380 research outputs found

    A High Sensitive Nested PCR for Toxoplasma gondii Detection in Animal and Food Samples

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a major food and waterborne transmitted parasite world-wide. The tissues and meat samples of many warm blooded animals can contain tissues cysts from chronic toxoplasmosis. Water and vegetable can be contaminated by the parasitic oocysts shed through the feces of infected cats, representing the definitive host of the parasite. A sensitive PCR for Toxoplasma gondii detection is described. The first step amplified the region between the 28S and 18S rDNA in the closely related T. gondii and Neospora caninum; RFLP analysis distinguished the DNA from the two morphologically identical parasites. Although N. caninum is not involved in human transmission, so far, it is important for animal health since is a major responsible for abortion in cattle. The nested PCR was used in a dilution assay in pork sausage samples spiked with T. gondii parasitic DNA. The analysis showed that up to 200fg equivalent to two single parasites only, could be detected. Similar detection limit for T. gondii can be obtained with real-time PCRs, but real time methods need special consumables and expensive equipment

    Progettare una Città Queer

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    Le città sono organismi complessi nei quali, specialmente negli ultimi anni, è aumentata l’attenzione alle relazioni sociali, e alle presenze umane e non umane che abitano lo spazio pubblico, in una dimensione di prossimità, in cui flussi, interazioni e relazioni assumono sempre più valore e necessitano di maggiore cura. Lo spazio pubblico è spazio collettivo e condiviso, luogo in cui avviene (o dovrebbe avvenire) l’interazione sociale, la costruzione della comunità e la pratica della democrazia. In questa prospettiva, lo spazio urbano deve essere accogliente e farsi carico della pluralità delle diverse individualità, facilitando la coesione sociale tra i suoi abitanti grazie al suo essere accessibile, inclusivo, sicuro e fluido. Gli spazi pubblici sono stati storicamente progettati per sostenere i ruoli di genere tradizionali, basati sull'esperienza maschile considerata erroneamente neutra. Per questo motivo è importante capire come le persone e i loro corpi vivono e abitano gli spazi pubblici urbani. Storicamente, lo spazio queer e il senso di appartenenza e sicurezza ad esso associati non sono legati esclusivamente alla fisicità dello spazio in sé, molti altri fattori entrano in gioco. Quali sono questi fattori? Come si può definire e progettare uno spazio queer? Non si tratta di progettare PER le persone queer, ma progettare CON le persone queer, in modo queer, adottando un approccio dal basso verso l'alto, coinvolgendo direttamente gli attori locali delle diverse comunità e soggettività queer che abitano lo spazio pubblico. In questo contesto si inserisce il corso Temporary and Inclusive Urban Solutions della Scuola del Design del Politecnico di Milano tenutosi tra maggio e giugno 2023. Il corso si è focalizzato sulla progettazione di soluzioni temporanee per la città inclusiva, in stretto contatto con le realtà locali, esplorando il rapporto tra il concetto stesso di queerness e lo spazio pubblico, con l’obiettivo di definire, attraverso la progettazione partecipata, come la città di Milano possa essere più queer, inclusiva, accessibile, ospitale e attraente. Nove gruppi di studenti e studentesse hanno lavorato in alcuni spazi dei nove Municipi della città di Milano coinvolgendo diversi stakeholder in sessioni di co-design e workshop al fine di progettare insieme ai possibili utenti delle installazioni urbane temporanee. I partner del corso sono stati i 9 Municipi del Comune di Milano e varie associazioni LGBTQ+ operanti sul territorio Milanese, come CIG Arcigay, PoliEdro, Agedo, Famiglie Arcobaleno, GayMinOut, ALA Milano e Pride Sport Milano. Le soluzioni urbane temporanee progettate dagli studenti e dalle studentesse hanno prodotto nove scenari per la città di oggi e del futuro, in cui lo spazio pubblico si trasforma in spazio di incubazione di pratiche sociali, in cui le comunità creative agiscono per creare nuove soluzioni a problemi quotidiani che la società non sempre è in grado di risolvere, indagando le opportunità per migliorare il senso di appartenenza ai quartieri e alla città

    Janus kinase (JAK) 2 V617F mutation as the cause of primary thrombocythemia in acromegaly with severe visceromegaly and divergence between growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations during the follow-up: causal or casual association?

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    OBJECTIVE: An increased prevalence of hematological abnormalities is reported in acromegaly, but to date no reports about the presence of the Janus Kinase (JAK) 2 mutation in acromegalic patients have been described. DESIGN: We report the complex clinical presentation of the unique case, never described, of acromegaly due to GH-secreting pituitary adenoma associated with JAK2 V617F mutation. RESULTS: The patient shows primary thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, due to JAK2 V617F mutation, severe visceromegaly and a peculiar clinical course of the disease characterized by discrepant values of GH and IGF-1 during somatostatin analog (SA) treatment despite a significant reduction in pituitary adenoma size and therapeutic resistance both to SA and pegvisomant. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of JAK2 V617F mutation is a cause of primary thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis in acromegaly. In this patient, a peculiar clinical course of acromegaly was observed, with the difficulty in controlling the disease. More data, on a larger cohort of patients, could clarify whether JAK2 V617F mutation has a serious impact on the clinical features and course of acromegaly.OBJECTIVE: An increased prevalence of hematological abnormalities is reported in acromegaly, but to date no reports about the presence of the Janus Kinase (JAK) 2 mutation in acromegalic patients have been described. DESIGN: We report the complex clinical presentation of the unique case, never described, of acromegaly due to GH-secreting pituitary adenoma associated with JAK2 V617F mutation. RESULTS: The patient shows primary thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, due to JAK2 V617F mutation, severe visceromegaly and a peculiar clinical course of the disease characterized by discrepant values of GH and IGF-1 during somatostatin analog (SA) treatment despite a significant reduction in pituitary adenoma size and therapeutic resistance both to SA and pegvisomant. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of JAK2 V617F mutation is a cause of primary thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis in acromegaly. In this patient, a peculiar clinical course of acromegaly was observed, with the difficulty in controlling the disease. More data, on a larger cohort of patients, could clarify whether JAK2 V617F mutation has a serious impact on the clinical features and course of acromegaly

    Imaging the buried rim of Campi flegrei caldera (Italy) from array analysis

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    On September an extended active seismic survey(SERAPIS,Seismic Reflection Acquisition Project for Imaging Structure)was conducted in the Gulf of Naples and Pozzuoli with the aimof providing new insights on the Campi Flegrei caldera structure and of investigating its feeding system(fig.1).About3000air-gunsea-shots were shot(fig.3a,b,c).In the frame work of this project,anarray of 28 vertical-component and 4 three component sensors was deployed in the Solfatara crater(fig.2).The array had an aperture of about 200m,and receivers had a natural frequency of 1Hz.An example of the recorded wave forms is shown in figure 4

    Trace elements in stomach oil of Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) from Linosa's colony

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    Calonectris diomedea is a colonial Procellariiform breeding on Mediterranean islands. The stomach oil produced during chick rearing is a peculiar trait of this species. The composition of the stomach oil is likely to reflect the composition of the prey ingested and might reveal the contaminants uptake with prey becoming a possible tool for the marine pollution monitoring. We examined the concentration of 15 trace elements by ICP-MS and direct mercury analyser. The principal component analysis revealed a heterogeneous pattern of metal concentration, showing a significant separation between samples collected 20 and 70 days after hatching. The data obtained in this work give preliminary information on the feeding habits and breeding ecology of Linosa's colony of Scopoli's shearwater. The trace metals variability found suggest that the stomach oil may have a role as trophic markers to understand predator-prey relationships and to have evidence on the accumulation of pollutants in the latter

    Development of a rapid and eco-friendly UHPLC analytical method for the detection of histamine in fish products

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    We developed, validated, and confirmed with proficiency tests a fast ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (UHPLC-DAD) method to determine histamine in fish and fishery products. The proposed method consists of two successive solid–liquid extractions: one with a dilute solution of perchloric acid (6%) and the second only with water. The instrumental analysis with UHPLC provides a very fast run time (only 6 min) with a retention time of approximately 4 min, a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 7.2 mg kg−1, a limit of detection (LOD) of 2.2 mg kg−1, a recovery around 100%, a relative standard deviation (RSD%) between 0.5 and 1.4, and an r2 of calibration curve equal to 0.9995. The method detected optimal values of the validation parameters and required a limited number of reagents in comparison to other methods reported in the literature. Furthermore, the method could detect histamine in a very short time compared with other methods. This method, in addition to being validated, precise, specific, and accurate, avoids wasting time, money, and resources, and limits the use of organic solvents

    Guselkumab for treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: real-life effectiveness and drug-survival for up to 148 weeks

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    Background: Real-world data are useful to guide the management of psoriasis. Here, we present data on the effectiveness and survival of guselkumab in moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis for up to 148 weeks. Research design and methods: Cross-sectional study of 122 patients receiving guselkumab (100 mg at weeks 0 and 4, and then every 8 weeks thereafter) for>12 weeks, from November 2018 to April 2022. Main outcome measures: Clinical features and drug survival were analyzed up to 148 weeks. Results: Obese patients (32.8%) and those receiving prior biologics (64.8%) were included. Guselkumab treatment was associated with a rapid decrease in PASI, from 16.2 to 3.2 at week 12, and long-term improvements in all subgroups (97.6%, 82.9%, and 63.4% of patients, respectively, achieved PASI 75, 90, and 100 after 148 weeks). More non-obese than obese patients achieved PASI 100 at week 148 (86.4% vs 38.9%), as did bio-naïve vs bio-experienced patients (86.7% vs 50.0%). Previous biologic therapy was a negative prognostic factor for achieving PASI 100 over the long-term by multivariate analysis (p = 0.005). Overall, 96% of patients were on treatment after 2 years. Conclusions: Real-world data confirm the long-term effectiveness of guselkumab in patients with psoriasis

    Visceral adiposity index is associated with significant fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Background: Metabolic factors have been associated with liver damage in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aims To test a new marker of adipose dysfunction, the visceral adiposity index (VAI), in NAFLD patients to assess whether or not it is associated with host factors, and to investigate a potential correlation with histological findings. Methods One hundred and forty-two consecutive NAFLD patients were evaluated by liver biopsy, and clinical and metabolic measurements, including insulin resistance with the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA), and VAI by using waist circumference, body mass index, triglycerides and HDL. Serum levels of TNF\u3b1, IL-6, adiponectin and leptin were also assessed. All biopsies were scored for NAFLD activity score (NAS) and its components, and for staging (Kleiner). Results By multiple linear regression analysis, VAI was independently associated with higher HOMA (P = 0.04), and fibrosis (P = 0.04). In addition, an independent association was found between higher VAI and lower adiponectin levels (P = 0.002). Higher HOMA (OR 1.149, 95% CI 1.003-1.316, P = 0.04), higher VAI (OR 1.446, 95% CI 1.023-2.043, P = 0.03), lobular inflammation (OR 3.777, 95% CI 1.771-8.051, P = 0.001), and ballooning (OR 2.884, 95% CI 1.231-6.757, P = 0.01) were correlated with significant fibrosis (F2-F4) on multiple logistic regression analysis. In particular, the prevalence of significant fibrosis progressively increased from patients with a VAI 64 2.1 and HOMA 64 3.4 (26%) to those with a VAI > 2.1 and HOMA > 3.4 (83%). Conclusions In NAFLD patients, visceral adiposity index is an expression of both qualitative and quantitative adipose tissue dysfunction and, together with insulin resistance, is independently correlated with significant fibrosis. \ua9 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Early magnesium reduction in advanced colorectal cancer patients treated with cetuximab plus irinotecan as predictive factor of efficacy and outcome

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    Introduction: Magnesium plays a role in a large number of cellular metabolic reactions. Cetuximab is able to induce hypomagnesemia by interfering with magnesium (Mg2+) transport in the kidney.We designed this trial to investigate if Mg2+ serum level modifications may be related with clinical response andoutcome in advancedcolorectal cancer patients during treatment with cetuximab plus irinotecan. Experimental Design: Sixty-eight heavily pretreatedmetastatic colorectal cancer patients were evaluatedfor Mg2+ serum levels at the following time points: before; 6 hours; and1, 7, 14, 21, 50, and92 days after the start of treatment. Results: Basal Mg2+ median levels were significantly decreased just 7 days after the first anticancer infusion and progressively decreased from the 7th day onward, reaching the highest significance at the last time point (P < 0.0001).Twenty-five patients showeda reduction in median Mg2+ circulating levels of at least 20% within the 3rdweek after the first infusion. Patients with this reduction showed a response rate of 64.0% versus 25.6% in the nonreduced Mg2+ group. The median time to progression was 6.0 versus 3.6 months in the reduced Mg2+ group andin that without reduction, respectively (P < 0.0001). Overall survival was longer in patients with Mg2+ reduction than in those without (10.7 versus 8.9 months). Conclusions: Our results confirm that cetuximab treatment may induce a reduction of Mg2+ circulating levels andoffer the first evidence that Mg2+ reduction may represent a new predictive factor of efficacy in advanced colorectal cancer patients treated with cetuximab plus irinoteca

    Cigarette smoking habit does not reduce the benefit from first line trastuzumab-based treatment in advanced breast cancer patients

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    Many ErbB2-positive cancers may show intrinsic resistance, and the frequent development of acquired resistance to ErbB-targeted agents represents a substantial clinical problem. The constitutive NF-κB activation in some HER-2/neu positive breast cancer may represent a potential cause of resistance to trastuzumab therapy. Preclinical data revealed that 4-(N-Methyl-N- nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), the tobacco-specific nitrosamine is able to enhance NF-κB DNA binding activity and theoretically to increase the resistance to trastuzumab. Two hundred and forty-eight women with pathologically confirmed, uni- or bidimensionally measurable, HER-2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated with trastuzumab-based therapy as first line combination for metastatic disease were considered eligible. For all included patients data on smoking habit were detectable from medical records. We retrospectively analysed the smoking habits of 248 MBC patients and correlated these habits with activity and efficacy of trastuzumab-based therapy. No statistically significant difference in terms of response rate (RR), time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) was identified between smokers (former plus active smokers) and never smokers. Moreover, no statistically significant difference in terms of RR, TTP and OS was identified either comparing active smokers and former smokers. Moreover, we did not observed any significant statistical difference in terms of TTP and OS between smokers ≥10 cigarettes/day and ≤10 cigarettes/day. This study clearly showed lack of any correlation between cigarette smoking habit and both activity and efficacy of trastuzumab-based first line therapy in metastatic HER2/neu positive breast cancer patients. Copyright © 2011 Spandidos Publications Ltd. All rights reserved
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