8 research outputs found

    Психологические дисфункции у женщин с бронхиальной астмой

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    Background. The importance of psychosocial factors in the management of bronchial asthma (BA) is discussed in clinical guidelines, including in international and national clinical guidelines. However, a specific evaluation of their role as a cause of poor asthma control in susceptible patients is required. Aim. Assessment of psychological health of women with different levels of asthma control.Materials and methods. The study included 108 women with asthma observed in Saratov center for Allergology who were stratified into 3 groups according to the control level (good, partial, uncontrolled, according to GINA). In establishing a diagnosis of asthma, standard methods were used (medical history, symptoms, spirography). To assess the level of control, ACQ-5 (Asthma Control Questionnaire 5 items-self-administered) was used, to assess the quality of life, questionnaires AQLQ-S (Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire S); SF-36 (36-ltem MOS Short-Form Health Survey), a standardized and validated Russian version of the women’s health questionnaire WHQ (Women’s Health Questionnaire) were used; for psychological diagnosis and evaluation of social and personal competencies that contribute to the preservation and improvement of human health (the intellectual, personal, emotional, physical, social, creative, spiritual aspects), integrated multimodal questionnaire was used. The comparison was conducted with a control group of men with bronchial asthma, comparable in age and level of control.Results. Women with poorly controlled asthma had worse performance of AQLQ-S (combined median score of 3,43 instead of 5,13 in the group of good control; p < 0,05); all scales of the SF-36, including the general condition (43,48 against 55,07), role of physical (25,93 against 57,76) and emotional problems (43,83 against 64,37); at p < 0.05. According to the WHQ questionnaire (the inverse relationship: the higher the score, the lower the quality of life) in the group with poor control there is a high level of depression (mean 0,36 versus 0,24; p < 0,05); physical health problems are marked (0,47 against 0,27; p < 0,05). There is a very low selfestimation of their attractiveness in BA (0,71 and 0,64 for bad and good control, respectively). According to the integrated multimodal questionnaire, in both men and women with asthma almost identical results were obtained on the scales sensitive to manifestations of anxiety-depressive symptoms, emotional balance, scales of emotional skills, correlating with severe alexithymia and low capacity for reflection. Among women the proportion of individuals with high scores of intellectual functioning, strong-willed competence, goal-setting, and ability of making contacts was higher.Conclusion. The severity of asthma and disease control are closely linked with the psychological condition of the patient. Psychological dysfunctions are correlated with suboptimal BA control. It is important to understand psychological differences in women and to educate patients in both effective BA control and in establishing individualized asthma management strategies.There is a need for a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the identification and effective correction of asthma. The study of the psychological characteristics of personality and motivational sphere of the patient can help to optimize therapy, improve monitoring and prognosis of the disease. Введение. Важность психосоциальных факторов в управлении бронхиальной астмой (БА) обсуждается в клинических руководствах, включая международные и национальные клинические рекомендации, однако требуется конкретная оценка их роли в качестве причин плохого контроля астмы в уязвимых группах пациентов.Цель исследования. Оценка психологического здоровья женщин с разным уровнем контроля бронхиальной астмы.Материал и методы. В исследование включены 108 женщин с бронхиальной астмой, наблюдающихся в Саратовском аллергологическом центре, которые были стратифицированы на три группы в соответствии с уровнем контроля (хороший, частичный, неконтролируемый (GINA)). При постановке диагноза бронхиальной астмы использованы стандартные методы (анамнез, симптомы, спирография). Для оценки уровня контроля использовались Asthma Control Questionnaire 5 items-self-administered (ACQ-5), качества жизни – опросники Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire S (AQLQ-S), 36-ltem MOS Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), стандартизированная и валидизированная русскоязычная версия опросника женского здоровья Women’s Health Questionnaire (WHQ). Для психологической диагностики и оценки социально-личностных компетенций, способствующих сохранению и развитию здоровья человека (интеллектуальный, личностный, эмоциональный, физический, социальный, творческий, духовный аспекты), применялся мультимодальный интегрированный опросник (МИО). Сравнение проводилось с контрольной группой мужчин с бронхиальной астмой, сопоставимых по возрасту и уровню контроля.Результаты. Женщины с плохо контролируемой астмой имели худшие показатели AQLQ-S (суммарная медиана баллов 3,43 вместо 5,13 в группе хорошего контроля; p < 0,05); всех шкал SF-36, включая общее состояние (43,48 против 55,07), роль физических (25,93 против 57,76) и эмоциональных проблем (43,83 против 64,37); р < 0,05. По опроснику WHQ (обратная зависимость: чем выше балл, тем ниже качество жизни) при плохом контроле отмечается высокая выраженность депрессии (среднее значение 0,36 против 0,24; p < 0,05), проблем физического здоровья (0,47 против 0,27; p < 0,05). Отмечена чрезвычайно низкая оценка собственной привлекательности при БА (0,71 и 0,64 соответственно при плохом и хорошем контроле). По опроснику МИО у мужчин и женщин с БА получены практически одинаковые показатели по шкалам, чувствительным к проявлениям тревожно-депрессивной симптоматики, эмоциональной уравновешенности, шкалам эмотивных навыков, коррелирующих с выраженной алекситимией и низкой способностью к рефлексии. Среди женщин была выше доля индивидуумов с высокими шкалами интеллектуального функционирования, волевой компетенции, целеполагания, контактности.Заключение. Тяжесть астмы, контроль заболевания тесно связаны с психологическим состоянием больного. Существует необходимость в междисциплинарном подходе, направленном на выявление и эффективную коррекцию психофункциональных расстройств при БА. Изучение психологических особенностей личности и мотивационной сферы пациента может способствовать оптимизации терапии, улучшению контроля и прогноза заболевания.

    Baikalsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve and its buffer zone: floristic data

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    Baikalsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve is situated in the central part of the Khamar-Daban Range (Southern Baikal, Siberia), in three administrative districts of Republic of Buryatia (i.e. Kabansky District, Dzhidinsky District and Selenginsky District), Russia. In general, this territory has been relatively well studied by botanists, but until now there was no detailed information about the flora of the Reserve with precise geographic localities. Moreover, some records in the Baikalsky Reserve's flora were published without references to documenting herbarium specimens.The dataset contains 39,238 unique occurrences of 875 taxa (854 species, 14 subspecies, five varieties and two species aggregates) from the Baikalsky Reserve and its buffer zone. All the data were acquired during the field studies by the author in 2009–2021, when 152 taxa (17.3% of all the taxa included into the dataset) were first recorded by the author from the study area. Herbarium vouchers are preserved in the Moscow University Herbarium (MW). This dataset is the first attempt at creating a database of vascular plants of the Baikalsky Reserve and its buffer zone, based on modern research. These data will provide the background for the updated check-list of the Baikalsky Reserve's flora

    Psychological dysfunctions in women with bronchial asthma

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    Background. The importance of psychosocial factors in the management of bronchial asthma (BA) is discussed in clinical guidelines, including in international and national clinical guidelines. However, a specific evaluation of their role as a cause of poor asthma control in susceptible patients is required. Aim. Assessment of psychological health of women with different levels of asthma control.Materials and methods. The study included 108 women with asthma observed in Saratov center for Allergology who were stratified into 3 groups according to the control level (good, partial, uncontrolled, according to GINA). In establishing a diagnosis of asthma, standard methods were used (medical history, symptoms, spirography). To assess the level of control, ACQ-5 (Asthma Control Questionnaire 5 items-self-administered) was used, to assess the quality of life, questionnaires AQLQ-S (Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire S); SF-36 (36-ltem MOS Short-Form Health Survey), a standardized and validated Russian version of the women’s health questionnaire WHQ (Women’s Health Questionnaire) were used; for psychological diagnosis and evaluation of social and personal competencies that contribute to the preservation and improvement of human health (the intellectual, personal, emotional, physical, social, creative, spiritual aspects), integrated multimodal questionnaire was used. The comparison was conducted with a control group of men with bronchial asthma, comparable in age and level of control.Results. Women with poorly controlled asthma had worse performance of AQLQ-S (combined median score of 3,43 instead of 5,13 in the group of good control; p < 0,05); all scales of the SF-36, including the general condition (43,48 against 55,07), role of physical (25,93 against 57,76) and emotional problems (43,83 against 64,37); at p < 0.05. According to the WHQ questionnaire (the inverse relationship: the higher the score, the lower the quality of life) in the group with poor control there is a high level of depression (mean 0,36 versus 0,24; p < 0,05); physical health problems are marked (0,47 against 0,27; p < 0,05). There is a very low selfestimation of their attractiveness in BA (0,71 and 0,64 for bad and good control, respectively). According to the integrated multimodal questionnaire, in both men and women with asthma almost identical results were obtained on the scales sensitive to manifestations of anxiety-depressive symptoms, emotional balance, scales of emotional skills, correlating with severe alexithymia and low capacity for reflection. Among women the proportion of individuals with high scores of intellectual functioning, strong-willed competence, goal-setting, and ability of making contacts was higher.Conclusion. The severity of asthma and disease control are closely linked with the psychological condition of the patient. Psychological dysfunctions are correlated with suboptimal BA control. It is important to understand psychological differences in women and to educate patients in both effective BA control and in establishing individualized asthma management strategies.There is a need for a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the identification and effective correction of asthma. The study of the psychological characteristics of personality and motivational sphere of the patient can help to optimize therapy, improve monitoring and prognosis of the disease

    Psychological dysfunctions in women with bronchial asthma

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    Background. The importance of psychosocial factors in the management of bronchial asthma (BA) is discussed in clinical guidelines, including in international and national clinical guidelines. However, a specific evaluation of their role as a cause of poor asthma control in susceptible patients is required. Aim. Assessment of psychological health of women with different levels of asthma control.Materials and methods. The study included 108 women with asthma observed in Saratov center for Allergology who were stratified into 3 groups according to the control level (good, partial, uncontrolled, according to GINA). In establishing a diagnosis of asthma, standard methods were used (medical history, symptoms, spirography). To assess the level of control, ACQ-5 (Asthma Control Questionnaire 5 items-self-administered) was used, to assess the quality of life, questionnaires AQLQ-S (Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire S); SF-36 (36-ltem MOS Short-Form Health Survey), a standardized and validated Russian version of the women’s health questionnaire WHQ (Women’s Health Questionnaire) were used; for psychological diagnosis and evaluation of social and personal competencies that contribute to the preservation and improvement of human health (the intellectual, personal, emotional, physical, social, creative, spiritual aspects), integrated multimodal questionnaire was used. The comparison was conducted with a control group of men with bronchial asthma, comparable in age and level of control.Results. Women with poorly controlled asthma had worse performance of AQLQ-S (combined median score of 3,43 instead of 5,13 in the group of good control; p < 0,05); all scales of the SF-36, including the general condition (43,48 against 55,07), role of physical (25,93 against 57,76) and emotional problems (43,83 against 64,37); at p < 0.05. According to the WHQ questionnaire (the inverse relationship: the higher the score, the lower the quality of life) in the group with poor control there is a high level of depression (mean 0,36 versus 0,24; p < 0,05); physical health problems are marked (0,47 against 0,27; p < 0,05). There is a very low selfestimation of their attractiveness in BA (0,71 and 0,64 for bad and good control, respectively). According to the integrated multimodal questionnaire, in both men and women with asthma almost identical results were obtained on the scales sensitive to manifestations of anxiety-depressive symptoms, emotional balance, scales of emotional skills, correlating with severe alexithymia and low capacity for reflection. Among women the proportion of individuals with high scores of intellectual functioning, strong-willed competence, goal-setting, and ability of making contacts was higher.Conclusion. The severity of asthma and disease control are closely linked with the psychological condition of the patient. Psychological dysfunctions are correlated with suboptimal BA control. It is important to understand psychological differences in women and to educate patients in both effective BA control and in establishing individualized asthma management strategies.There is a need for a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the identification and effective correction of asthma. The study of the psychological characteristics of personality and motivational sphere of the patient can help to optimize therapy, improve monitoring and prognosis of the disease

    "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a dataset

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    The "Flora of Russia" project on iNaturalist brought together professional scientists and amateur naturalists from all over the country. Over 10,000 people are involved in the data collection.Within 20 months the participants accumulated over 750,000 photo observations of 6,853 species of the Russian flora. This constitutes the largest dataset of open spatial data on the country’s biodiversity and a leading source of data on the current state of the national flora. About 85% of all project data are available under free licenses (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC) and can be freely used in scientific, educational and environmental activities

    "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a dataset

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    The "Flora of Russia" project on iNaturalist brought together professional scientists and amateur naturalists from all over the country. Over 10,000 people are involved in the data collection.Within 20 months the participants accumulated over 750,000 photo observations of 6,853 species of the Russian flora. This constitutes the largest dataset of open spatial data on the country’s biodiversity and a leading source of data on the current state of the national flora. About 85% of all project data are available under free licenses (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC) and can be freely used in scientific, educational and environmental activities

    "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a dataset

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    The "Flora of Russia" project on iNaturalist brought together professional scientists and amateur naturalists from all over the country. Over 10,000 people are involved in the data collection.Within 20 months the participants accumulated over 750,000 photo observations of 6,853 species of the Russian flora. This constitutes the largest dataset of open spatial data on the country’s biodiversity and a leading source of data on the current state of the national flora. About 85% of all project data are available under free licenses (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC) and can be freely used in scientific, educational and environmental activities