microbes