21 research outputs found

    Quantum Many-Body Adiabaticity, Topological Thouless Pump and Driven Impurity in a One-Dimensional Quantum Fluid

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    When it comes to applying the adiabatic theorem in practice, the key question to be answered is how slow "slowly enough" is. This question can be an intricate one, especially for many-body systems, where the limits of slow driving and large system size may not commute. Recently we have shown how the quantum adiabaticity in many-body systems is related to the generalized orthogonality catastrophe [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 200401 (2017)]. We have proven a rigorous inequality relating these two phenomena and applied it to establish conditions for the quantized transport in the topological Thouless pump. In the present contribution we (i) review these developments and (ii) apply the inequality to establish the conditions for adiabaticity in a one-dimensional system consisting of a quantum fluid and an impurity particle pulled through the fluid by an external force. The latter analysis is vital for the correct quantitative description of the phenomenon of quasi Bloch oscillations in a one-dimensional translation invariant impurity-fluid system.Comment: presented at the International Conference on Quantum Technologies, Moscow, July 12 - 16, 201

    Time scale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe

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    The adiabatic theorem is a fundamental result established in the early days of quantum mechanics, which states that a system can be kept arbitrarily close to the instantaneous ground state of its Hamiltonian if the latter varies in time slowly enough. The theorem has an impressive record of applications ranging from foundations of quantum field theory to computational recipes in molecular dynamics. In light of this success it is remarkable that a practicable quantitative understanding of what "slowly enough" means is limited to a modest set of systems mostly having a small Hilbert space. Here we show how this gap can be bridged for a broad natural class of physical systems, namely many-body systems where a small move in the parameter space induces an orthogonality catastrophe. In this class, the conditions for adiabaticity are derived from the scaling properties of the parameter dependent ground state without a reference to the excitation spectrum. This finding constitutes a major simplification of a complex problem, which otherwise requires solving non-autonomous time evolution in a large Hilbert space. We illustrate our general results by analyzing conditions for the transport quantization in a topological Thouless pump

    On the Dynamics of Free-Fermionic Tau-Functions at Finite Temperature

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    In this work we explore an instance of the τ\tau-function of vertex type operators, specified in terms of a constant phase shift in a free-fermionic basis. From the physical point of view this τ\tau-function has multiple interpretations: as a correlator of Jordan-Wigner strings, a Loschmidt Echo in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, or the generating function of the local densities in the Tonks-Girardeau gas. We present the τ\tau-function as a form-factors series and tackle it from four vantage points: (i) we perform an exact summation and express it in terms of a Fredholm determinant in the thermodynamic limit, (ii) we use bosonization techniques to perform partial summations of soft modes around the Fermi surface to acquire the scaling at zero temperature, (iii) we derive large space and time asymptotic behavior for the thermal Fredholm determinant by relating it to effective form-factors with an asymptotically similar kernel, and (iv) we identify and sum the important basis elements directly through a tailor-made numerical algorithm for finite-entropy states in a free-fermionic Hilbert space. All methods confirm each other. We find that, in addition to the exponential decay in the finite-temperature case the dynamic correlation functions exhibit an extra power law in time, universal over any distribution and time scale.Comment: 83 pages, 21 figures. Revised based on reviews on SciPost Physics Cor

    Two-terminal transport along a proximity induced superconducting quantum Hall edge

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    We study electric transport along an integer quantum Hall edge where the proximity effect is induced due to a coupling to a superconductor. Such an edge exhibits two Majorana-Weyl fermions with different group velocities set by the induced superconducting pairing. We show that this structure of the spectrum results in interference fringes that can be observed in both the two-terminal conductance and shot noise. We develop a complete analytical theory of such fringes for an arbitrary smooth profile of the induced pairing.Comment: 5+1 pages, 2 figure

    Peculiarities of beta functions in sigma models

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    In this paper we consider perturbation theory in generic two-dimensional sigma models in the so-called first order formalism, using the coordinate regularization approach. Our goal is to analyze the first-order formalism in application to β\beta functions and compare its results with the standard geometric calculations. Already in the second loop, we observe deviations from the geometric results that cannot be explained by the regularization/renormalization scheme choices. Moreover, in certain cases the first-order calculations produce results that are not symmetric under the classical diffeomorphisms of the target space. Although we could not present the full solution to this remarkable phenomenon, we found some indirect arguments indicating that an anomaly similar to that established in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory might manifests itself starting from the second loop. We discuss why the difference between two answers might be an infrared effect, similar to that in β\beta functions in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. In addition to the generic K\"ahler target spaces we discuss in detail the so-called Lie-algebraic sigma models. In particular, this is the case when the perturbed field GijˉG^{i\bar j} is a product of the holomorphic and antiholomorphic currents satisfying two-dimensional current algebra.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relation for an interacting mobile impurity

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    In this work we study the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) relation in the Yang-Gaudin model of an interacting mobile impurity. We use the integrability of the model to compute the dynamic injection and ejection Green's functions at finite temperatures. We show that due to separability of the Hilbert space with an impurity, the ejection Green's in a canonical ensemble cannot be reduced to a single expectation value as per microcanonical picture. Instead, it involves a thermal average over contributions from different subspaces of the Hilbert space which, due to the integrability, are resolved using the so-called spin rapidity. It is then natural to consider the injection and ejection Green's functions within each subspace. We rigorously prove by reformulating the refined KMS condition as a Riemann-Hilbert problem, and then we verify numerically, that such Green's functions obey a refined KMS relation from which the original one naturally follows

    Necessary and sufficient condition for quantum adiabaticity in a driven one-dimensional impurity-fluid system

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    We study under what conditions the quantum adiabaticity is maintained in a closed many-body system consisting of a one-dimensional fluid and an impurity particle dragged through the latter by an external force. We employ an effective theory describing the low-energy sector of the system to derive the time dependence of the adiabaticity figure of merit -- the adiabatic fidelity. We find that in order to maintain adiabaticity in a large system the external force, FNF_N, should vanish with the system size, NN, as 1/N1/N or faster. This improves the necessary adiabatic condition FN=O(1/logN)F_N=O(1/\log N) obtained for this system earlier [AIP Conf. Proc. 1936, 020024 (2018)]. Experimental implications of this result and its relation to the quasi-Bloch oscillations of the impurity are discussed

    Domain wall dynamics in the Landau--Lifshitz magnet and the classical-quantum correspondence for spin transport

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    We investigate the dynamics of spin in the axially anisotropic Landau--Lifshitz field theory with a magnetic domain wall initial condition. Employing the analytic scattering technique, we obtain the exact scattering data and reconstruct the time-evolved profile. We identify three qualitatively distinct regimes of spin transport, ranging from ballistic expansion in the easy-plane regime, absence of transport in the easy-axis regime and log-modified diffusion for the isotropic interaction. Our results are in perfect qualitative agreement with those found in the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg spin-1/21/2 chain, indicating a remarkable classical-quantum correspondence for macroscopic spin transport.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The impact of the injection protocol on an impurity's stationary state

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    We examine stationary state properties of an impurity particle injected into a one-dimensional quantum gas. We show that the value of the impurity's end velocity lies between zero and the speed of sound in the gas, and is determined by the injection protocol. This way, the impurity's constant motion is a dynamically emergent phenomenon whose description goes beyond accounting for the kinematic constraints of Landau approach to superfluidity. We provide exact analytic results in the thermodynamic limit, and perform finite-size numerical simulations to demonstrate that the predicted phenomena are within the reach of the existing ultracold gases experiments.Comment: main text+supplemental, 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: title, introduction, and summary modified, 3 refs. adde