8 research outputs found

    Understanding seed dormancy and germination aids conservation of rainforest species from tropical montane cloud forest: a case study confirming morphophysiological dormancy in the genus Tasmannia

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    Context: Seed dormancy is one issue hindering implementation of conservation actions for rainforest species. Aims: We studied dormancy and germination in Tasmannia sp. Mt Bellenden Ker and Tasmannia membranea, two tropical montane rainforest species threatened by climate change, to develop a better understanding of dormancy in the species and the genus. Methods: Dormancy was classified for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker on the basis of an imbibition test, analysis of embryo to seed length (E:S) ratios and germination in response to the following four dormancy-breaking treatments: (I) scarification of the seedcoat near the micropylar end; (2) removal of the seedcoat; (3) application of 100 mg L(-1)or (4) 500 mg L-1 gibberellic acid. The most effective treatment was then tested on T. membranea. The requirement for light for germination was also assessed. Key results: Both scarified and intact seeds imbibed water. Initial E:S ratios were <0.22 for both species and increased up to 0.74 after 40 days, just before radicle emergence, for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker. Germination proportions were significantly higher in Treatments 1 and 2 than the remaining treatments for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker; T. membranea responded similarly well to Treatment 1. Germination under alternating light/dark conditions was slightly, but not significantly, greater than germination in the dark alone. Conclusions: Both species have morphophysiological dormancy and treatments that remove seedcoat resistance to embryo growth facilitate germination. These treatments may improve germination in other species from the genus Tasmannia. Implications: This knowledge will aid the germination of seeds to implement conservation strategies for Tasmannia spp

    Do dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds change as seeds age in the soil seed bank?

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    In fire-prone ecosystems, many species regenerate after fire from persistent soil seed banks. Species with physically dormant (PY) seeds have dormancy broken by fire-related heat. The magnitude of post-fire recruitment, to predict response to varying fire severity, is commonly estimated by testing dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds of fresh PY seeds. However, seeds spend years in the soil during the inter-fire period, and determining whether dormancy-breaking thresholds change over time is essential to accurately predict population persistence. Germination of four south-eastern Australian PY species from the Fabaceae family (Acacia linifolia, Aotus ericoides, Bossiaea heterophylla and Viminaria juncea) were studied. Dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds vary inter-specifically and the species represented either high or low dormancy-breaking threshold classes. Freshly collected seeds, and seeds that had been buried in the field or stored in dry laboratory conditions for 6 and 18 months were subjected to a fire-related range of heat treatments (40¿100°C). Seed ageing increased germination response to heat treatments, effectively lowering the dormancy-breaking thresholds of three species. The fourth species, A. linifolia, initially had a relatively large non-dormant fraction which was lost as seeds aged, with older seeds then displaying PY broadly similar to the other study species. Patterns of threshold decay were species-specific, with the thresholds and viability of low-threshold species declining more rapidly than high-threshold species. The non-dormant fraction did not increase over time for any of our study species. Instead of increasing their non-dormant fraction, as is common in other vegetation types, these fire-prone PY species displayed a change of dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds. This is an important distinction, as maintaining dormancy during the inter-fire period is essential for population persistence. While changes in sensitivity to dormancy-breaking treatments have previously been reported as seeds age, our study provides the first test of changes to temperature thresholds, which increases the range of germination response from the seed bank under varying fire severity

    Intra-population level variation in thresholds for physical dormancy-breaking temperature

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    Background and Aims Intra-population variation in seed dormancy is an advantage for population persistence in unpredictable environments. The important role played by physically dormant species in these habitats makes understanding the level of variation in their dormancy a key ecological question. Heat produced in the soil is the major dormancy-breaking stimulus and, in fire prone ecosystems, soil temperatures generated by fire may vary spatially and over time. While many studies have investigated variation in initial dormancy, a measure that is of little value in fire-prone ecosystems, where initial dormancy levels are uniformly high, intra-population variation in dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds has never been quantified. This study predicted that species would display variation in dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds within populations, and investigated whether this variation occurred between individual plants from the same maternal environment. Methods The intra-population variation in dormancy-breaking thresholds of five common physically dormant shrub species (family Fabaceae) from fire-prone vegetation in south-eastern Australia was assessed using heat treatments and germination trials. Replicate batches of seeds from each of four maternal plants of Dillwynia floribunda, Viminaria juncea, Bossiaea heterophylla, Aotus ericoides and Acacia linifolia were treated at 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 °C. Key Results Dormancy-breaking response to heat treatments varied significantly among individual plants for all species, with some individuals able to germinate after heating at low temperatures and others restricting germination to temperatures that only occur as a result of high-severity fires. Germination rate (T50) varied among individuals of three species. Conclusions Variation detected among individuals that were in close proximity to each other indicates that strong differences in dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds occur throughout the broader population. Differences found at the individual plant level could contribute to subsequent variation within the seed bank, providing a bet-hedging strategy, and represent a mechanism for increasing the probability of population persistence in the face of fire regime variability

    Seed size-mediated dormancy thresholds: A case for the selective pressure of fire on physically dormant species

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    In physically dormant species, fire-generated heat breaks seed dormancy, with dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds varying among species. Fire-related heating decreases with depth, due to the insulating effects of soil. Concurrently, smaller-seeded species are restricted to germinating near the surface because of limited reserves within such seeds. We hypothesized that dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds of physically dormant species would be higher in smaller-seeded species, to ensure emergence is restricted to shallower soil depths, and that seed survivorship would follow the same pattern. This was tested experimentally for 14 species from south-eastern Australia, and by using a larger data set of species compiled from the literature to assess if any patterns hold across a broader group. Seed size was negatively related to dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds. Mortality at 100 °C showed a positive relationship with seed size. Our findings suggest that small-seeded species are subject to firerelated selection pressure that results in higher dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds and resistant to hotter temperatures, which may act as a depth detection mechanism. By using a broader range of species, we highlight that this relationship is strong and representative of species across a number of phylogenetic groups

    Seed banking is more applicable to the preservation of tropical montane flora than previously assumed: A review and cloud forest case study

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    The science is clear – significant reductions in tropical montane (TM) habitats are projected to occur by the end of this century. Urgent action is needed to build the resilience of TM flora and understand its adaptive capacity to climate change. Seed banking is the most widely employed ex situ conservation tool, providing insurance against plant species extinction and germplasm for associated research. However, tropical forest floras are grossly under-represented in seed banks due to historic assumptions and generalisations regarding collection, storage and germination of tropical forest seeds. In Australia, the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area of northeast Queensland contains tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) in which > 70 endemic, seed-bearing species are at high risk of extinction. To mitigate this risk, we synthesised current seed science knowledge from TM plant communities around the world and examined what we know about collection, storage behaviour and germination of TM seeds. Included are our own preliminary investigations into seed banking of Australian TMCF flora. We argue that seed banking is applicable to more TM biodiversity than previously assumed and that a global effort to broaden ex situ conservation to include TM flora is needed. Making use of all the seed/gene banking tools available today, we call for a nationwide coordinated effort to establish a secure network of ex situ germplasm collections of Australian TMCF flora. Seed science research needed to inform and accelerate ex situ conservation of TMCF flora is also discussed