278 research outputs found

    Clinical Study of Chakramardadi Pralepa in the management of Dadru Kushta

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    Background: Skin is the largest organ of human body. Its size and external location makes it susceptible to a wide variety of disorders. In recent years there has been increase in incidence of skin problem due to various reasons like Poverty, Poor sanitation, Unhygienic condition, Pollution etc. Dadru is one among Kushta Roga affecting all the age of population. It is Kapha-Pitta Pradhan Vyadhi and presents clinically with the features of Kandu, Raga, Pidika, Daha, Rookshata, Udgata Mandala etc. and can be correlated with Tinea infection. Management of Dadru includes Shodhana, Shaman and Bahiparimarjan Chikitsa. Chakramarda is a wild crop grows in most part of India and it is known as Ringworm plant. So here in this study Chakramadadi Pralepa was used to evaluate the efficacy in Dadru


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    Particularly, several hybrid BIST schemes store deterministic top-up patterns around the tester inside a compressed form, after which make use of the existing BIST hardware to decompress these test patterns. Just like conventional scan-based test, hybrid schemes, because of the high data activity connected with scan-based test operations, may consume a lot more power than the usual circuit under-test is built to function under. Because the BIST power consumption can certainly exceed the utmost ratings when testing as fast as possible, scan patterns should be shifted in a programmable low speed, and just the final couple of cycles and also the capture cycle are applied at its peak frequency. Within this paper, we advise a PRPG for LP BIST applications. The suggested hybrid solution enables someone to efficiently combine test compression with logic BIST, where both techniques could work synergistically to provide top quality test. Therefore, it is a really attractive LP test plan that enables for buying and selling-off test coverage, pattern counts, and toggling rates in an exceedingly flexible manner. The generator mainly is aimed at lowering the switching activity during scan loading because of its preselected toggling (PRESTO) levels. LP PRPG can also be able to serving as a completely functional test data decompress or having the ability to control scan shift-in switching activity through the entire process of encoding. The bottom is thus provided by  observe that chain 45 isn't incorporated because it features just one specified scan cell. A high probability of manufacturing confirmed logic value inside a purely pseudorandom fashion is really a rationale behind excluding from the base scan chains hosting just one specified bit


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    We propose a camera-based helpful text browsing framework to assist blind persons to read text labels from hand-held objects in their day to day lives. During this paper Camera acts as main vision to capture the image of product packaging and hand-held objects. To isolate the article from complicated backgrounds, we tend to initial propose an efficient motion-based technique to outline a district of interest (DOI) within the image. Within the extracted ROI, text localization and recognition are conducted to amass text data. Then text characters are recognized by ready-to-wear optical character recognition (OCR) computer code. Victimization text to speech converter the extracted texts are output in audio output


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    Glaucoma is a global health problem expected to affect millions of people in world wide. Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease of the optic nerve and a leading cause of blindness and vision loss in worldwide. If glaucoma is not diagnosed and indulgence in time, it can steps forward to loss of vision and even blindness. Now a days several methods is used to detect and assessment of glaucoma such as intraocular pressure (IOP), abnormal visual field and assessment of damaged optic nerve head. The intraocular pressure measurement is performed using non-contact tonometry, but it is not sensitive for population based glaucoma screening. The assessment of abnormal visual field is performed by functional test through special equipment, but it is only present in territory hospitals and therefore unsuitable for screening. The Optic nerve head assessment can be done by a trained professional.   So to avoid these problems a new method is proposed for screening glaucoma using super pixel classification. The proposed system performs optic disc and optic cup segmentation. It uses the 2D fundus images. In optic disc segmentation, clustering algorithms are used to sort each superpixel as disc or non-disc, where as in optic cup segmentation the apart the clustering algorithms, gabor filter is also incorporated into the feature space to enhance the performance. The proposed method have been assessed based on the area of the optic disc and optic cup. The segmented optic disc and optic cup are then used to compute the cup to disc ratio for glaucoma screening. The Cup to Disc Ratio (CDR) of the color retinal fundus camera image is the primary identifier to confirm Glaucoma for a given patient. A larger CDR indicates a higher risk of glaucoma. The proposed work is to be carried out using Matlab technical computing languag


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    Within this ECC-based plan, the coding from the redundant filters is dependent on simple additions that switch the XOR binary operations in traditional ECCs. However, since both inputs and outputs from the filters are sequences of figures, a far more general coding may be used. Particularly, soft errors are an essential issue, and lots of techniques happen to be suggested through the years to mitigate them. The security of parallel filters only has been lately considered. This brief studies the security of parallel filters using more general coding techniques. Particularly, a vital difference with ECCs is the fact that both filter inputs and outputs are figures. To identify and proper errors, each filter may very well be a little within an ECC, and redundant filters can be included to form parity check bits. This differs from the approach suggested within this brief, where inputs are encoded however the processing from the filters isn't modified. ECC-based plan cuts down on the protection overhead compared by using TMR. The input signals are encoded utilizing a matrix with arbitrary coefficients to create the signals that go into the four original and 2 redundant filters. To simplify the implementation, individual’s rows must have values that minimize the complexness of multiplications and the rise in the dynamic range within the redundant filters. The sensible implementation was highlighted with two situation studies which were evaluated to have an FPGA implementation and in contrast to a formerly suggested technique. That technique depends on using ECCs so that each filter is treated like a bit within the ECC. The outcomes reveal that the suggested plan outperforms the ECC technique (lower costs achieving similar fault-tolerant capacity). Therefore, the suggested technique could be helpful to apply fault tolerant parallel filters


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    The suggested system will make use of recent technology that according to Embedded Linux board namely Raspberry Pi and Smartphone android application. The suggested system creates Gps navigation/GPRS/GSM SIM900A Module including all of the three things namely Gps navigation GPRS GSM. The Gps navigation current location from the vehicle GPRS transmits the tracking information towards the server and also the GSM can be used for delivering alert message to vehicle’s owner mobile. A sophisticated vehicle monitoring and tracking system according to Embedded Linux Board and android application was created and implemented for monitoring the college vehicle from the location A to location B at real-time. The suggested system would place within the vehicle whose position will be determined on the internet page and monitored at real-time. Within the suggested system, there's comparison between your current vehicle path and already specified path in to the file system of raspberry pi. Therefore, the driver drives the automobile only around the vehicle owner’s specified path. When the driver drives the automobile around the wrong path then your alert message is going to be sent in the suggested system towards the vehicle’s owner mobile as well as loudspeakers alert driven using Raspberry pi’s audio jack. Within the suggested system the already specified path within the raspberry pi’s file system obtained from vehicle owner’s android Smartphone using android application. The suggested system also required proper care of the traveler’s safety by utilizing LPG Gas leakage sensor MQ6 and temperature sensor DS18B20.Means picking a path from location one place to another happens from vehicle owner’s android application which provides more safety and safeguards visiting the traveler. When the vehicle’s speed goes past the required worth of the rate, then even the warning message is going to be sent from system towards the owner mobile


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    Journeys from automated fare collection (AFC) system data are described. It proposes new spatial validation features to improve the precision of destination inference results and also to verify key assumptions contained in previous origin-destination estimation literature. The methodology pertains to entry-only system configurations coupled with distance-based fare structures, also it aims to boost raw AFC system data using the destination of person journeys. This paper describes a formula designed to implement the methodology and also the is a result of its application to bus service data from Porto. The information connect with an AFC system integrated by having an automatic vehicle location system that records a transaction for every passenger boarding a bus, that contains attributes concerning the route, the automobile, and also the travel card used, combined with the sometime and the place that the journey started. A few of these are recorded with regards to allowing onboard ticket inspection but furthermore enable innovative spatial validation features created by the methodology. The outcomes brought towards the conclusion the methodology works well for estimating journey destinations in the disaggregate level and identifies false positives reliably

    A 120nW 18.5kHz RC oscillator with comparator offset cancellation for ±0.25% temperature stability

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    Integrated low-frequency oscillators can replace crystal oscillators as sleep-mode timers to reduce the size and cost of wireless sensors [1]. Since the timer is one of the few continuously functioning circuits, minimizing its power consumption can greatly reduce sleep-mode power of highly duty-cycled systems. Temperature stability of the oscillator is important in order to minimize timing uncertainly and guard time for the radios, and thus maximizing sleep time. The voltage-averaging feedback method described in [2] achieves high stability in the MHz frequencies, but when scaled to the kHz range, requires very large filters. On the other extreme, gate leakage-based timers have been designed for sub-nW power consumption, but operate in the sub-Hz frequencies [3]. In the past, high accuracy RC oscillators in the kHz range have been designed with feed-forward correction [1] and self-chopped operation [4]. In this work, an offset cancellation architecture achieves long-term frequency stability and temperature stability while operating at lower power


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    The primary reason for would be to alleviate traffic jam that exists in each and every major city. Growing Smartphone transmission, combined with wide coverage of cellular infrastructures, renders smartphonebased traffic human resources (TISs) a beautiful option. Nonetheless, to make use of Smartphone-based TISs, we have to ensure their privacy and security as well as their effectiveness (e.g., precision). We present an extensive solution for Smartphone-based traffic estimation that is known as secure and privacy preserving. This is actually the motivation of the paper: We leverage condition-of-the-art cryptographic schemes and easily available telecommunication infrastructure. Our results make sure Smartphone-based TISs can provide accurate traffic condition estimation while being secure and privacy preserving. We offer a complete-blown implementation on actual smart phones, with an extensive assessment of their precision and efficiency. The identity from the system is encrypted having a symmetric key recognized to the ID proxy. Similarly, the place details are encrypted using the public key from the traffic server thus, it's accessible only because of it

    Optimization of quantum dots for solar cell applications

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    The quantum dots-sensitized solar cells (QDSSC) provide an alternative concept to present day photovoltaic devices. Cadmium sulfide/Zinc sulfide-sensitized solar cells have been synthesized by chemical bath deposition, based on an aqueous medium involving cadmium sulphate, zinc acetate, thiourea and ammonium hydroxide. To improve the luminescence efficiency and photo stability of the quantum dots (QDs), coating the quantum dots with another wide bandgap semiconductor is a usual procedure. In particular, for CdS quantum dots, the particles were covered with ZnS to establish a core/shell system. This CdS/ZnS quantum dots are assembled onto nanoporous TiO2 films for quantum dots-sensitized solar cell applications. Physical and chemical properties of the formed nanoparticles were analyzed using field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), ultraviolet-visible light (UV-VIS) spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). An efficiency as high as 1.80% for the CdS/ZnS quantum dots-sensitized solar cells was achieved using the present method
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