303 research outputs found

    Schooling as a field of practice: Exploring teacher pedagogy and student learning in private secondary classrooms in the Republic of Guinea

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    This empirical qualitative research contextually examines teacher pedagogy and student learning in classroom interactional practices in Guinea. It adopts a sociocultural perspective drawing from the theories of Bourdieu and Bernstein in the analysis of data collected from sixty-one participants in three secondary schools and two teacher’s colleges in the regions of Labe and Conakry. The results build upon the work of Bierschenk in ‘State at work in West Africa,’ and suggest that teachers act more as interface pedagogical agents in negotiating with the pressure of multiple tensions inherent to their practices. These include the competing interests of a heterogeneous body of pedagogical agents; contradictions internal to the national education policy in that, in theory, it desires an emancipatory education end served by Learner-Centred Education (LCE) methods, yet in practice, its bureaucratic structures and strong power relations create objective conditions conducive to a Bernsteinian performance pedagogy; and practical imperatives including resource limitations and large class sizes. Linked to their individual and collective habitus, teachers adopt a ‘defensive teaching strategy’ through lecture (L), teacher-led dialogue (TLD), bureaucratic procedural teaching (BPT), quizzes, problem-solving and individual and group assignment methods to meet various pedagogical expectations and secure their positions. These practices influence students’ perspectives about learning as conformity with expectations for academic success. Based on their context, many teachers and students commonly value learning as apprenticeship. The research concludes that teachers could be better partners in closing the gap for successful LCE pedagogical experiences if trained and empowered as interface pedagogical agents in light of the field’s realities. The wider implications of these findings include certain conditions for the applicability of Bernstein’s concept of competence pedagogy in Guinea and similar contexts, and the international policy imperative of learner-centred education

    Analisa Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Finansial Mahasiswa

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    Abstack. This study empirically examines the effect of lifestyle, financial literacy, and student family education on student saving decisions in Surabaya. The method used is the sampling method. Sampling using purposive sampling technique on undergraduate and postgraduate students in Surabaya. The data used are primary data using a questionnaire. The results showed that lifestyle, financial literacy, family education have a positive effect on saving.Keyword. Saving; lifestyle; Financial Literacy; Family Education Abstrak. Penelitian ini mengguji secara empirik pengaruh gaya hidup, literasi keuangan, pendidikan keluarga mahasiswa terhadap keputusan saving mahasiswa di Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sampling. Pengambilan sample menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling pada mahasiswa tingkat sarjana dan pasca sarjana di Surabaya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gaya hidup, literasi keuangan, pendidikan keluarga berpengaruh poitiv terhadap saving.Kata kunci. Saving, gaya hidup, literasi keuangan, pendidikan keluarg

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Kudus regency as one of the biggest cigarette\u27s tax producing in Indonesia. Based on that statement, so Kudus regency government arrange policy of governor\u27s rule No 4 2013 about guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. With the presence of its management, it is expected can help to decrease amount of destitution, unemployment, and increase economic development in Kudus Regency. The purpose of this study is to know how the system of management and how management of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. Which to answer about the purpose and problems in this study is by using governor\u27s policy No 4 2013 as reference of management system and management theory by George R Terry in describing guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The method used in this study is qualitative method by the study\u27s object are BAPPEDA, SEKDA and Dinas Perinkop and UMKM as SKPD of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The result of this study showed that in the implementation based on governor\u27s policy No 4 2013. In program that is funded by guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result both physical and non-physical give big effect to mid- low economy\u27s public in Kudus regency. In its implementation is still met problem, so that the result is far of the target. The problem is like limitedness of human resource in several SKPD. This case can be seen from the activity that is not spread all over yet in Kudus regency and the performance accomplishment that is not spread all over carried out yet

    Pengembangan Herbarium Hasil Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Subpokok Bahasan Angiospermae

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of herbarium media from medicinal plants inventory as learning media in sub subject of Angiospermae. The method used in this study is the development of research. The development of herbarium media conducted in two stages of making 40 herbarium from the medicinal plants inventory results and validate the media so it become feasible to be a learning media. The feasibility of this herbarium media assessed from the format, content, language, and practicality aspects by 7 validators using the validation sheet. The results of validation assessment of the 40 herbarium on format aspect is 3.5, content aspect is 3.63, language aspect is 3.69, and practicality aspect is 3.63. It can be conluded that this herbarium from medicinal plants inventory results is feasible to be used in of sub subject Angiospermae

    Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle

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    The research was "classroom action research" with aim in increasing student's motivation and learning outcome on living creatures classification through learning cycle. This research was conducted in class VIIF of SMPN 13 Pontianak in academic year 2010/2011 as the total 40 students. This research was conducted in two cycles. The data were collected by using learning motivation questionnaire and objective test in the form of multiple choice. The research resulted in showing of cycle 1 was 72,5% students motivation increased and 95% on the second cycle. The percentage of students completeness in cycle 1 was 70% increased to 90% in second cycle. It could be concluded that the learning cycle model application can increase student's motivation and learning outcome

    The Pattern of Nitrogen Release From Slow Release Fertilizer Urea-zeolitehumic Acid

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    Nitrogen is essential nutrient for plants, deficiency of nutrient causes plants could not growth normally. Nitrogen is easily lost from soil so to reduce his lost by forming fertilizers available in slow form (slow release). Some materials can be used to create a slow release of which having high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Zeolite and humic acid are materials which have a highest CEC so it make possible to use as a slow release materials. The study aimed to determine the rate and pattern of nitrogen release from mixture formulas Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) and urea-zeolite and humic-acid (UZA) and comparing rate of nitrogen release with urea pril. The study conducted in laboratory with incubation experiment during 14th weeks. Determination ammonium and nitrate was conducted by extracting the soil with extractant hydrodistillation 0.1 N HCl + 1 N KCl. The result showed that a higher humic acid concentration was given on fertilizer causes a nitrogen release become ammonium and nitrate more slowly. SRF H5 (urea:zeolit, 70%:30% with humic acid of 5%) have a slowest nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) formulas which containing a humic acid. However, SRF H1 and H3 fertilizer (with humic acid of 1% and 3%) have a most efficiency nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) which is containing a humid acid

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar melalui Cd Pembelajaran Interaktif pada Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Kelas VIII

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui CD pembelajaran interaktif pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dengan dua kali pertemuan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pada siklus I nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 57,56 dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 50% dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 62,67 dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 66,67%. Disimpulkan bahwa melalui CD pembelajaran interaktif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 3 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Bengkayang. Kata kunci : CD pembelajaran interaktif, sistem peredaran darah manusia Abstaract:This research is classroom action research which was aimed to increas students\u27 learning achievement through interactive learning CD on human blood circulatory system. Two cycles were conducted during this research, on the first cycle was shown 57,56 of the average score at students\u27 learning achievement by 50% succeeding rate and on second cycle was shown 62,67 of the average score at students\u27 learning achievement by 66,67% succeeding rate. It could be concluded that through interactive learning CD could increase students\u27 learning achievement on class VIIIB SMP Negeri 3 Sungai Raya Bengkayang

    Heksacopter Pencitraan Udara Berteknologi GPS

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    Nowadays the need of aerial photography increased. Heksacopter is a vehicle of development from helicopter which has 6 blades as their actuators. Heksacopter can do aerial photography well because it has a good level of stability. An advanced technology is added to Heksacopter to support the aerial photography, such as Global Position System (GPS) that used to know the vehicle coordinates. This makes Heksacopter fly to some specify coordinates and doing aerial photography automatically. Heksacopter is expected able to fulfil the needs of aerial photography
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