297 research outputs found

    Emergence of Leadership in Communication

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    We study a neuro-inspired model that mimics a discussion (or information dissemination) process in a network of agents. During their interaction, agents redistribute activity and network weights, resulting in emergence of leader(s). The model is able to reproduce the basic scenarios of leadership known in nature and society: laissez-faire (irregular activity, weak leadership, sizable inter-follower interaction, autonomous sub-leaders); participative or democratic (strong leadership, but with feedback from followers); and autocratic (no feedback, one-way influence). Several pertinent aspects of these scenarios are found as well---e.g., hidden leadership (a hidden clique of agents driving the official autocratic leader), and successive leadership (two leaders influence followers by turns). We study how these scenarios emerge from inter-agent dynamics and how they depend on behavior rules of agents---in particular, on their inertia against state changes.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Community Detection with and without Prior Information

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    We study the problem of graph partitioning, or clustering, in sparse networks with prior information about the clusters. Specifically, we assume that for a fraction ρ\rho of the nodes their true cluster assignments are known in advance. This can be understood as a semi--supervised version of clustering, in contrast to unsupervised clustering where the only available information is the graph structure. In the unsupervised case, it is known that there is a threshold of the inter--cluster connectivity beyond which clusters cannot be detected. Here we study the impact of the prior information on the detection threshold, and show that even minute [but generic] values of ρ>0\rho>0 shift the threshold downwards to its lowest possible value. For weighted graphs we show that a small semi--supervising can be used for a non-trivial definition of communities.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Phase Transitions in Community Detection: A Solvable Toy Model

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    Recently, it was shown that there is a phase transition in the community detection problem. This transition was first computed using the cavity method, and has been proved rigorously in the case of q=2q=2 groups. However, analytic calculations using the cavity method are challenging since they require us to understand probability distributions of messages. We study analogous transitions in so-called "zero-temperature inference" model, where this distribution is supported only on the most-likely messages. Furthermore, whenever several messages are equally likely, we break the tie by choosing among them with equal probability. While the resulting analysis does not give the correct values of the thresholds, it does reproduce some of the qualitative features of the system. It predicts a first-order detectability transition whenever q>2q > 2, while the finite-temperature cavity method shows that this is the case only when q>4q > 4. It also has a regime analogous to the "hard but detectable" phase, where the community structure can be partially recovered, but only when the initial messages are sufficiently accurate. Finally, we study a semisupervised setting where we are given the correct labels for a fraction ρ\rho of the nodes. For q>2q > 2, we find a regime where the accuracy jumps discontinuously at a critical value of ρ\rho.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Multiferroic Hexagonal RMnO3 (R=Er, Yb, Tm, and Ho)

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    The magnetic phase diagrams of RMnO3 (R = Er, Yb, Tm, Ho) are investigated up to 14 Tesla via magnetic and dielectric measurements. The stability range of the AFM order below the Neel temperature of the studied RMnO3 extends to far higher magnetic fields than previously assumed. Magnetic irreversibility indicating the presence of a spontaneous magnetic moment is found near 50 K for R=Er, Yb, and Tm. At very low temperatures and low magnetic fields the phase boundary defined by the ordering of the rare earth moments is resolved. The sizable dielectric anomalies observed along all phase boundaries are evidence for strong spin-lattice coupling in the hexagonal RMnO3. In HoMnO3 the strong magnetoelastic distortions are investigated in more detail via magnetostriction experiments up to 14 Tesla. The results are discussed based on existing data on magnetic symmetries and the interactions between the Mn-spins, the rare earth moments, and the lattice.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, to be published in JMR's Aug. focus issue on multiferroic

    Magnetic phase diagrams of the Kagome staircase compound Co3V2O8

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    At zero magnetic field, a series of five phase transitions occur in Co3V2O8. The Neel temperature, TN=11.4 K, is followed by four additional phase changes at T1=8.9 K, T2=7.0 K, T3=6.9 K, and T4=6.2 K. The different phases are distinguished by the commensurability of the b-component of its spin density wave vector. We investigate the stability of these various phases under magnetic fields through dielectric constant and magnetic susceptibility anomalies. The field-temperature phase diagram of Co3V2O8 is completely resolved. The complexity of the phase diagram results from the competition of different magnetic states with almost equal ground state energies due to competing exchange interactions and frustration.Comment: Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 2 pages, 2 figure