35 research outputs found

    Analysis of Innovation Attributes in The Innovation Adoption of Agricultural Mechanization Technology in Farmers

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    In the last 4-6 years, the government has provided an agricultural mechanization assistance through the Ministry of Agriculture to Gapoktan, Poktan or the Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Service Business (UPJA). Assistance is provided in order to support increased production and productivity of superior commodities. It is suspected that the use of alsintan has not been optimally utilized. In order to optimize the utilization of this government innovation, the optimization is carried out by analyzing the adoption and the use of alsintan and implementing the optimization of machinery. This study is limited to character analysis of the innovation that affects the speed of adoption of alsintan innovation in farmers in Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur districts. The unit of research analysis was individual alsintan user farmers. The samples were determined purposively. There were 158 selected respondents. The descriptive statistical analysis used was Microsoft Excel 2016. The results showed there were some influences of innovation attributes on the adoption of two-wheeled hand tractor and water pump innovations. Farmers can make use of innovation because it reduces production costs, makes work easier, and increases production. Besides, it is easy to use and easy to test; and the results are easy to see. Further research is needed to analyze the environment, organizations and individuals as the driving factors for innovation adoption.In the last 4-6 years, the government has provided an agricultural mechanization assistance through the Ministry of Agriculture to Gapoktan, Poktan or the Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Service Business (UPJA). Assistance is provided in order to support increased production and productivity of superior commodities. It is suspected that the use of alsintan has not been optimally utilized. In order to optimize the utilization of this government innovation, the optimization is carried out by analyzing the adoption and the use of alsintan and implementing the optimization of machinery. This study is limited to character analysis of the innovation that affects the speed of adoption of alsintan innovation in farmers in Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur districts. The unit of research analysis was individual alsintan user farmers. The samples were determined purposively. There were 158 selected respondents. The descriptive statistical analysis used was Microsoft Excel 2016. The results showed there were some influences of innovation attributes on the adoption of two-wheeled hand tractor and water pump innovations. Farmers can make use of innovation because it reduces production costs, makes work easier, and increases production. Besides, it is easy to use and easy to test; and the results are easy to see. Further research is needed to analyze the environment, organizations and individuals as the driving factors for innovation adoption

    Performance of The Member of Orchid Consortium Mailing List

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    AbstractIssues such as collective natural resource management, chain management and multi-functional agriculture requires new forms of coordinated action and cooperation between farmers and other stakeholders. Orchid consortium is a new cooperation system developed as an attempt to synergize various drive components in the orchid floriculture development in Indonesia. The mailing list as one of the collaborative information and communication systems is built to share information among members of the orchid consortium. The research objectives are: (1) To identify communication interaction process of the current performance of the orchid consortium. (2) To identify in which stage of the current performance of the orchid consortium. The unit of analysis is messages in the consortium mailing list. This research resulted several outputs i.e: (1) Technical and organizational themes are the most widely discussed in the mailing list of orchid consortium, (2) Group members were still in the stage of knowing each other and exp lain ideas or still in the orientation phase.Keywords: information systems, consortium, orchid, floricultur

    Diversity of Knowledge-Sharing Behavior to Encourage the Practice of Robusta Coffee Red-Picking (Case Study of Temanggung Robusta Coffee Farmer, Indonesia)

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    Red-picking is the key to good coffee quality and is essential for increasing farmers’ income, added value, competitiveness, and development. Knowledge-sharing is one solution to improve the knowledge confidence of farmers and the reach of dissemination of red-picking practices. This research aims to determine the diversity of knowledge-sharing behavior related to red-picking practices according to farmers’ socio-economic status. This research was conducted in a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative approach and case study strategy. According to specific characteristics, seven primary informants were determined by staged, purposive, and peer group discussions. Temanggung coffee stakeholders take part as supporting informants. Interviews, focus group discussions, social media and document observations, expert discussions, peer group discussions, literature reviews, and documentation were used to collect research data. The data were analyzed qualitatively using the NVivo 12 Plus. Research has found that diversity of knowledge-sharing tends to encourage red-picking practices. The research findings also stated that group farmers with an area of land ≤ 1 ha, younger generation group farmers, group farmers with roles as gathering traders, and group farmers who use social media have more diverse knowledge-sharing behaviors. The practice of red-picking can be encouraged by supporting farmers in carrying out knowledge-sharing activities with other farmers with different characteristics. This study implies that the resulting findings will enrich the concept of knowledge-sharing by describing how people utilize social and offline media in sharing knowledge to encourage red-picking practices

    Performance of The Member of Orchid Consortium Mailing List

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    AbstractIssues such as collective natural resource management, chain management and multi-functional agriculture requires new forms of coordinated action and cooperation between farmers and other stakeholders. Orchid consortium is a new cooperation system developed as an attempt to synergize various drive components in the orchid floriculture development in Indonesia. The mailing list as one of the collaborative information and communication systems is built to share information among members of the orchid consortium. The research objectives are: (1) To identify communication interaction process of the current performance of the orchid consortium. (2) To identify in which stage of the current performance of the orchid consortium. The unit of analysis is messages in the consortium mailing list. This research resulted several outputs i.e: (1) Technical and organizational themes are the most widely discussed in the mailing list of orchid consortium, (2) Group members were still in the stage of knowing each other and exp lain ideas or still in the orientation phase.Keywords: information systems, consortium, orchid, floricultur

    Dialog dan Tindakan Kolektif Kelompok Tani dalam Program Sertifikasi Kakao di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    The cocoa certification program is the implementation of cocoa management practices that meet sustainable agricultural standards. This program is part of the commitment of cocoa sector stakeholders to realize sustainable cocoa. West Sulawesi Province is one of cocoa production centers in Indonesia. The implementation of cocoa certification in this province is still low, about 8.4% of the total cocoa farmers. This study aims to determine the potential for sustainability of the adoption of Cocoa Certification from development communication aspect by conducting an assessment on dialogue and collective action of farmer groups. The research conducted in Luyo Sub-District Polewali Mandar District West Sulawesi Province using survey method with descriptive correlation analysis. The sample size is 41 groups with 205 respondents. Descriptive analysis shows the average index of the implementation of community dialogue and collective action of 56.05,50,88 and 65.72 from a maximum score of 100. The results indicated that perception of farmers on the observability of Cocoa Certification and the role of facilitators are significant related to dialogue and collective action of farmer groups. The dialogue in the group is significant correlated with their collective action. So, some farmer groups have potential to continue to adopt the Cocoa Certification standard but others have potential to quit

    Model Sistem Informasi Komunikasi Antarorganisasi Pada Konsorsium Anggrek Di Indonesia

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    EnglishConstraints of coordination process among stakeholders on organizational communication studies show inadequate external, interorganizational communication. Collective action of coordinated action among stakeholders will not be achieved if inter-organizational communication is ineffective. It shows importance of the research focusing on interorganizational communication applications to improve communication effectiveness among the stakeholders. Research on the application of inter-organizational communication theory is essential in order to improve communication effectiveness among orchid floriculture institutions. This study analyzed members of the consortium and messages on the orchid consortium mailing list. Objectives of the study were: (a) to analyze communication interaction process of the orchid consortium; (b) to analyze communication structure of the orchid consortium, and (c) to analyze the variables related with communication effectiveness in the orchid consortium. Results of this study showed that: (i) communication among group members focused on the task theme; (ii) information came from credible institutions, centrality indices were between 0.39 to 23.09%, density indices were 7.36 to 11.84%, and (iii) characteristics of connective and communal goods, alliance participants, social network process, and collective action are significantly correlated with alliance communication effectiveness.IndonesianPermasalahan tentang kendala yang menghambat proses koordinasi antarpemangku kepentingan pada beberapa penelitian komunikasi organisasi menggambarkan komunikasi eksternal dan antarorganisasi yang kurang memadai. Aksi kolektif dari tindakan terkoordinasi antarpemangku kepentingan tidak akan tercapai jika komunikasi antarorganisasi tersebut tidak efektif. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya penelitian komunikasi organisasi yang mengangkat tentang aplikasi teori khususnya komunikasi eksternal dan antarorganisasi yang dapat menghasilkan saran peningkatan efektivitas komunikasi. Penelitian aplikasi tentang kerja sama antarpemangku kepentingan dalam membangun florikultura anggrek penting untuk menghasilkan komunikasi yang berguna dalam meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi antarorganisasi. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah anggota konsorsium sebagai individu wakil dari para pemangku kepentingan dan pesan pada mailing list konsorsium anggrek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (a) menganalisis proses interaksi komunikasi konsorsium anggrek, (b) menganalisis struktur komunikasi konsorsium anggrek, dan (c) menganalisis variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas komunikasi konsorsium anggrek. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (i) proses komunikasi sudah berorientasi kepada tema tugas, (ii) analisis terhadap jaringan komunikasi menunjukkan bahwa sumber informasi berasal dari institusi yang kredibel, indeks sentralitas antara yaitu 0,39-23,09%, indeks densitas sebesar 7,36-11,84%, dan (iii) terdapat hubungan nyata antara karakteristik barang konektif komunal, individu wakil aliansi, proses jaringan sosial dan aksi kolektif dengan efektivitas komunikasi pada konsorsium anggrek


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    Pembangunan perikanan budidaya berkelanjutan secara global memberikan peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi negara berkembang sebagai pemasok terbesar untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pembudidaya serta pemanfaatan inovasi agar memiliki daya saing produk yang memenuhi standar keamanan pangan. Cara Budi Daya Ikan yang Baik (CBIB) merupakan inovasi pembesaran ikan konsumsi yang digulirkan pemerintah sejak tahun 2007 yang meliputi inovasi sarana prasarana produksi, inovasi benih, inovasi pakan, inovasi kesehatan dan obat, inovasi pengelolaan air, inovasi pemeliharaan lingkungan serta inovasi pengelolaan waktu panen dan pasca panen. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki lahan budidaya kolam air tenang terluas dan kontribusi produksi ikan konsumsi terbesar secara nasional menjadi pertimbangan pemilihan lokasi penelitian komunikasi inovasi berbasis jaringan komunikasi antarpembudidaya. Survey dilakukan dengan mewawancara 114 pembudidaya pembesaran ikan konsumsi skala kecil. Jaringan komunikasi menggambarkan relasi peristiwa komunikasi sehingga hasil analisis jaringan dapat digunakan sebagai strategi penyebaran informasi yang tepat sasaran oleh aktor dominan yang dapat menjangkau seluruh anggota dalam jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis jaringan komunikasi inovasi pembesaran ikan konsumsi skala kecil Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat untuk menemukan aktor potensial dalam menyebarluaskan inovasi CBIB. Hasil menunjukkan sebagai Opinion leader dan star dalam jaringan komunikasi inovasi CBIB adalah pembudidaya, Ketua Kelompok serta PPS Kecamatan Ranca Bungur sekaligus sebagai liaison dan pencari informasi di wilayahnya sendiri, Pembudidaya, Ketua Kelompok serta PPS Kecamatan Kemang sekaligus sebagai bridge antar kelompok, serta pembudidaya Kecamatan Ranca Bungur. Aktor yang memiliki kedekatan dengan seluruh pembudidaya adalah pembudidaya sekaligus enumerator  dari Kecamatan Gunung Sindur dan Pembudidaya  Kecamatan Rumpin, sebagian besar pembudidaya aktif mencari informasi tentang inovasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan inovasi pembudidaya

    Performance of the Member of Orchid Consortium Mailing List

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    Issues such as collective natural resource management, chain management and multi-functional agriculture requires new forms of coordinated action and cooperation between farmers and other stakeholders. Orchid consortium is a new cooperation system developed as an attempt to synergize various drive components in the orchid floriculture development in Indonesia. The mailing list as one of the collaborative information and communication systems is built to share information among members of the orchid consortium. The research objectives are: (1) To identify communication interaction process of the current performance of the orchid consortium. (2) To identify in which stage of the current performance of the orchid consortium. The unit of analysis is messages in the consortium mailing list. This research resulted several outputs i.e: (1) Technical and organizational themes are the most widely discussed in the mailing list of orchid consortium, (2) Group members were still in the stage of knowing each other and exp lain ideas or still in the orientation phase

    Model Sistem Informasi Komunikasi Antarorganisasi pada Konsorsium Anggrek di Indonesia

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    EnglishConstraints of coordination process among stakeholders on organizational communication studies show inadequate external, interorganizational communication. Collective action of coordinated action among stakeholders will not be achieved if inter-organizational communication is ineffective. It shows importance of the research focusing on interorganizational communication applications to improve communication effectiveness among the stakeholders. Research on the application of inter-organizational communication theory is essential in order to improve communication effectiveness among orchid floriculture institutions. This study analyzed members of the consortium and messages on the orchid consortium mailing list. Objectives of the study were: (a) to analyze communication interaction process of the orchid consortium; (b) to analyze communication structure of the orchid consortium, and (c) to analyze the variables related with communication effectiveness in the orchid consortium. Results of this study showed that: (i) communication among group members focused on the task theme; (ii) information came from credible institutions, centrality indices were between 0.39 to 23.09%, density indices were 7.36 to 11.84%, and (iii) characteristics of connective and communal goods, alliance participants, social network process, and collective action are significantly correlated with alliance communication effectiveness.IndonesianPermasalahan tentang kendala yang menghambat proses koordinasi antarpemangku kepentingan pada beberapa penelitian komunikasi organisasi menggambarkan komunikasi eksternal dan antarorganisasi yang kurang memadai. Aksi kolektif dari tindakan terkoordinasi antarpemangku kepentingan tidak akan tercapai jika komunikasi antarorganisasi tersebut tidak efektif. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya penelitian komunikasi organisasi yang mengangkat tentang aplikasi teori khususnya komunikasi eksternal dan antarorganisasi yang dapat menghasilkan saran peningkatan efektivitas komunikasi. Penelitian aplikasi tentang kerja sama antarpemangku kepentingan dalam membangun florikultura anggrek penting untuk menghasilkan komunikasi yang berguna dalam meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi antarorganisasi. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah anggota konsorsium sebagai individu wakil dari para pemangku kepentingan dan pesan pada mailing list konsorsium anggrek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (a) menganalisis proses interaksi komunikasi konsorsium anggrek, (b) menganalisis struktur komunikasi konsorsium anggrek, dan (c) menganalisis variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas komunikasi konsorsium anggrek. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (i) proses komunikasi sudah berorientasi kepada tema tugas, (ii) analisis terhadap jaringan komunikasi menunjukkan bahwa sumber informasi berasal dari institusi yang kredibel, indeks sentralitas antara yaitu 0,39-23,09%, indeks densitas sebesar 7,36-11,84%, dan (iii) terdapat hubungan nyata antara karakteristik barang konektif komunal, individu wakil aliansi, proses jaringan sosial dan aksi kolektif dengan efektivitas komunikasi pada konsorsium anggrek

    Peluang dan Tantangan Penggunaan Media Sosial sebagai Media Berbagi Pengetahuan bagi Petani

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    Media sosial terbukti efektif sebagai media berbagi pengetahuan dan diminati banyak kalangan. Di sisi lain, penggunaan media sosial oleh petani belum maksimal karena berbagai keterbatasan. Hal menarik untuk mengetahui gambaran peluang dan sekaligus tantangan yang dihadapi dari penggunaan media sosial sebagai media berbagi pengetahuan bagi petani. Makalah ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran singkat peluang dan tantangan penggunaan media sosial untuk berbagi pengetahuan oleh petani. Tulisan ini adalah studi literatur yang menyajikan artikel-artikel penelitian sepuluh tahun terakhir terkait topik yang bersumber dari scopus.com, sciencedirect.com, google scholar, dan crossref. Ada peluang dan sekaligus tantangan dalam penggunaan media sosial sebagai media berbagi pengetahuan bagi petani Gambaran singkat yang disampaikan pada makalah ini dapat menjadi salah satu referensi pengambilan keputusan terkait upaya peningkatan penggunaan media sosial oleh petani sebagai media berbagi pengetahuan