6 research outputs found

    Analysis of 19.9 million publications from the PubMed/MEDLINE database using artificial intelligence methods: Approaches to the generalizations of accumulated data and the phenomenon of “fake news” [Анализ 19,9 млн публикаций базы данных PubMed/MEDLINE методами искусственного интеллекта: подходы к обобщению накопленных данных и феномен “fake news”]

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    Introduction. The English-language databases PubMed/MEDLINE and Embase are valuable information resources for finding original publications in basic and clinical medicine. Currently, there are no artificial intelligence systems to evaluate the quality of these publications. Aim. Development and testing of a system for sentiment analysis (i.e. analysis of emotional modality) of biomedical publications. Materials and methods. The technique of analysis of the “Big data” of biomedical publications was formulated on the basis of the topological theory of sentiment analysis. Algorithms have been developed that allow for the classification of texts from 16 sentiment classes with 90% accuracy (manipulative speech, research without positive results, propaganda, falsification of results, negative personal attitude, aggressive text, negative emotional background, etc.). Based on the algorithms, a scale for assessing the sentiment quality of research (β-score) is proposed. Results. Abstracts of 19.9 million publications registered in PubMed/MEDLINE over the past 50 years (1970–2019) were analyzed. It was shown that publications with low sentiment quality (the value of the β-score of the text is less than zero, which corresponds to the prevalence of manipulative and negative sentiments in the text) comprise only 18.5% (3.68 out of 19.9 million). The greatest values of the β-score were characterized by publications on sports medicine, systems biology, nutrition, on the use of applied mathematics and data mining in medicine. The rubrication of the entire array of publications by 27,840 headings (MESH-system of PubMed/MEDLINE) indicated an increase in the β-score by years (i.e., the positive dynamics of sentiment quality of the texts of publications) for 27,090 of the studied headings. The most intense positive dynamics was found for research in genetics, physiology, pharmacology, and gerontology. 249 headings with sharply negative dynamics of sentiment quality and with a pronounced increase in the manipulative sentiments characteristic of the tabloid press were highlighted. Separate assessments of international experts are presented that confirm the patterns identified. Conclusion. The proposed artificial intelligence system allows a researcher to make an effective assessment of the sentiment quality of biomedical research papers, filtering out potentially inappropriate publications disguised as “evidence-based”. Copyright © 2020, Farmakoekonomika. All rights reserved


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    The article presents a generalized 2-year Russian experience in the application of monoclonal antibodies to IgE in children and adolescents with severe, resistant to standard treatment of bronchial asthma. Data on 65 patients treated with anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab within more than 6 months period in 6 centers of the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed. The results of this analysis demonstrate the safety and high clinical effectiveness of anti-IgE-therapy in children and adolescents with severe uncontrolled atopic bronchial asthma. Full control of the disease or marked improvement can be achieved in 73% patients, the effect in most cases significantly increases during the first 6 months of treatment and becomes stable in the future, providing a good quality of life and normal lung function.Key words: bronchial asthma, anti-IgE-therapy, treatment, adolescents, children, quality of life, omalizumab


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    The article presents a generalized 2-year Russian experience in the application of monoclonal antibodies to IgE in children and adolescents with severe, resistant to standard treatment of bronchial asthma. Data on 65 patients treated with anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab within more than 6 months period in 6 centers of the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed. The results of this analysis demonstrate the safety and high clinical effectiveness of anti-IgE-therapy in children and adolescents with severe uncontrolled atopic bronchial asthma. Full control of the disease or marked improvement can be achieved in 73% patients, the effect in most cases significantly increases during the first 6 months of treatment and becomes stable in the future, providing a good quality of life and normal lung function.Key words: bronchial asthma, anti-IgE-therapy, treatment, adolescents, children, quality of life, omalizumab.В статье представлен обобщенный 2-летний российский опыт применения моноклональных антител к IgE у детей и подростков с тяжелой, резистентной к стандартному лечению, бронхиальной астмой. Проанализированы данные 65 больных, получавших анти-IgE терапию омализумабом более 6 мес, в 6 центрах РФ с 2007 по 2010 гг. Результаты проведенного анализа свидетельствуют о безопасности и высокой клинической эффективности анти- IgE-терапии у детей и подростков с тяжелой неконтролируемой атопической бронхиальной астмой. Полного контроля болезни или выраженного улучшения удалось достичь у 73% пациентов, эффект в большинстве случаев значимо нарастает в первые 6 мес лечения и является стабильным в дальнейшем, обеспечивая хорошее качество жизни и нормальные показатели функции легких. Ключевые слова: бронхиальная астма, анти-IgE-терапия, лечение, подростки, дети, качество жизни, омализумаб. (Педиатрическая фармакология –2011; 8(2): 50-56

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved