296 research outputs found

    Harvest of table olives by mechanical harvesting equipment

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    In this work, we have evaluated the performance, of an electric comb equipped with five undulated fingers used for mechanized the harvesting of table olives. The first aim of the work was to test three different types of coating materials used for covering the fingers: Silicon (S), Vulcanized rubber (VR) and Natural rubber (NR). The diameter of the coating materials tested were 7mm (D1), 14 mm (D2), 19 mm (D3) in order to evaluate the damage of different working conditions on the intact olives. During harvesting, silicon at 7mm and 14mm resulted in the largest percentage of undamaged the fruit (67% and 65%), natural rubber 63% and vulcanized rubber at the 54%. The second aim was to evaluate the combination, in terms of the best performance, of the machines used for mechanized harvesting of table olives. Several factors have been examined: undulating fingers variation thickness, different rotational speeds and different coating materials used to reduce the impact damage on olives. From the tests on olive tree we have determined that while plastic materials (S) and (NR) appear to have a positive role in harvest quality, the vibration transmitted to the operator’s hand is great from 6.48 m/s2 for S to 6.31 m/ s2 for NR and 2.92 m/s2 for VR, respect to the materials used

    La Meccanizzazione della raccolta del mirto

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    The plant of the myrtle in past has been always considered one marginal cultivation and of insufficient interest. Only in the last five years it has been knowledge the economic importance for the demanded crescent of liquor of myrtle, product up to now nearly exclusively in Sardinia. Therefore, new sensibility has been developed one and a greater knowledge of the importance of a deepened study more of the cultivation from the biological point of view and the point of view of one rations mechanized harvester of the berries. The aim of the work was that one to characterize an harvester of the berries from the plant, avoiding the damaging of the plant and above all of the fruits that influenced on the quality of the finished product. In this present study they are evidences the comparison between some tests of harvest in turn to obtained and carried out with two different types of harvesters some in relation to the ransom of the plants

    Singolarità di curve piane : parametrizzazioni e risoluzioni

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    Résonance : une sociologie de la relation au monde

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    Aware of the acceleration process pushing late modern societies towards progress and alienation, as detailed in his previous works (Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity, 2013; Alienation & Acceleration: Towards a Critical Theory of Late- Modern Temporality, 2010), Hartmut Rosa claims for a new way of relating to the world based on resonance rather than alienation. Close to the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Critical Theory, Resonance. A Sociology of Our Relationship tothe World presents an ambitious project of sociology, grounded in a practical conception of the “good life”, which analyses the historical and cultural relationships between human beings and the world. Hence, the book sets out a critique of historically produced conditions of resonance, as well as a modified and renewed form of Critical Theory.A partir de la constatación en sus libros anteriores (Beschleunigung. Die Veränderung der Zeitstrukturen in der Moderne, 2005; Alienación y aceleración: Hacia una teoría crítica de la temporalidad en la modernidad, 2013) de que las sociedades de la modernidad tardía están sometidas a un proceso de aceleración portador tanto de progreso como de alienación, Hartmut Rosa propone una nueva manera de relación con el mundo en respuesta a la alienación, esto es, la resonancia. En diálogo con la fenomenología de Maurice Merleau-Ponty y con la Teoría Crítica, Resonancia. Una sociología de la relación con el mundo desarrolla un ambicioso proyecto de sociología desde una concepción práctica de la “buena vida”, que analiza las relaciones específicas que los sujetos han establecido histórica y culturalmente con el mundo. De este modo, el libro bosqueja, por una parte, una crítica de las condiciones de resonancia producidas históricamente y, por otra, una forma modificada y renovada de la Teoría Crítica.Conscient du processus d’accélération qui pousse les sociétés de la modernité tardive vers le progrès et l’aliénation, comme il l’a détaillé dans ses précédents ouvrages (Accélération : une critique sociale du temps, 2010 ; Aliénation et accélération : vers une théorie critique de la modernité tardive, 2012), Hartmut Rosa revendique unnouveau mode de relation au monde fondé sur la résonance plutôt que sur l’aliénation. En dialogue avec la phénoménologie de Maurice Merleau-Ponty et la Théorie critique, Résonance : une sociologie de la relation au monde développe un projet ambitieux de sociologie à partir d’une conception pratique de la « bonne vie », qui analyse lesrapports spécifiques que les sujets ont historiquement et culturellement établis avec le monde. De cette manière, le livre esquisse, d’une part, une critique des conditions derésonance historiquement produites et, d’autre part, une forme modifiée et renouvelée de la Théorie critiqu

    NACHOS: Neural Architecture Search for Hardware Constrained Early Exit Neural Networks

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    Early Exit Neural Networks (EENNs) endow astandard Deep Neural Network (DNN) with Early Exit Classifiers (EECs), to provide predictions at intermediate points of the processing when enough confidence in classification is achieved. This leads to many benefits in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Currently, the design of EENNs is carried out manually by experts, a complex and time-consuming task that requires accounting for many aspects, including the correct placement, the thresholding, and the computational overhead of the EECs. For this reason, the research is exploring the use of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to automatize the design of EENNs. Currently, few comprehensive NAS solutions for EENNs have been proposed in the literature, and a fully automated, joint design strategy taking into consideration both the backbone and the EECs remains an open problem. To this end, this work presents Neural Architecture Search for Hardware Constrained Early Exit Neural Networks (NACHOS), the first NAS framework for the design of optimal EENNs satisfying constraints on the accuracy and the number of Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) operations performed by the EENNs at inference time. In particular, this provides the joint design of backbone and EECs to select a set of admissible (i.e., respecting the constraints) Pareto Optimal Solutions in terms of best tradeoff between the accuracy and number of MACs. The results show that the models designed by NACHOS are competitive with the state-of-the-art EENNs. Additionally, this work investigates the effectiveness of two novel regularization terms designed for the optimization of the auxiliary classifiers of the EEN

    Prove di disidratazione osmotica di frutti di fico (<i>Ficus carica</i> L.)

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    Fig fruits were subjected to osmotic dehydration by means of five different sugar syrups, in order to check the aptitude of this fruit species to this kind of processing. Osmotic dehydration was carried out at 25° and at atmospheric pressure on whole fig fruits of the local cultivar "Verde". Processing lasted 24 hours and the following dehydrating syrups were used: sucrose, glucose, fructose and two commercial hydrolysed corn starch syrups Frudex 70 and Glicosa. At fixed intervals (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours) appropriate determinations were done on fruit pulp, in order to calculate weight loss, water loss, solid gain and normalised solid content. Results obtained clearly indicate that fig fruits show a low aptitude to be osmodehydraled, probably for their morphology and anatomy and for processing conditions used in this trial. Frotti di fico sono stati sottoposti ad una prova di disidratazione osmotica con cinque differenti sciroppi zuccherini, al fine di verificare la rispondenza di questa specie a tale tecnologia di trasformazione. L'osmosi è stata condotta per un periodo di 24 ore alla temperatura di 25°C e a pressione atmosferica su frutti interi della varieta locale "Verde", impiegando i seguenti agenti disidratanti: saccarosio, glucosio fruttosio e gli idrolizzati di mais Frudex 70 e Glicosa. Ad intervalli prefissati (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 e 24 ore) sono state effettuate sulla polpa dei frutti le determinazioni necessarie per calcolare le cinetiche relative al calo peso, alla perdita d'acqua, all'acquisto in solidi e al contenuto normalizzato in solidi. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano, probabilmente a causa delle caratteristiche morfologiche ed anatomiche di questo frutto e delle condizioni operative adottate, una modesta attitudine dei frutti alla disidratazione osmotica