17 research outputs found

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6Clo monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6Chi monocytes into Ly6Clo monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6C(lo) monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6C(hi) monocytes into Ly6C(lo) monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation

    Blood vessel control of macrophage maturation promotes arteriogenesis in ischemia

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    Molecular mechanisms of macrophage-mediated regulation of artery growth in response to ischemia are poorly understood. Here the authors show that vascular endothelium controls macrophage maturation and differentiation via Notch signaling, which in turn promotes arteriogenesis and ischemic tissue recovery

    Loss of vascular endothelial notch signaling promotes spontaneous formation of tertiary lymphoid structures.

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    Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) are lymph node-like immune cell clusters that emerge during chronic inflammation in non-lymphoid organs like the kidney, but their origin remains not well understood. Here we show, using conditional deletion strategies of the canonical Notch signaling mediator Rbpj, that loss of endothelial Notch signaling in adult mice induces the spontaneous formation of bona fide TLS in the kidney, liver and lung, based on molecular, cellular and structural criteria. These TLS form in a stereotypical manner around parenchymal arteries, while secondary lymphoid structures remained largely unchanged. This effect is mediated by endothelium of blood vessels, but not lymphatics, since a lymphatic endothelial-specific targeting strategy did not result in TLS formation, and involves loss of arterial specification and concomitant acquisition of a high endothelial cell phenotype, as shown by transcriptional analysis of kidney endothelial cells. This indicates a so far unrecognized role for vascular endothelial cells and Notch signaling in TLS initiation

    Treating the Intestine with Oral ApoA-I Mimetic Tg6F Reduces Tumor Burden in Mouse Models of Metastatic Lung Cancer

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    Having demonstrated that apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) mimetic peptides ameliorate cancer in mouse models, we sought to determine the mechanism for the anti-tumorigenic function of these peptides. CT-26 cells (colon cancer cells that implant and grow into tumors in the lungs) were injected into wild-type BALB/c mice. The day after injection, mice were either continued on chow or switched to chow containing 0.06% of a concentrate of transgenic tomatoes expressing the apoA-I mimetic peptide 6F (Tg6F). After four weeks, the number of lung tumors was significantly lower in Tg6F-fed mice. Gene expression array analyses of jejunum and lung identified Notch pathway genes significantly upregulated, whereas osteopontin (Spp1) was significantly downregulated by Tg6F in both jejunum and lung. In jejunum, Tg6F increased protein levels for Notch1, Notch2, Dll1, and Dll4. In lung, Tg6F increased protein levels for Notch1 and Dll4 and decreased Spp1. Tg6F reduced oxidized phospholipid levels (E06 immunoreactivity) and reduced 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC) levels, which are known to inhibit Notch1 and induce Spp1, respectively. Notch pathway promotes anti-tumorigenic patrolling monocytes, while Spp1 facilitates pro-tumorigenic myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) formation. Tg6F-fed mice had higher numbers of patrolling monocytes in jejunum and in lung (p < 0.02), and lower plasma levels of Spp1 with reduced numbers of MDSCs in jejunum and in lung (p < 0.03). We conclude that Tg6F alters levels of specific oxidized lipids and 25-OHC to modulate Notch pathways and Spp1, which alter small intestine immune cells, leading to similar changes in lung that reduce tumor burden

    Various ways to improve whole cancer cell vaccines

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    Immunotherapy based on whole cancer cell vaccines is regarded as a promising avenue for cancer treatment. However, limited efficacy in the first human clinical trials calls for more optimized whole cancer cell vaccines and better patient selection. It is suggested that whole cancer cell vaccines consist preferably of immunogenically killed autologous cancer stem cells associated with dendritic cells. Adjuvants should stimulate both immune effector cells and memory cells, which could be achieved through their correct dosage and timing of administration. There are indications that whole cancer cell vaccination is less effective in patients who are immunocompromised, who have specific genetic defects in their immune or cancer cells, as well as in patients in an advanced cancer stage. However, such patients form the bulk of enrolled patients in clinical trials, prohibiting an objective evaluation of the true potential of whole cancer cell immunotherapy. Each key point will be discussed