999 research outputs found

    IL-13R alpha 2 reverses the effects of IL-13 and IL-4 on bronchial reactivity and acetylcholine-induced Ca2+ signaling

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    Background: The interleukins IL-4 and IL-13 play a key role in the pathophysiology of asthma. The interleukin receptor IL-13R alpha 2 is believed to act as a decoy receptor, but until now, the functional significance of IL-13R alpha 2 remains vague. Methods: Bronchial reactivity was quantified in murine lung slices by digital video microscopy and acetylcholine (ACH)-induced Ca2+ signaling was measured in human airway smooth muscle cells (ASMC) using fluorescence microscopy. Results: IL-4 or IL-13 up to 50 ng/ml induced bronchial hyperreactivity. But after incubation with 100 ng/ml this effect was lost and bronchial responsiveness was again comparable to the control level. The effects of IL-4 and IL-13 on bronchial reactivity were paralleled by the effects on ASMC proliferation. Fifty nanograms per milliliter of IL-4 and IL-13 increased the Ca2+ response of human ASMC to ACH. At 100 ng/ml, however, the effects of the cytokines on the Ca2+ response were no longer evident. The expression of IL-13R alpha 2 increased with increasing concentrations of IL-4 or IL-13, reaching its maximum at 100 ng/ml. Blocking IL-13R alpha 2, the loss of the effect of IL-4 and IL-13 at 100 ng/ml on human ASMC proliferation and the ACH-induced Ca2+ response were no longer present. Conclusions: IL-4 and IL-13 induce bronchial hyperreactivity by changing the Ca2+ homeostasis of ASMC. These effects are counteracted by IL-13R alpha 2. The biological significance of IL-13R alpha 2 might be a protective function by regulating IL-13- and IL-4-mediated signal transduction and thereby limiting pathological alterations in Th2-mediated inflammatory diseases. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Acceptability of yacon flakes (Smallanthus sonchifolia) for dietary use with inulin

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    "This study aimed to elaborate on yacon flakes and determine the proximal composition of fresh yacon and final flakes, made at different temperatures (120°C, 150°C and 180°C) for 20 mins. We measured the acceptability of the sensory attributes: taste, texture, odour and colour and the global acceptability at the laboratory level, using semi-trained panellists and an unstructured hedonic scale. The acceptability of the flakes was measured at different temperatures. Our results indicate that the flakes made at 180°C had the highest acceptance (87%), and the flakes made at 120°C had 80% of unacceptability. Our data were analysed according to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. We found significant differences between the averages of the taste scores (T0:7.1; T1:7.6; T2:6.7; T3:4.6), p<0.05; texture (T0:7.1; T1:7.2; T2:5.7; T3:4.5), p<0.05; and odour (T0:7.2; T1:7.6; T2:5.1; T3:3.3), p<0.05. The amount of fructooligosaccharides on a fresh basis was Ⱦ±SD (31.60±0.650) and on a dry basis (37.44±1DS). Microbiological analysis shows that the flakes are fit for human consumption. It is concluded that yacon flakes contain significant amounts of inulin, being a good substitute alternative for the preparation of snack-type dietetic products

    Kinetics of 5-aminolevulinic acid-induced fluorescence in organ cultures of bronchial epithelium and tumor

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    Background: 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)-induced protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) fluorescence improves the differentiation of tumor and normal tissue in the bladder, skin and brain. Objective: The kinetics of 5-ALA-induced protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) fluorescence in organ cultures of normal human bronchial epithelium and cocultures of bronchial epithelium and tumor have been studied. Methods: Cultured biopsies of bronchial epithelium were exposed for 5 or 15 min, or continuously to 5-ALA. PPIX fluorescence was quantified for up to 300 min by spectroscopy. Cocultures of normal bronchial epithelium and a non-small-cell lung cancer cell line (EPLC-32M1) were incubated with 5-ALA. Space-resolved fluorescence microscopy was used to quantify PPIX fluorescence kinetics in the tumor and normal epithelium. Results: In cultures of normal epithelium, PPIX fluorescence kinetics were shown to depend on the duration of exposure to 5-ALA. There was a trend to higher fluorescence intensities with longer exposure times. In cocultures of bronchial epithelium and tumor, increases of fluorescence intensity were significantly greater in the tumor. Best tumor/normal tissue fluorescence ratios were found between 110 and 160 min after exposure to 5-ALA. Conclusion: Data obtained in this coculture system of bronchial epithelium and tumor is valuable to optimize modalities of fluorescence bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of early bronchial carcinoma. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Genotoxicity of nitroso compounds and sodium dichromate in a model combining organ cultures of human nasal epithelia and the comet assay

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    Genotoxic effects of xenobiotics are a possible step in tumor initiation in the mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. Using the comet assay, detecting genotoxicity in human tissue has been restricted to single incubations in vitro, but in vivo most xenobiotics harm their target in a repetitive or chronic manner. Therefore, we propose a model, which provides repetitive incubations in human upper aerodigestive tract mucosa cultures. Samples of human inferior nasal turbinate mucosa (n = 25) were cultured according to a modified version of a technique originally described by Steinsvag. On day 1 fresh samples and on days 7, 9 and 11 organ cultures were incubated with N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), sodium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7) and N'-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG). Mucosa samples and organ cultures, respectively, underwent a modified comet assay on days 1, 7 and 11. Genotoxicity could be shown for NDEA, Na2Cr2O7 and MNNG on days 1, 7 and 11. Duration of tissue culture and repetitive incubations did not significantly influence the results for NDEA. Nevertheless, Na2Cr2O7 and MNNG caused higher genotoxic effects on cultures subjected to the comet assay on day 11. This model may help to assess genotoxic hazards posed by environ mental pollutants that have a cumulative character in repetitive or chronic exposure in vivo. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Extraction of bixin from annatto seeds using supercritical carbon dioxide

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    The solubility of 93% pure bixin in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and of the bixin present in annatto seeds (Bixa orellana L.) was measured. For the seeds, the measurements were made in a temperature range from 30 to 50ºC and pressure between 10 and 35 MPa and for the pure bixin, at 40ºC from 10 to 35 MPa. The main pigments of annatto seeds are bixin and norbixin, but the extracts only showed the presence of cis and trans-bixin, indicating that norbixin is not soluble in SC-CO2. The annatto seeds used in the experiments contained about 2.7% bixin and 3.1% oil. In the seeds, the crossover point of solubility was at about 28 MPa and values for solubility were about ten times higher than those of the pure bixin, giving evidence that the oil acted as a co-solvent with the CO2.FAPES

    5-Aminolaevulinic Acid (ALA) for the Fluorescence Detection of Bronchial Tumors

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    At the moment only early detection of lung cancer offers a good prognosis for the patients. Conventional white light endoscopy is mostly insufficient for early diagnosis. Therefore we developed a system of fluorescence diagnosis using 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) exogeneously applied. As precursor of the heme synthesis it is metabolized to protoporphyrin IX – a red fluorescent substance. Therefore protoporphyrin IX accumulates in tumorous and premalignant tissue, and can be directly visualized by fluorescence bronchoscopy. Excitation with blue light (380–435 nm) causes a red fluorescence, which can be detected after filtering most of the blue component with the naked eye or a camera system. After earlier work with laser systems and cold light sources we now use the system D-Light AF for the fluorescence diagnosis using ALA-induced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence

    Nucleosomes indicate the in vitro radiosensitivity of irradiated bronchoepithelial and lung cancer cells

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    Nucleosomes, which are typical cell death products, are elevated in the serum of cancer patients and are known to rapidly increase during radiotherapy. As both normal and malignant cells are damaged by irradiation, we investigated to which extent both cell types contribute to the release of nucleosomes. We cultured monolayers of normal bronchoepithelial lung cells (BEAS-2B, n = 18) and epithelial lung cancer cells (EPLC, n = 18), exposed them to various radiation doses (0, 10 and 30 Gy) and observed them for 5 days. Culture medium was changed every 24 h. Subsequently, nucleosomes were determined in the supernatant by the Cell Death Detection-ELISA(plus) ( Roche Diagnostics). Additionally, the cell number was estimated after harvesting the cells in a second preparation. After 5 days, the cell number of BEAS-2B cultures in the irradiated groups (10 Gy: median 0.03 x 10(6) cells/culture, range 0.02-0.08 x 10(6) cells/culture; 30 Gy: median 0.08 x 10(6) cells/culture, range 0.02-0.14 x 10(6) cells/culture) decreased significantly (10 Gy: p = 0.005; 30 Gy p = 0.005; Wilcoxon test) compared to the non-irradiated control group (median 4.81 x 10(6) cells/culture, range 1.50-9.54 x 10(6) cells/culture). Consistently, nucleosomes remained low in the supernatant of nonirradiated BEAS-2B. However, at 10 Gy, BEAS-2B showed a considerably increasing release of nucleosomes, with a maximum at 72 h ( before irradiation: 0.24 x 10(3) arbitrary units, AU, range 0.13-4.09 x 10(3) AU, and after 72 h: 1.94 x 10(3) AU, range 0.11-5.70 x 10(3) AU). At 30 Gy, the release was even stronger, reaching the maximum earlier (at 48 h, 11.09 x 10(3) AU, range 6.89-18.28 x 10(3) AU). In non-irradiated EPLC, nucleosomes constantly increased slightly. At 10 Gy, we observed a considerably higher release of nucleosomes in EPLC, with a maximum at 72 h (before irradiation: 2.79 x 10(3) AU, range 2.42-3.80 x 10(3) AU, and after 72 h: 7.16 x 10(3) AU, range 4.30-16.20 x 10(3) AU), which was more than 3.5 times higher than in BEAS-2B. At 30 Gy, the maximum (6.22 x 10(3) AU, range 5.13-9.71 x 10(3) AU) was observed already after 24 h. These results indicate that normal bronchoepithelial and malignant lung cancer cells contribute to the release of nucleosomes during irradiation in a dose-and time-dependent manner with cancer cells having a stronger impact at low doses. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
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