18 research outputs found


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    Objective: The present research study was undertaken to determine the presence of bioactive components present in the methanolic stem extract of Gynochthodes ridsdalei using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis.Methods: the Fresh stem of Gynochthodes ridsdalei collected from the forest areas of Ponmudi region of Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala state, India was used. The mass spectrum GC-MS of the crude methanolic extract was estimated using the database of National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST).Results: The active principles with their retention time, peak area, molecular formula, molecular weight, structure and category of the compound were predicted. The analysis revealed the presence of 52 bioactive components. Most of the identified compounds are basically biological important. The components were identified by comparing their retention time and peak area with that of literature and by interpretation of mass spectra. The phyto components screened were of biological importance. Some of them were sterols, anthraquinones, vitamins etcConclusion: The result reveals the existence of various bioactive compounds and validates the earlier reports of therapeutic importance of the plant. Gynochthodes ridsdalei is recommended as a plant of phytochemical and pharmaceutical importanc

    GC-MS analysis of root methanolic extract of Gynochthodes ridsdalei Razafim. and B. Bremer, an endemic, endangered species of southern Western Ghats of India

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    The present investigation was carried out to determine the presence of biologically active components in the root methanolic extract of Gynochthodes ridsdalei using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Fresh root of G. ridsdalei collected from the forest areas of Ponmudi hills of Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala State, India was used for the study. The active principles with their retention time, peak area, molecular weight and molecular formula of the compounds were detected. The analysis revealed the presence of 26 components. The components were identified by comparing their retention time and peak area with that of literature available and by the interpretation of mass spectra

    Pharmaceutico-Analytical study of Karanjadi Taila and its conversion into cream

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    Karanjadi Taila is medicated oil used in Ayurveda for Indralupta (Alopecia). Indralupta comes under Kshudra Roga which is characterized by loss of hair it can be correlated with Alopecia areata which is having chief complaint of hair loss on body especially on scalp. The aim of the present study is to do physic-chemical standards for the above Taila and its conversion into Karanjadi Taila cream. These two formulations have a special importance from pharmaceutical point of view when compared to usual Tailas or cream. In present article, we are trying to study analytical results of Karanjadi Taila w.s.r. to Karanjadi Taila cream

    Genetic diversity analysis in tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.)

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    The present study conducted at Shimoga (Karnataka) during 2005–2008 is an attempt to examine genetic relatedness and genetic diversity among 13 Indian collections of Tamarind. Twenty eight selected arbitrary primers were used for characterization using RAPD that generated 131 fragments, of which 116 (88.54%) were polymorphic. Two genotypes, NTI62 and NTI84 were distinguished by unique band specific to them. The genetic similarity coefficient values suggested a wide genetic base for genotypes considered for the study. Cluster analysis based on unweighted pair group method using arithmetic average (UPGMA) clearly indicated that genotypes did not cluster according to their site of collection. This could be attributed to highly cross pollinating nature, small distribution area and that most tamarind genotypes grown in India are from seed source. &nbsp

    Preparation of Visarpahar Taila by Patalyantra Method and Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Visarpahar Taila Cream

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    Sneha Kalpana is a group of medicated Taila and Ghrita. Sneha Kalpanas manufactured in ayurvedic pharmaceutics are used extensively for medical as well as cosmetic purpose. Taila Kalpanas are the unique formulations of Ayurvedic treatment comes under Sneha Kalpana. Visarpahar Taila is medicated oil used in Ayurveda for Visarpa Vyadhi. Visarpa is correlated with herpes. It is characterized by supportive epithelial inflammatory condition. Skin is the outermost covering of the body serving as a barrier between the external and internal environment. The aggravation of various Dhatus and Doshas results in skin diseases. More than one fifty skin related diseases are described in ayurvedic texts. Visarpa is a common disease mentioned in ayurvedic texts which spreads in body in various directions. Visarpahar Taila has been described in Rasaratna Samucchay to be used in Visarpa Vyadhi. As per modern concept, it is said to be caused by Varicella zoster virus. It manifests Daha (Burning sensation), Jwara (fever), Anunnatshopha (swelling) and Vedana (pain).  Visarpahar Tail has been prescribed as it's directly act on skin and its content possesses the properties of Visarpanashak. The aim of the present study is to prepare Visarpahar Taila by Patalyantra method and it's conversion into cream. In present article, we are trying to study analytical results of Visarpahar Taila cream

    Preparation of Gandhak Taila by Patalyantra method and Pharmaceutico-analytical Study of Gandhak Taila cream

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    Gandhak has been used as a potent medicine in Ayurvedic system of treatment for various kinds of skin manifestations of different as well as bacterial origin. Gandhak can be used internally or/and tropically in different dosage form. Various methods of Gandhak Taila preparation are described in a Rasatarangini. Purified Gandhak has fungicidal, bactericidal, anti-parasitic effect and mainly used in various skin diseases like dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, internally-arthritis, chronic cough

    Comparative pharmaceutico-analytical study of Shwet Karviradya Taila with special reference to duration of Taila Paka

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    Ayurveda is an old and evolved science of medicine based on unique fundamental principles. Bhaishajya Kalpana is a sub-discipline of Ayurveda which is devoted to herbal drug formulations like Vati, Asava, Arishta, Taila, Ghrita etc. Various minute modifications are suggested in classical texts for preparation of various Taila (oils). In Bhaishajya Ratnavali, it is said that, the duration of Taila-Paka (oil processing) with various Drava-Dravyas (liquid media) should be like: (i) Kvatha, Aranala, Takra, Gomutra etc. - 5 days (ii) Swarasa - 3 days (iii) Dugdha - 2 days (iv) Mansa Rasa - 1 day. Karviradya Taila is Ayurvedic oil mentioned in the text of Gada-Nigraha in Kushtha Chikitsa. Karviradya Taila contains Gomutra (cow’s urine). In the present study, two batches of Karviradya Taila were prepared. In Batch A, Taila-Siddhi was achieved in one day and in Batch B Taila-Siddhi was done in 5 days. Both the batches were subjected to pharmaceutical analysis for understanding the difference in qualitative and quantitative parameters of Taila when the duration of Taila-Paka was changed


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