37 research outputs found

    Application of a modeling tool to describe fly ash generation, composition, and melting behavior in a wheat straw fired commercial power plant

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    Ash behavior is a key operational aspect of industrial-scale power generation by means of biomass combustion. In this work, FactSage™ 6.4 software was used to develop and assess three models of wheat straw combustion in a vibrating grate-fired commercial boiler of 16 MWth, aiming to describe the inorganic elements release as well as fly ash melting behavior and composition. Simulations were carried out solving four consecutive calculation stages corresponding to the main plant sections. Chemical fractionation was adopted in order to distinguish between reactive, inert and partially reactive biomass fractions. The developed models allow take into account different levels of partial reactivity, values of the temperature for each sub-stage on the grate, and ways to apply entrained streams based on data from the elemental analyses of the fly ashes. To this end, two one-week experimental campaigns were conducted in the plant to carry out the sampling. It has been found that considering chemical fractionation is indispensable to describe the entrainment of solid particles in the gas stream. In addition, the best results are obtained by adopting a small reactivity (2%) of the inert fraction. As for fly ash composition, the concentrations of the major elements showed good agreement with the results from the chemical analyses. In the case of S and Cl, calculations revealed a match with gas cooling effects in the superheaters as well as an entrainment effect. The melting behavior together with the presence of KCl and K2SO4 condensates, point out at possible corrosion phenomena in walls at temperatures of 700–750 °C.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), in accordance with the provisions of article 31 Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21. Funding was received within the framework of the MULTIBOM (Development of Multi-fuel Biomass Combustion Technology for High-Power Electrical Production) project, which has received public funding from the INNPACTO subprogramme (Prj. Re. num. IPT-2012-0155-120000). Luis M. Gandía thanks Banco de Santander and Universidad Pública de Navarra for their financial support under 'Programa de Intensificación de la Investigación 2018' initiative, as well as Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) (grant RTI2018-096294-B-C31)

    Application of eco-design and life cycle assessment standards for environmental impact reduction of an industrial product

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    Eco-design is included within the framework of the standard for “Environmental management systems—Guidelines for incorporating Eco-design” (ISO 14006:2011). Eco-design process, as defined in standard, has six steps: (i) Specify product functions; (ii) Environmental assessment of products; (iii) Strategies of improvement; (iv) Environmental objectives; (v) Product specification; and (vi) Technical solutions. Step (ii), determination of the stage or process of the product life cycle that has the highest environmental impact; this is perhaps the most controversial step because the standard does not specify which tool should be used. This lack of specification has generated some distrust with regard to eco-design, hindering its development. In order to make a trustworthy eco-design, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) should be applied as a tool for environmental impact quantification. The main objective of this work is to apply standardised eco-design methodology for the reduction of the environmental impact of an industrial product in Spain using LCA as a tool for the environmental product assessment. LCA standardised process (ISO 14040,14044:2006) is included in the eco-design process. A glass container intended for cough syrup delivery has been selected as an industrial product to be eco-designed. Following the methodology described, the overall normalised impact decreased 35.1% when a PET container substituted a glass container. Environmental impacts have been reduced following standardised eco-design and LCA methodologies, serving as an example to industry and administration regarding how to eco-design with the confidence of obtaining reliable result

    Alterations of the Sympathoadrenal Axis Related to the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease in the 3xTg Mouse Model

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is becoming a global health problem and public health priority. In the advanced stages of AD, besides the initial cognitive symptoms, behavioral problems, particularly agitation and aggressiveness, become prevalent in AD patients. These non-cognitive symptoms could be related to a noradrenergic overactivation. In this study, we used chromaffin cells (CCs) isolated from the adrenal gland of 3xTg AD model mice to characterize potential alterations in the autocrine-paracrine modulation of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs), which in turn serve to regulate the release of catecholamines. We used mice at the presymptomatic stage (2 months) and mice over 12 months of age, when AD-related cognitive impairment was fully established. We found that the modulation of inward currents through VDCCs induced by extracellular ATP was stronger in CCs isolated from the adrenal medulla of 3xTg mice older than 12 months of age, an effect likely related to disease progression as it was not observed in CCs from age-matched WT mice. This enhanced modulation leads to increased catecholamine release in response to stressful situations, which may explain the non-cognitive behavioral problems found in AD patientsThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), grant number SAF2017-78892-R. Additionally, A.M.M. has a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Ref. FPU2016/02559