17 research outputs found

    Intravenous ibutilide versus intravenous amiodarone for post-operative management of atrial fibrillation following coronary artery bypass grafting: a prospective randomized controlled double blinded trial

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    Background: Increased incidence of post-operative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is responsible for more post-operative complications, length of hospital stay and subsequent higher costs of hospitalization. This study was done to compare the efficacy and safety of ibutilide versus amiodarone for treatment of POAF following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).Methods: In this prospective, randomized, double blind controlled study, 60 patients posted for CABG developing POAF, divided randomly into 30 patients each in groups A and group I. Group A received IV amiodarone at 3 mg/kg over 20 minutes and group I received IV ibutilide at 0.01 mg/kg over 10 minutes (weight 60 kg). Patients underwent standard anesthetic technique and monitoring for CABG. All the demographic data, hemodynamic data were recorded in a structured manner.Results: Ibutilide showed significantly faster resolution of AF at 12.47±5.3 versus 22.9±7.68 minutes by amiodarone (p=0.000). Ibutilide was found to have significantly higher incidences of recurrence at 23.3% versus 0% by amiodarone (p=0.0048). Ibutilide showed significantly lesser hypotension 0% versus 26.67% with amiodarone (p=0.002).Conclusions: This study concluded that ibutilide was found to be better suited to treat POAF patients, who underwent CABG; due to its early and efficient resolution and reduced risk of hypotension

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Torque Distribution inHybrid Vehicles

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    Electrification is one of the mega-trends in the transportation and automotive industry today. Boththe alarming environmental conditions and the ever decreasing fuel reserves are driving the shifttowards hybrid, all electric and alternative fuel source vehicles. This thesis work is another smallstep towards studying, addressing and handling this issue while also laying the groundwork for developingand moving towards more efficient and commercially viable vehicles.This thesis work aims at investigating the trade-off offered by optimal control techniques betweenenergy consumption and reference tracking for torque allocation to the various actuators available topropel a hybrid electric vehicle. The particular vehicle under consideration has two electric motorsat the rear wheels and an internal combustion engine along with an integrator starter generatordriving the front wheels. The torque allocation problem is originally solved by proposing a one stageoptimization strategy (OSOS) that takes into account actuator limits, losses, and objectives throughconstraints. The performance of this formulation is presented over two simulated test tracks on apareto front where the advantage on relaxing complete reference tracking becomes visible. Next,two new formulations each as a two stage optimization strategies (TSOS) are proposed, the mainobjective being to split the original formulation into two parts. One addressing energy optimalityand the other addressing reference tracking of total wheel torque and yaw moment request fulfilment.These formulations are then similarly investigated and presented in comparison with the originalformulation. In developing the formulations, an assumption about the loss models is made andthe problem size of the second stage quadratic program is significantly reduced. The problems areappropriately scaled and made mathematically robust to handle the constraints and inputs in theoperating range. As reference tracking for the vehicle is split into lateral and longitudinal torquerequests from the vehicle, this becomes a multi-objective optimization problem. To further studythe behaviour of these formulations, they are given constant inputs and simulated over a single timestep. The effect of changing hybridization level, i.e, the amount of electrical energy used comparedto fuel energy on the behaviour of these formulations is also explored. One of the effects of the twostage formulations was the confinement of solutions within a reasonable error for the majority ofchosen weights due to the energy considerations in the first stage. The proposed formulations wereable to generate results close but not equal to the original formulation on the pareto front. Anotherfinding was that due to the implementation of two actuators at the rear of the vehicle, a desired yawrate could be achieved at no additional energy cost because of regenerative and propulsive torquesgenerated respectively on either side of rear axle for torque vectoring. Furthermore with a dedicatedsolver, the TSOS could present an interesting alternative to enhance independent development invehicle dynamics control and energy management of the vehicle.För att minska miljöpÄverkan av utslÀpp frÄn bilkörning Àr det ett ökat fokus pÄ elektrifieringav bilar och förnybara brÀnslen. Detta examensarbete försöker att bidra till smartare anvÀndningav energiresurser under körning. Syftet Àr att bygga upp kunskap om effektiv energihantering ihybridfordon. En optimeringsbaserad reglerteknik anvÀnds för att allokera drivmoment till olikaaktuatorer pÄ drivlinan av ett hybridfordon och bestÀmma en balans mellan energieffektivitet ochmomenthantering för bÀttre körbarhet. Det studerade hybridfordonet har tvÄ elektriska motorermonterade pÄ bakaxeln dÀrtill har en förbrÀnningsmotor och integrerad startmotor och generator pÄframaxeln. Momentallokeringsproblemet Àr ursprungligen löst med hjÀlp av en optimeringsstrategisom sker i ett steg som tar hÀnsyn till exempelvis systemets begrÀnsningar och energiförluster.Denna formulering Àr förÀndrad för att skapa tvÄ olika formuleringar av en optimeringsstrategi somsker i tvÄ steg. Prestandan för de olika strategierna jÀmförs dÀrefter pÄ tvÄ olika simulerade testbanoroch visualiserades med hjÀlp av en paretofront. Syftet med att dela upp berÀkningen i tvÄsteg Àr för att göra det modulÀrt och förenkla grÀnssnittet mellan fordonsdynamik och fordonsenergihantering.Med denna uppdelning kan det ske oberoende forskning och utveckling inom bÄdaomrÄdena. Det första steget hanterar energin och det andra steget hanterar hur vÀl systemet kanuppnÄ referensfördelningen av drivmoment och girmoment. De nya formuleringarna Àr baserade pÄen antagen förlustmodell och Àr omvandlade via skalning för att dÀrefter jÀmföras med den ursprungligaformuleringen för att identifiera unika beteenden. En effekt av tvÄ-stegsformuleringen var attlösningarna begrÀnsades inom ett rimligt felomrÄde som en följd av energihanteringen i det förstasteget . Lösningarna frÄn tvÄ-stegsformuleringen kom vÀldigt nÀra resultaten för den ursprungligaformuleringen. TvÄ-stegsformuleringen kan vara ett bÀttre alternativ för att ha en modulÀr reglersystemsarkitekturom den kan utvecklas vidare med en dedikerad programvara i fordonets styrenhetsom anvÀnder ett lÀmpligt sÀtt för att rÀkna ut det optimeringsproblemet

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Torque Distribution inHybrid Vehicles

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    Electrification is one of the mega-trends in the transportation and automotive industry today. Boththe alarming environmental conditions and the ever decreasing fuel reserves are driving the shifttowards hybrid, all electric and alternative fuel source vehicles. This thesis work is another smallstep towards studying, addressing and handling this issue while also laying the groundwork for developingand moving towards more efficient and commercially viable vehicles.This thesis work aims at investigating the trade-off offered by optimal control techniques betweenenergy consumption and reference tracking for torque allocation to the various actuators available topropel a hybrid electric vehicle. The particular vehicle under consideration has two electric motorsat the rear wheels and an internal combustion engine along with an integrator starter generatordriving the front wheels. The torque allocation problem is originally solved by proposing a one stageoptimization strategy (OSOS) that takes into account actuator limits, losses, and objectives throughconstraints. The performance of this formulation is presented over two simulated test tracks on apareto front where the advantage on relaxing complete reference tracking becomes visible. Next,two new formulations each as a two stage optimization strategies (TSOS) are proposed, the mainobjective being to split the original formulation into two parts. One addressing energy optimalityand the other addressing reference tracking of total wheel torque and yaw moment request fulfilment.These formulations are then similarly investigated and presented in comparison with the originalformulation. In developing the formulations, an assumption about the loss models is made andthe problem size of the second stage quadratic program is significantly reduced. The problems areappropriately scaled and made mathematically robust to handle the constraints and inputs in theoperating range. As reference tracking for the vehicle is split into lateral and longitudinal torquerequests from the vehicle, this becomes a multi-objective optimization problem. To further studythe behaviour of these formulations, they are given constant inputs and simulated over a single timestep. The effect of changing hybridization level, i.e, the amount of electrical energy used comparedto fuel energy on the behaviour of these formulations is also explored. One of the effects of the twostage formulations was the confinement of solutions within a reasonable error for the majority ofchosen weights due to the energy considerations in the first stage. The proposed formulations wereable to generate results close but not equal to the original formulation on the pareto front. Anotherfinding was that due to the implementation of two actuators at the rear of the vehicle, a desired yawrate could be achieved at no additional energy cost because of regenerative and propulsive torquesgenerated respectively on either side of rear axle for torque vectoring. Furthermore with a dedicatedsolver, the TSOS could present an interesting alternative to enhance independent development invehicle dynamics control and energy management of the vehicle.För att minska miljöpÄverkan av utslÀpp frÄn bilkörning Àr det ett ökat fokus pÄ elektrifieringav bilar och förnybara brÀnslen. Detta examensarbete försöker att bidra till smartare anvÀndningav energiresurser under körning. Syftet Àr att bygga upp kunskap om effektiv energihantering ihybridfordon. En optimeringsbaserad reglerteknik anvÀnds för att allokera drivmoment till olikaaktuatorer pÄ drivlinan av ett hybridfordon och bestÀmma en balans mellan energieffektivitet ochmomenthantering för bÀttre körbarhet. Det studerade hybridfordonet har tvÄ elektriska motorermonterade pÄ bakaxeln dÀrtill har en förbrÀnningsmotor och integrerad startmotor och generator pÄframaxeln. Momentallokeringsproblemet Àr ursprungligen löst med hjÀlp av en optimeringsstrategisom sker i ett steg som tar hÀnsyn till exempelvis systemets begrÀnsningar och energiförluster.Denna formulering Àr förÀndrad för att skapa tvÄ olika formuleringar av en optimeringsstrategi somsker i tvÄ steg. Prestandan för de olika strategierna jÀmförs dÀrefter pÄ tvÄ olika simulerade testbanoroch visualiserades med hjÀlp av en paretofront. Syftet med att dela upp berÀkningen i tvÄsteg Àr för att göra det modulÀrt och förenkla grÀnssnittet mellan fordonsdynamik och fordonsenergihantering.Med denna uppdelning kan det ske oberoende forskning och utveckling inom bÄdaomrÄdena. Det första steget hanterar energin och det andra steget hanterar hur vÀl systemet kanuppnÄ referensfördelningen av drivmoment och girmoment. De nya formuleringarna Àr baserade pÄen antagen förlustmodell och Àr omvandlade via skalning för att dÀrefter jÀmföras med den ursprungligaformuleringen för att identifiera unika beteenden. En effekt av tvÄ-stegsformuleringen var attlösningarna begrÀnsades inom ett rimligt felomrÄde som en följd av energihanteringen i det förstasteget . Lösningarna frÄn tvÄ-stegsformuleringen kom vÀldigt nÀra resultaten för den ursprungligaformuleringen. TvÄ-stegsformuleringen kan vara ett bÀttre alternativ för att ha en modulÀr reglersystemsarkitekturom den kan utvecklas vidare med en dedikerad programvara i fordonets styrenhetsom anvÀnder ett lÀmpligt sÀtt för att rÀkna ut det optimeringsproblemet

    When CKD-MBD is not just CKD-MBD, a case of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy in a dialysis patient

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    Patients on maintenance hemodialysis have dysregulations of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis which results in a plethora of mineral and bone pathologies. Management is typically focused on maintenance eucalcemia and limiting hyperphosphatemia while avoiding extremes of intact parathyroid hormone. Hypercalcemia in this setting is often iatrogenic. We present a case of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy initially thought to be iatrogenic due to mineral bone management and discuss the overlap of management of hypercalcemia and management of mineral bone disease in end stage kidney disease. We highlight the relationship between malignancy and end stage kidney disease and the increased risk of hypercalcemia associated with malignancy

    Successful treatment of COVID-19-associated collapsing glomerulopathy: 22 months of follow-up

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    The term COVAN (COVID-19-associated nephropathy) has been used to describe collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in individuals who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2. This helps differentiate it from the majority of cases of acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients, which are typically caused by acute tubular injury. The exact pathophysiology is unclear but is proposed to involve pro-inflammatory cytokines such as type 1 interferons, which are thought to increase expression of the gene in glomerular epithelial cells. This triggers a cascade of inflammatory events that cause damage to the epithelia and underlying podocytes. The treatment of COVAN is centered on general supportive measures including dietary sodium restriction, optimization of hyperlipidemia and hypertension, RAAS blockade, and diuresis for edema. There is limited data to support the use of glucocorticoids in COVAN; however, the mechanism of podocytopathy is similar to that in HIVAN (HIV-associated nephropathy), with high disease burden in those with gene mutation. Based on previous experience, treatment of HIVAN with glucocorticoids is beneficial and safe in selected patients. Here we present a case of COVAN which was successfully treated with glucocorticoids, and at 22-month follow-up patient remained in full remission (proteinuria \u3c 1,000 mg/g) with stable kidney function


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the surgical outcomes in secondary hypospadias patients over 10 years in a tertiary care center. Material & Methods: From January 2010 – December 2019, 68 patients with secondary hypospadias were managed in our department. The age at surgery, location of meatus at presentation, associated chordee, meatal stenosis, and fistula were noted. Techniques used for correction and postoperative complications with overall success rate were studied. Primary hypospadias cases (n=303) were excluded from this study. Results: Age varied from 6 months to 32 years (mean - 11.06 years).   The most common presentation was dehiscence of repair with resultant hypospadias (n=43) and their meatal position was distal 44.1% (n=30) followed by middle in 14.7 % (n=10) & proximal in 4.4% (n=3) patients after orthoplasty. Chordee was present in 67.64% (n=46) cases. (<30o in 50%, n=34; 30-600 in 14.7%, n=10; >60o in 2.9%, n=2).  Also, 17.6% (n=12) patients had urethrocutaneous fistula(UCF) and 19.1% (n=13) patients had meatal stenosis. Urethral closure was done using tubularized incise plate (TIP) alone in 4.4% (n=3) cases, TIP and spongioplasty in 48.5% (n=33) cases. The urethral plate was augmented (Snodgraft) in 26 cases (inner prepuce, n=5 and BMG, n=21). Urethral reconstruction was staged in 10.3% (n=7) cases. Meatoplasty was done in 19.1 (n=13) cases and fistula closure was done in 17.6% (n=12) cases. The success rate in secondary cases was 79.2% in our series. Fourteen patients required revision surgeries of which 7 had UCF (Fistula repair), meatal stenosis (n=1, meatoplasty), Glanular dehiscence (n=5, Glanuloplasty and Meatoplasty), stricture (n=1, urethroplasty). Conclusion: Hypospadias surgery in secondary cases is difficult owing to fibrosis, loss of local tissue, and difficult dissection. Glanular dehiscence was most common followed by fistula in our series. We also reported the effectiveness of buffering layers and urethral augmentation in secondary cases but without statistical significance.   Keywords: Secondary hypospadias, urethrocutaneous fistula, chordee. &nbsp