757 research outputs found

    Self-duality and the Supersymmetric KdV Hierarchy

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    We show how the supersymmetric KdV equation can be obtained from the self-duality condition on Yang-Mills fields in four dimension associated with the graded Lie algebra OSp(2/1). We also obtain the hierarchy of Susy KdV equations from such a condition. We formulate the Susy KdV hierarchy as a vanishing curvature condition associated with the U(1) group and show how an Abelian self-duality condition in four dimension can also lead to these equations.Comment: 10 page

    Self-Duality and the KdV Hierarchy

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    We derive the entire KdV hierarchy as well as the recursion relations from the self-duality condition on gauge fields in four dimensions.Comment: 7 page

    Mechanical Properties and Fracture Dynamics of Silicene Membranes

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    As graphene became one of the most important materials today, there is a renewed interest on others similar structures. One example is silicene, the silicon analogue of graphene. It share some the remarkable graphene properties, such as the Dirac cone, but presents some distinct ones, such as a pronounced structural buckling. We have investigated, through density functional based tight-binding (DFTB), as well as reactive molecular dynamics (using ReaxFF), the mechanical properties of suspended single-layer silicene. We calculated the elastic constants, analyzed the fracture patterns and edge reconstructions. We also addressed the stress distributions, unbuckling mechanisms and the fracture dependence on the temperature. We analysed the differences due to distinct edge morphologies, namely zigzag and armchair

    Importância da atividade florestal no Brasil.

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    A floresta natural e plantada é um importante patrimônio do Brasil,que proporciona significativo benefício social,ambiental e econômico ao País.Os fatos e números apresentados a seguir demonstram essa afirmativa.Eles são baseados principalmente na SociedadeBrasileirade Silvicultura- SBS(1998)

    Potencial de la region semi-arida del Brasil para reforestacion.

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    La región semiárida en el noreste del Brasil tiene una extensión de 1 100 000 hectáreas y abarcan e1 13 por ciento de1 área total de1 país. Los sue l o s son general mente poco profundos sobre una capa rocosa cristal ina, con limitada capac idad de acumu 1ac ión de agua; cont ienen poco humus y 1a fert i 1 idad natural es baja. E1 cl ima se caracteriza por una precipitación anual promedio de 250 a 1000 mm. Las sequias son frecuentes y a menudo severas. La vegetación típica está formada por un bosque caducifolio de arbustos espinosos y cactus, conocida como "caatinga". Su extensiva explotación ha ocasionado escasez de madera en muchas áreas de 1a región semiárida. Por 10 tanto, es muy importante producir madera para 1ena, postes y estacas en un tiempo corto

    Multi-Hamiltonian structure of Plebanski's second heavenly equation

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    We show that Plebanski's second heavenly equation, when written as a first-order nonlinear evolutionary system, admits multi-Hamiltonian structure. Therefore by Magri's theorem it is a completely integrable system. Thus it is an example of a completely integrable system in four dimensions

    Solutions of Podolsky's Electrodynamics Equation in the First-Order Formalism

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    The Podolsky generalized electrodynamics with higher derivatives is formulated in the first-order formalism. The first-order relativistic wave equation in the 20-dimensional matrix form is derived. We prove that the matrices of the equation obey the Petiau-Duffin-Kemmer algebra. The Hermitianizing matrix and Lagrangian in the first-order formalism are given. The projection operators extracting solutions of field equations for states with definite energy-momentum and spin projections are obtained, and we find the density matrix for the massive state. The 13×1313\times 13-matrix Schrodinger form of the equation is derived, and the Hamiltonian is obtained. Projection operators extracting the physical eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are found.Comment: 17 pages, minor corrections, published versio

    General rules for bosonic bunching in multimode interferometers

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    We perform a comprehensive set of experiments that characterize bosonic bunching of up to 3 photons in interferometers of up to 16 modes. Our experiments verify two rules that govern bosonic bunching. The first rule, obtained recently in [1,2], predicts the average behavior of the bunching probability and is known as the bosonic birthday paradox. The second rule is new, and establishes a n!-factor quantum enhancement for the probability that all n bosons bunch in a single output mode, with respect to the case of distinguishable bosons. Besides its fundamental importance in phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation, bosonic bunching can be exploited in applications such as linear optical quantum computing and quantum-enhanced metrology.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, and supplementary material (4 pages, 1 figure

    Questioning the validity of non-extensive thermodynamics for classical Hamiltonian systems

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    We examine the non-extensive approach to the statistical mechanics of Hamiltonian systems with H=T+VH=T+V where TT is the classical kinetic energy. Our analysis starts from the basics of the formalism by applying the standard variational method for maximizing the entropy subject to the average energy and normalization constraints. The analytical results show (i) that the non-extensive thermodynamics formalism should be called into question to explain experimental results described by extended exponential distributions exhibiting long tails, i.e. qq-exponentials with q>1q>1, and (ii) that in the thermodynamic limit the theory is only consistent in the range 0≤q≤10\leq q\leq1 where the distribution has finite support, thus implying that configurations with e.g. energy above some limit have zero probability, which is at variance with the physics of systems in contact with a heat reservoir. We also discuss the (qq-dependent) thermodynamic temperature and the generalized specific heat.Comment: To appear in EuroPhysics Letter
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