44 research outputs found
The solar wind ionic charge states during the Ulysses pole-to-pole pass
We analyze and compare the ionic charge composition data for different types of the solar wind which the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer on Ulysses observed during the pole-to-pole pass of its primary mission. The implications on the electron temperature, electron density and ion outflow velocity from the corresponding solar wind source regions are also discussed. We find that the electron temperature in the source region of the slow solar wind is higher than that in the coronal hole. We also find a possible north-south asymmetry in the electron temperature that may be correlated to the north-south asymmetry in the solar wind speed found in the SWOOPS/Ulysses data. Based on our data without clear constraints from other coronal observations, it is found that the electron density may be higher, or the heavy ion outflow velocities may be lower toward lower heliographic latitude. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87726/2/491_1.pd
Heliospheric Evolution of Magnetic Clouds
Interplanetary evolution of eleven magnetic clouds (MCs) recorded by at least
two radially aligned spacecraft is studied. The in situ magnetic field
measurements are fitted to a cylindrically symmetric Gold-Hoyle force-free
uniform-twist flux-rope configuration. The analysis reveals that in a
statistical sense the expansion of studied MCs is compatible with self-similar
behavior. However, individual events expose a large scatter of expansion rates,
ranging from very weak to very strong expansion. Individually, only four events
show an expansion rate compatible with the isotropic self-similar expansion.
The results indicate that the expansion has to be much stronger when MCs are
still close to the Sun than in the studied 0.47 - 4.8 AU distance range. The
evolution of the magnetic field strength shows a large deviation from the
behavior expected for the case of an isotropic self-similar expansion. In the
statistical sense, as well as in most of the individual events, the inferred
magnetic field decreases much slower than expected. Only three events show a
behavior compatible with a self-similar expansion. There is also a discrepancy
between the magnetic field decrease and the increase of the MC size, indicating
that magnetic reconnection and geometrical deformations play a significant role
in the MC evolution. About half of the events show a decay of the electric
current as expected for the self-similar expansion. Statistically, the inferred
axial magnetic flux is broadly consistent with it remaining constant. However,
events characterized by large magnetic flux show a clear tendency of decreasing
flux.Comment: 64 pages, 10 figure
Two-spacecraft reconstruction of a magnetic cloud and comparison to its solar source
This paper compares properties of the source region with those inferred from satellite observations near Earth of the magnetic cloud which reached 1 AU on 20 November 2003. We use observations from space missions SOHO and TRACE together with ground-based data to study the magnetic structure of the active region NOAA 10501 containing a highly curved filament, and determine the reconnection rates and fluxes in an M4 flare on 18 November 2003 which is associated with a fast halo CME. This event has been linked before to the magnetic cloud on 20 November 2003. We model the near-Earth observations with the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction technique using a novel approach in which we optimize the results with two-spacecraft measurements of the solar wind plasma and magnetic field made by ACE and WIND. The two probes were separated by hundreds of Earth radii. They pass through the axis of the cloud which is inclined −50 degree to the ecliptic. The magnetic cloud orientation at 1 AU is consistent with an encounter with the heliospheric current sheet. We estimate that 50% of its poloidal flux has been lost through reconnection in interplanetary space. By comparing the flare ribbon flux with the original cloud fluxes we infer a flux rope formation during the eruption, though uncertainties are still significant. The multi-spacecraft Grad-Shafranov method opens new vistas in probing of the spatial structure of magnetic clouds in STEREO-WIND/ACE coordinated studies
Evolution of the Radial Size and Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections Investigated by Combining Remote and In-Situ Observations
A fundamental property of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is their radial
expansion, which determines the increase in the CME radial size and the
decrease in the CME magnetic field strength as the CME propagates. CME radial
expansion can be investigated either by using remote observations or by in-situ
measurements based on multiple spacecraft in radial conjunction. However, there
have been only few case studies combining both remote and in-situ observations.
It is therefore unknown if the radial expansion estimated remotely in the
corona is consistent with that estimated locally in the heliosphere. To address
this question, we first select 22 CME events between the years 2010 and 2013,
which were well observed by coronagraphs and by two or three spacecraft in
radial conjunction. We use the graduated cylindrical shell model to estimate
the radial size, radial expansion speed, and a measure of the dimensionless
expansion parameter of CMEs in the corona. The same parameters and two
additional measures of the radial-size increase and magnetic-field-strength
decrease with heliocentric distance of CMEs based on in-situ measurements are
also calculated. For most of the events, the CME radial size estimated by
remote observations is inconsistent with the in-situ estimates. We further
statistically analyze the correlations of these expansion parameters estimated
using remote and in-situ observations, and discuss the potential reasons for
the inconsistencies and their implications for the CME space weather
forecasting.Comment: Accepted by Ap
Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Between 0.3 and 2.2 AU: Conjunctions with the Juno Spacecraft
We present a catalogue of 35 interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs)
observed by the Juno spacecraft and at least one other spacecraft during its
cruise phase to Jupiter. We identify events observed by MESSENGER, Venus
Express, Wind, and STEREO with magnetic features that can be matched
unambiguously with those observed by Juno. A multi-spacecraft study of ICME
properties between 0.3 and 2.2 AU is conducted: we firstly investigate the
global expansion by tracking the variation in magnetic field strength with
increasing heliocentric distance of individual ICME events, finding significant
variability in magnetic field relationships for individual events in comparison
with statistical trends. With the availability of plasma data at 1 AU, the
local expansion at 1 AU can be compared with global expansion rates between 1
AU and Juno. Despite following expected trends, the local and global expansion
rates are only weakly correlated. Finally, for those events with clearly
identifiable magnetic flux ropes, we investigate the orientation of the flux
rope axis as they propagate; we find that 64% of events displayed a decrease in
inclination with increasing heliocentric distance, and 40% of events undergo a
significant change in orientation as they propagate towards Juno. The
multi-spacecraft catalogue produced in this study provides a valuable link
between ICME observations in the inner heliosphere and beyond 1 AU, thereby
improving our understanding of ICME evolution
Observations of an extreme storm in interplanetary space caused by successive coronal mass ejections
Space weather refers to dynamic conditions on the Sun and in the space
environment of the Earth, which are often driven by solar eruptions and their
subsequent interplanetary disturbances. It has been unclear how an extreme
space weather storm forms and how severe it can be. Here we report and
investigate an extreme event with multi-point remote-sensing and in-situ
observations. The formation of the extreme storm showed striking novel
features. We suggest that the in-transit interaction between two closely
launched coronal mass ejections resulted in the extreme enhancement of the
ejecta magnetic field observed near 1 AU at STEREO A. The fast transit to
STEREO A (in only 18.6 hours), or the unusually weak deceleration of the event,
was caused by the preconditioning of the upstream solar wind by an earlier
solar eruption. These results provide a new view crucial to solar physics and
space weather as to how an extreme space weather event can arise from a
combination of solar eruptions.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure
Optimized Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction of a Magnetic Cloud Using STEREO-Wind Observations
We present results on the geometry of a magnetic cloud (MC) on 23 May 2007 from a comprehensive analysis of Wind and STEREO observations. We first apply a Grad – Shafranov reconstruction to the STEREO-A plasma and magnetic field data, delivered by the PLASTIC and IMPACT instruments. We then optimize the resulting field map with the aid of observations by Wind, which were made at the very outer boundary of the cloud, at a spacecraft angular separation of 6°. For the correct choice of reconstruction parameters such as axis orientation, interval and grid size, we find both a very good match between the predicted magnetic field at the position of Wind and the actual observations as well as consistent timing. We argue that the reconstruction captures almost the full extent of the cross-section of the cloud. The resulting shape transverse to the invariant axis consists of distorted ellipses and is slightly flattened in the direction of motion. The MC axis is inclined at −58° to the ecliptic with an axial field strength of 12 nT. We derive integrated axial fluxes and currents with increased precision, which we contrast with the results from linear force-free fitting. The helical geometry of the MC with almost constant twist (≈1.5 turns AU−1) is not consistent with the linear force-free Lundquist model. We also find that the cloud is non-force-free (|J ⊥ |/|J ∥ |\u3e0.3) in about a quarter of the cloud cross sectional area, particularly in the back part which is interacting with the trailing high speed stream. Based on the optimized reconstruction we put forward preliminary guidelines for the improved use of single-spacecraft Grad – Shafranov reconstruction. The results also give us the opportunity to compare the CME direction inferred from STEREO/SECCHI observations by Mierla et al. (Solar Phys. 252, 385, 2008) with the three-dimensional configuration of the MC at 1 AU. This yields an almost radial CME propagation from the Sun to the Earth
A multispacecraft study of a small flux rope entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines
We present a small flux rope (SFR) with smooth magnetic field rotations entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines around 1 AU. Such SFRs have only been seldom reported in the literature. This SFR was adjacent to a heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS), which is defined as a high plasma beta region in the vicinity of a heliospheric current sheet. Even though the SFR and HPS have different plasma beta, they possess similar plasma signatures (such as temperature, density, and bulk speed), density ratio of alpha particleâ toâ proton (Nα/Np), and heavy ion ionization states, which imply that they may have a similar origin in the corona. The composition and the configuration of the rolling back magnetic field lines suggested that the SFR originated from the streamer belt through interchange reconnection. The origin processes of the SFR are presented here. Combining the observations of STEREO and ACE, the SFR was shown to have an axis tilted to the ecliptic plane and the radius may vary with different spatial positions. In this study, we suggest that interchange reconnection can play an important role for the origin of, at least, some SFRs and slow solar wind.Key PointsCompositional data are used to diagnose the origin of the SFR in this studyInterchange reconnection can play an important role for the origin of some SFRs and slow solar windSpacecraft may miss the in situ SFRs due to their morphologiesPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138376/1/jgra53590_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138376/2/jgra53590.pd
The Width of Magnetic Ejecta Measured Near 1 au: Lessons from STEREO-A Measurements in 2021--2022
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions with a typical radial
size at 1 au of 0.21 au but their angular width in interplanetary space is
still mostly unknown, especially for the magnetic ejecta (ME) part of the CME.
We take advantage of STEREO-A angular separation of 20-60 from
the Sun-Earth line from October 2020 to August 2022, and perform a two-part
study to constrain the angular width of MEs in the ecliptic plane: a) we study
all CMEs that are observed remotely to propagate between the Sun-STEREO-A and
the Sun-Earth lines and determine how many impact one or both spacecraft in
situ, and b) we investigate all in situ measurements at STEREO-A or at L1 of
CMEs during the same time period to quantify how many are measured by the two
spacecraft. A key finding is that, out of 21 CMEs propagating within 30
of either spacecraft, only four impacted both spacecraft and none provided
clean magnetic cloud-like signatures at both spacecraft. Combining the two
approaches, we conclude that the typical angular width of a ME at 1 au is
20-30, or 2-3 times less than often assumed and
consistent with a 2:1 elliptical cross-section of an ellipsoidal ME. We discuss
the consequences of this finding for future multi-spacecraft mission designs
and for the coherence of CMEs.Comment: 21 pages, revision submitted to Ap
Longitudinal conjunction between MESSENGER and STEREO A: Development of ICME complexity through stream interactions
We use data on an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) seen by MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) and STEREO A starting on 29 December 2011 in a near‐perfect longitudinal conjunction (within 3°) to illustrate changes in its structure via interaction with the solar wind in less than 0.6 AU. From force‐free field modeling we infer that the orientation of the underlying flux rope has undergone a rotation of ∼80° in latitude and ∼65° in longitude. Based on both spacecraft measurements as well as ENLIL model simulations of the steady state solar wind, we find that interaction involving magnetic reconnection with corotating structures in the solar wind dramatically alters the ICME magnetic field. In particular, we observed a highly turbulent region with distinct properties within the flux rope at STEREO A, not observed at MESSENGER, which we attribute to interaction between the ICME and a heliospheric plasma sheet/current sheet during propagation. Our case study is a concrete example of a sequence of events that can increase the complexity of ICMEs with heliocentric distance even in the inner heliosphere. The results highlight the need for large‐scale statistical studies of ICME events observed in conjunction at different heliocentric distances to determine how frequently significant changes in flux rope orientation occur during propagation. These results also have significant implications for space weather forecasting and should serve as a caution on using very distant observations to predict the geoeffectiveness of large interplanetary transients.Key PointsICME complexity increases due to interaction with corotating structures in the solar windMagnetic reconnection between ICME and HPS/HCS alters the magnetic topology of the ICME flux ropeCaution on using distant observations to predict the geoeffectiveness of interplanetary transientsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134123/1/jgra52739.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134123/2/jgra52739_am.pd