242 research outputs found

    Reducing Polarization Mode Dispersion With Controlled Polarization Rotations

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    One of the fundamental limitations to high bit rate, long distance, telecommunication in optical fibers is Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD). Here we introduce a conceptually new method to reduce PMD in optical fibers by carrying out controlled rotations of polarization at predetermined locations along the fiber. The distance between these controlled polarization rotations must be less than both the beat length and the mode coupling length of the fiber. This method can also be combined with the method in which the fiber is spun while it drawn. The incidence of imperfections on the efficiency of the method is analysed.Comment: 4 page

    Polarization-Dependent Phase of Light Propagating in Optical Fibers

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    As it propagates in a real single-mode fiber, light accumulates a phase delay and undergoes variations of its polarization state. These two phenomena are partly related to each other, owing to both well known geometric effects, i.e. the Pancharatnam's phase, and less known dynamic ones. This paper aims at reviewing these concepts, highlighting the polarization-depended phase of light that propagates in a single-mode fiber. We present a mathematical treatment using the familiar language of Jones and Stokes vectors and report experiments supporting the theory. The presented analysis has a general validity, and it can describe phase variation with respect to several parameters, such as distance, frequency and time. Its extension to multimode and multi-core fibers is also discussed. The results can be used for a better modelling and understanding of coherent transmission systems and interferometric fiber optic sensors

    Coupling Effects Among Degenerate Modes in Multimode Optical Fibers

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    Multimode optical fibers have recently received revived attention in the framework of space-division multiplexed systems, where the spatial diversity of fiber modes is exploited to increase transmission capacity. The complexity of these systems strongly depends on the coupling characteristic of the fiber. Therefore, a better description of coupling effects may lead to the more accurate modeling of the system and to an optimized design of multimode fibers. In this paper, we analyze coupling among (quasi) degenerate modes as a consequence of different kinds of coupling sources

    02/10/1995 - Hightlights Of The Week Ahead.pdf

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    Previous results indicate that fibers in ribbons are sometimes affected by systematic birefringence superimposed on the random one, their relative weights depending on fiber position in the ribbon. We report new theoretical and experimental results on stress distribution in ribbons, which is shown to depend on thermal and mechanical properties of the common coating. Numerical simulations are based on the theory of elasticity and the finite-element method (FEM). Polarization dispersion measurements vs. temperature match very well with numerical results, and indicate that central fibers in the ribbon exhibit significantly larger birefringence than lateral ones

    Deep Learning-Based Phase Retrieval Scheme for Minimum-Phase Signal Recovery

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    We propose a deep learning-based phase retrieval method to accurately reconstruct the optical field of a single-sideband minimum-phase signal from the directly detected intensity waveform. Our method relies on a fully convolutional Neural Network (NN) model to realize non-iterative and robust phase retrieval. The NN is trained so that it performs full-field reconstruction and jointly compensates for transmission impairments. Compared to the recently proposed Kramers-Kronig (KK) receiver, our method avoids the distortions introduced by the nonlinear operations involved in the KK phase-retrieval algorithm and hence does not require digital upsampling. We validate the proposed phase-retrieval method by means of extensive numerical simulations in relevant system settings, and we compare the performance of the proposed scheme with the conventional KK receiver operated with a 4-fold digital upsampling. The results show that the 7% hard-decision forward error correction (HD-FEC) threshold at BER 3.8e-3 can be achieved with up to 2.8 dB lower carrier-to-signal power ratio (CSPR) value and 1.8 dB better receiver sensitivity compared to the conventional 4-fold upsampled KK receiver. We also present a comparative analysis of the complexity of the proposed scheme with that of the KK receiver, showing that the proposed scheme can achieve the 7% HD-FEC threshold with 1.6 dB lower CSPR, 0.4 dB better receiver sensitivity, and 36% lower complexity

    Fiber opticsensors for precursory acoustic signals detection in rockfall events

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    Two fiber optic sensors (FOSs) for detection of precursory acoustic emissions in rockfall events are addressed and experimentally characterized. Both sensors are based on interferometric schemes, with the first one consisting of a fiber coil used as sensing element and the second one exploiting a micro-machined cantilever carved on the top of a ferrule. Preliminary comparisons with standard piezo-electric transducers shows the viability of such FOSs for acoustic emission monitoring in rock masses

    DAS Over Multimode Fibers With Reduced Fading by Coherent Averaging of Spatial Modes

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    We investigate the performance of distributed acoustic sensing over multi-mode fibers based on heterodyne phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry. We report a mathematical model describing the relation between phase variation and applied strain in the presence of multi-mode propagation that supports the feasibility of distributed acoustic measurements over multi-mode fibers. We also propose a novel coherent averaging method that achieves up to a three-fold reduction of the noise floor compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Analysis of modal coupling due to birefringence and ellipticity in strongly guiding ring-core OAM fibers

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    After briefly recalling the issue of OAM mode purity in strongly-guiding ring-core fibers, this paper provides a methodology to calculate the coupling strength between OAM mode groups due to fiber perturbations. The cases of stress birefringence and core ellipticity are theoretically and numerically investigated. It is found that both perturbations produce the same coupling pattern among mode groups, although with different intensities. The consequence is that birefringence causes the highest modal crosstalk because it strongly couples groups with a lower propagation-constant mismatch. The power coupling to parasitic TE and TM modes is also quantified for both perturbations and is found to be non-negligible. Approximate modal crosstalk formulas valid for weakly-guiding multi-core fibers, but whose parameters are adapted to the present case of strongly guiding OAM fibers, are found to provide a reasonable fit to numerical results. Finally, the effect that modal coupling has on OAM transmission is assessed in terms of SNR penalty

    Mode Coupling Analysis of Hollow Ring-Core Fibers for OAM Transmission

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    We present an analytical and numerical description of coupling between OAM modes in hollow ring-core fibers affected by stress birefringence and ellipticity The analysis paves the way to a better modeling of propagation in these fibers
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