113 research outputs found

    SVM en clasificación de imágenes SAR con características de textura

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    Las imágenes SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) cumplen un rol fundamental en el monitoreo ambiental y observación terrestre debido a que proveen información que las imágenes ópticas no proporcionan. Sin embargo, estas imágenes están contaminadas con un ruido inherente al método de captura, llamado ruido speckle, que dificulta su análisis e interpretación automática. Los modelos avanzados de segmentación de imágenes SAR están dedicados a resolver las dificultades que este ruido provoca. En este sentido, resulta de suma importancia el estudio de parámetros que describan las características estructurales de textura de la imagen en presencia de ruido speckle. En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo modelo de clasificación de imágenes SAR basado en el cálculo de descriptores de textura locales, formando un vector característico, el cual involucra estimaciones de parámetros de una distribución de probabilidad, estimaciones de la dimensión fractal y entropía de Tsallis. Luego, el etiquetado de cada píxel se realiza utilizando el método de clasificación supervisada SVM (Support Vector Machine). Se analizan los resultados de aplicar el algoritmo propuesto en imágenes SAR sintéticas, simples y con valores extremos agregados, los cuales muestran alta eficacia y son prometedores para la aplicación en imágenes SAR reales.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Genome analysis and gene expression profiling of neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma reveal differences between neuroblastic and Schwannian stromal cells

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    Neuroblastic tumours are a group of paediatric cancers with marked morphological heterogeneity. Neuroblastoma (Schwannian stroma-poor) (NB-SP) is composed of undifferentiated neuroblasts. Ganglioneuroblastoma intermixed (Schwannian stroma-rich) (GNBi-SR) is predominantly composed of Schwannian stromal (SS) and neuroblastic (Nb) cells. There are contrasting reports suggesting that SS cells are non-neoplastic. In the present study, laser capture microdissection (LCM) was employed to isolate SS and Nb cells. Chromosome 1p36 deletion and MYCN gene amplification were found to be associated in two out of seven NB-SPs, whereas no abnormalities were observed in five GNBi-SRs. In some cases, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 1p36 loci was detected in Nb cells but not in the bulk tumour by LCM; furthermore, LOH was also identified in both SS and tumour tissue of a GNBi-SR. DNA gain and loss studied by comparative genomic hybridization were observed at several chromosome regions in NB-SP but in few regions of GNBi-SR. Finally, gene expression profiles studied using an oligo-microarray technique displayed two distinct signatures: in the first, 32 genes were expressed in NB-SP and in the second, 14 genes were expressed in GNBi-SR. The results show that NB-SP is composed of different morphologically indistinguishable malignant cell clones harbouring cryptic mutations that are detectable only after LCM. The degree of DNA imbalance is higher in NB-SP than in GNBi-SR. However, when the analysis of chromosome 1p36 is performed at the level of microdissection, LOH is also observed in SS cells. These data provide supportive evidence that SS cells have a less aggressive phenotype and play a role in tumour maturation. Copyright © 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

    Clasificación y segmentación de texturas usando dimensión fractal y contornos b-spline deformables

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    En este trabajo se estudia el problema del reconocimiento y la segmentación de texturas en imágenes. Se presenta una técnica basada en la dimensión fractal (DF) y contornos B-spline deformables para hallar el borde de un objeto de interés. Sobre un imagen original se aplican 7 características de DF y una de multifractalidad. Para estimar la DF se propone un enfoque boxcounting modificado combinado con la característica de suavizado por difusión anisotrópica para disminuir regiones espúreas. Se utiliza el método de clasificación no supervisada mediante K-medias. Se muestran varios ejemplos con imágenes sintéticas de diferentes texturas, en los cuales se observa que el uso de la dimensión fractal local, como descriptor para la búsqueda de texturas, es adecuado para la extracción de contornos en este tipo de imágenes.Eje: II - Workshop de computación gráfica, imágenes y visualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The tumor suppressor gene TRC8/RNF139 is disrupted by a constitutional balanced translocation t(8;22)(q24.13;q11.21) in a young girl with dysgerminoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>RNF139/TRC8 </it>is a potential tumor suppressor gene with similarity to PTCH, a tumor suppressor implicated in basal cell carcinomas and glioblastomas. <it>TRC8 </it>has the potential to act in a novel regulatory relationship linking the cholesterol/lipid biosynthetic pathway with cellular growth control and has been identified in families with hereditary renal (RCC) and thyroid cancers. Haploinsufficiency of <it>TRC8 </it>may facilitate development of clear cell-RCC in association with <it>VHL </it>mutations, and may increase risk for other tumor types. We report a paternally inherited balanced translocation t(8;22) in a proposita with dysgerminoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The translocation was characterized by FISH and the breakpoints cloned, sequenced, and compared. DNA isolated from normal and tumor cells was checked for abnormalities by array-CGH. Expression of genes <it>TRC8 </it>and <it>TSN </it>was tested both on dysgerminoma and in the proposita and her father.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The breakpoints of the translocation are located within the LCR-B low copy repeat on chromosome 22q11.21, containing the palindromic AT-rich repeat (PATRR) involved in recurrent and non-recurrent translocations, and in an AT-rich sequence inside intron 1 of the TRC8 tumor-suppressor gene at 8q24.13. <it>TRC8 </it>was strongly underexpressed in the dysgerminoma. Translin is underexpressed in the dysgerminoma compared to normal ovary.</p> <p><it>TRC8 </it>is a target of Translin (TSN), a posttranscriptional regulator of genes transcribed by the transcription factor CREM-tau in postmeiotic male germ cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A role for <it>TRC8 </it>in dysgerminoma may relate to its interaction with Translin. We propose a model in which one copy of <it>TRC8 </it>is disrupted by a palindrome-mediated translocation followed by complete loss of expression through suppression, possibly mediated by miRNA.</p

    Phenotypic and functional characterisation of CCR7(+ )and CCR7(- )CD4(+ )memory T cells homing to the joints in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    The aim of the study was to characterise CCR7(+ )and CCR7(- )memory T cells infiltrating the inflamed joints of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and to investigate the functional and anatomical heterogeneity of these cell subsets in relation to the expression of the inflammatory chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR5. Memory T cells freshly isolated from the peripheral blood and synovial fluid (SF) of 25 patients with JIA were tested for the expression of CCR7, CCR5, CXCR3 and interferon-γ by flow cytometry. The chemotactic activity of CD4 SF memory T cells from eight patients with JIA to inflammatory (CXCL11 and CCL3) and homeostatic (CCL19, CCL21) chemokines was also evaluated. Paired serum and SF samples from 28 patients with JIA were tested for CCL21 concentrations. CCR7, CXCR3, CCR5 and CCL21 expression in synovial tissue from six patients with JIA was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Enrichment of CD4(+), CCR7(- )memory T cells was demonstrated in SF in comparison with paired blood from patients with JIA. SF CD4(+)CCR7(- )memory T cells were enriched for CCR5(+ )and interferon-γ(+ )cells, whereas CD4(+)CCR7(+ )memory T cells showed higher coexpression of CXCR3. Expression of CCL21 was detected in both SF and synovial membranes. SF CD4(+ )memory T cells displayed significant migration to both inflammatory and homeostatic chemokines. CCR7(+ )T cells were detected in the synovial tissue in either diffuse perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates or organised lymphoid aggregates. In synovial tissue, a large fraction of CCR7(+ )cells co-localised with CXCR3, especially inside lymphoid aggregates, whereas CCR5(+ )cells were enriched in the sublining of the superficial subintima. In conclusion, CCR7 may have a role in the synovial recruitment of memory T cells in JIA, irrespective of the pattern of lymphoid organisation. Moreover, discrete patterns of chemokine receptor expression are detected in the synovial tissue

    Software design and code generation for the engineering graphical user interface of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    ASTRI is an on-going project developed in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). An end- to-end prototype of a dual-mirror small-size telescope (SST-2M) has been installed at the INAF observing station on Mt. Etna, Italy. The next step is the development of the ASTRI mini-array composed of nine ASTRI SST-2M telescopes proposed to be installed at the CTA southern site. The ASTRI mini-array is a collaborative and international effort carried on by Italy, Brazil and South-Africa and led by the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics, INAF. To control the ASTRI telescopes, a specific ASTRI Mini-Array Software System (MASS) was designed using a scalable and distributed architecture to monitor all the hardware devices for the telescopes. Using code generation we built automatically from the ASTRI Interface Control Documents a set of communication libraries and extensive Graphical User Interfaces that provide full access to the capabilities offered by the telescope hardware subsystems for testing and maintenance. Leveraging these generated libraries and components we then implemented a human designed, integrated, Engineering GUI for MASS to perform the verification of the whole prototype and test shared services such as the alarms, configurations, control systems, and scientific on-line outcomes. In our experience the use of code generation dramatically reduced the amount of effort in development, integration and testing of the more basic software components and resulted in a fast software release life cycle. This approach could be valuable for the whole CTA project, characterized by a large diversity of hardware components
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