23 research outputs found

    Grounded theory for transition to and adoption of agile software development

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    Successful migration from traditional software development methods to Agile methods, as an organizational mutation, requires enough understanding of Agile transformation process and its related issues. Reviewing the literature revealed that software companies are struggling with many challenges during Agile transition process. However, there was no large-scale research study to elucidate various aspects and dimensions of the transition process. Also, less effort has been devoted to investigate the whole transition process. A Grounded Theory study with participation of 49 Agile experts from 13 different countries, mostly from USA and West Europe countries, and some from Asia and Australia, has been carried out to investigate the realities of Agile transformation. Adopted research methodology provided a systematic approach to discover various aspect of the transformation through a multi-level data analysis including open coding, selective coding, and theoretical coding. Following a high disciplined approach, various concepts and categories have been identified and finally, the main concern of the participants, known as core category, has been discovered as the theory of Agile transition and adoption comprising four major parts: (1) Agile Transition Key Prerequisites, (2) Agile Transition Challenges, (3) Agile Transition Facilitators, and (4) Agile Transition and Adoption Framework. This study discovered the most important prerequisites that software companies need to provide before starting their transition to Agile approach including having convincing reason for change, defining business values, initial training, etc. Software companies have to do a preparation phase to provide these prerequisites before starting Agile transformation. It also identified the major challenges that software teams and companies are facing with when moving to Agile, including negative human aspects, inadequate and dysfunctional training, technical challenges, etc. These challenges have different roots and acts as impediments to the change. Also, this study discovered various change facilitators, including training, getting buy-in from practitioners, good coaching service, etc. Providing these facilitators help software teams to deal with the transformation challenges and increase chance of success. Finally, it proposed a substantive framework for transitioning to Agile approach. The proposed framework has particular features, discipline, and activities which promise usefulness for Agile transformation process in software companies regardless of size and project type. This framework particularly aims to promote sustainable change and being Agile instead of doing Agile. In general, this study developed the theory of Agile transition and adoption and discovered various aspects of the transformation. The findings of this study will serve to inform all software practitioners about transitioning to Agile software development

    Compatibility of agile software development methods and CMMI

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    Agile software development methods by focusing on the different values, have established a new approach for software development compare to the traditional methods. While traditional methods emphasizes on the following disciplined processes and rigid practices, agile methods focused on individuals and their collaborations. Previously, CMMI was introduced as process improvement model in the traditional methods and now it is known as symbol of those methods. Nevertheless, compatibility of these two different approaches has been a serious question and there are several conflicting reports about their compatibility. The main purpose of this study was scrutinizing this issue. Generic practices and specific practices in CMMI were selected as criteria for checking compatibility of CMMI and agile methods. The results showed that CMMI and agile are compatible in several process areas. However, there are serious incompatibilities in the others. In level 3 and level 4 of CMMI, two and one incompatible process areas have been seen respectively. Also, agile does not support most of the generic practices in CMMI level 4 and 5. The results also showed that these incompatibilities return to the notion of organization and its role in software development

    Software development effort estimation modeling using a combination of fuzzy-neural network and differential evolution algorithm

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    Software cost estimation has always been a serious challenge lying ahead of software teams that should be seriously considered in the early stages of a project. Lack of sufficient information on final requirements, as well as the existence of inaccurate and vague requirements, are among the main reasons for unreliable estimations in this area. Though several effort estimation models have been proposed over the recent decade, an increase in their accuracy has always been a controversial issue, and researchers' efforts in this area are still ongoing. This study presents a new model based on a hybrid of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and differential evolution (DE) algorithm. This model tries to obtain a more accurate estimation of software development effort that is capable of presenting a better estimate within a wide range of software projects compared to previous works. The proposed method outperformed other optimization algorithms adopted from the genetic algorithm, evolutionary algorithms, meta-heuristic algorithms, and neuro-fuzzy based optimization algorithms, and could improve the accuracy using MMRE and PRED (0.25) criteria up to 7%

    Software quality model based on development team characteristics

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    Many factors have a significant impact on producing high-quality software products. Development team members are among the most important factors. Paying attention to the quality from this perspective will be a good innovation in the software development industry. Given that team members play a very important role in software products, this study tries to focus specifically on team characteristics in software product quality and provide a qualitative model based on this. The required data were collected through observations and interviews with project managers and development team members in several companies under study. Then, data were analyzed through hierarchical analysis. According to the results, the use of this model led to the improvement of the software development process so that the team members were satisfied with it. Also, time management was improved, and the customer expressed his satisfaction with the use of this model. Finally, data analysis showed that this model may lead to faster product delivery

    A case study of using the hybrid model of scrum and six sigma in software development

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    The world of software engineering is constantly discovering new ways that lead to an increase in team performance in the production of software products and, at the same time, brings the customer's further satisfaction. With the advent of agile methodologies in software development, these objectives have been considered more seriously by software teams and companies. Due to their very nature, agile methodologies have the potential to be integrated with other methodologies or specific managerial approaches defined in line with agility objectives. One of the cases is Six Sigma, which is used in organizations by focusing on organizational change and process improvement. In the present study, attempts were made to present the hybrid software development approach, including Scrum, as the most common agile and Six Sigma methodology. This approach was practically used in a case study, and the obtained results were analyzed. The results of this evaluation showed that this hybrid method could lead to the increased team performance and customer satisfaction. However, besides these two achievements, an increase in the number of re-works, number of defects discovered, and the duration of the project implementation were also observed. These cases are in line with the main objectives of Scrum and Six Sigma and are justifiable and acceptable due to achieving those objectives

    Agile transformation: a multi-dimensional process

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    Software companies are widely interested to use Agile methodologies instead of traditional methods, mainly because of achieving the values offered by Agile approach. However, literature review implies that the alteration process is subject to various serious challenges that make Agile transformation more difficult than expected. Most of the companies are facing these challenges mainly because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of the transformation process. We have conducted a large-scale empirical research study discover various aspects of Agile transformation. Applying a Grounded Theory study identified the general outline of Agile transformation Process. The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the most important concepts that need to be considered when adopting Agile methodologies. This study showed that Agile transformation comprises many concepts, activities, and steps including transformation prerequisites, facilitators, framework, assessment, coaching, and so on. Software companies and organizations need to be familiar with these concepts before inception of Agile transformation process

    On the current agile assessment methods and approaches

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    Agile methods are widely used in software companies in recent years. Many software companies are replacing their traditional development methods with Agile methods. Nonetheless, measuring agility that they have achieved has be topic of debate. So far, only a few methods and tools have been proposed to measure the agility of software companies who are moving to agile. The main aim of this paper is reviewing the existing agile assessment methods and providing a brief discussion on drawbacks of these methods. This paper tries to elucidate the actual position of these methods in measuring agility degree of companies who are moving to agile approach

    Agile transformation: what is it about?

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    Agile software development by offering new values motivates software companies to use Agile methods instead of traditional methods. However, reviewing the literature shows that leaving traditional methods and moving to Agile methods is subjected to many serious challenges. We have conducted a large-scale research study to empirically discover various aspects of Agile transformation. Our Grounded Theory study showed the general outline of Agile transformation. The main aim of this paper is to figure out the most important concepts that need to be considered when moving to Agile. This study showed that Agile transformation comprises many concepts, activities, and steps including transformation prerequisites, facilitators, framework, assessment, coaching, and so on. Companies need to be familiar with these concepts before starting transitioning to Agile