34 research outputs found

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    Design of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) and study of multi-scale morphlogies of bitumen/TPU blends

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    Des polyurĂ©thanes thermoplastiques (TPU) contenant des segments rigides et segments souples d’architecture molĂ©culaire variable sont synthĂ©tisĂ©s en deux Ă©tapes, dont la premiĂšre fait intervenir un prĂ©-polymĂšre polyurĂ©thane. La microstructure de ces polymĂšres montre qu’une sĂ©paration de phases intervient entre segments souples et rigides selon la nature des segments utilisĂ©s. Les segments rigides peuvent s’organiser sous deux formes, l’une amorphe et l’autre organisĂ©e sous forme d’entitĂ©s cristallines. La morphologie des TPU dĂ©pend de la structure chimique du segment rigide employĂ©. L’incompatibilitĂ© entre segments souples et rigides a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence Ă  partir de l’analyse des paramĂštres de solubilitĂ© complĂ©tĂ©e des caractĂ©risations Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles par des techniques de microscopie (Ă©lectronique et AFM) et de diffusion des rayons X. Ces polyurĂ©thanes thermoplastiques sont ensuite utilisĂ©s pour prĂ©parer des mĂ©langes bitume –polymĂšre. Les interactions entre segments du polymĂšre et fractions du bitume sont Ă©tudiĂ©es en considĂ©rant les paramĂštres de solubilitĂ© de chacun d’eux et des mesures de gonflement afin de juger de la miscibilitĂ© entre les composĂ©s. Des huiles modĂšles sont employĂ©es dans le but de mimer certaines fractions huileuses du bitume, et les segments souples et rigides sont synthĂ©tisĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment afin d’étudier les propriĂ©tĂ©s de chacune des phases en prĂ©sence dans le mĂ©lange bitume – polymĂšre. La morphologie multi-Ă©chelle des mĂ©langes est Ă©tudiĂ©e en lien avec les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques et la structure du polymĂšre utilisĂ©. L’ajout de polymĂšre dans le bitume permet de modifier les propriĂ©tĂ©s viscoĂ©lastiques du bitume au-delĂ  de sa transition vitreuse grĂące au gonflement sĂ©lectif du polymĂšre par les fractions huileuses. AprĂšs avoir mis en Ă©vidence et analysĂ© le gonflement sĂ©lectif grĂące Ă  la prise en considĂ©ration des paramĂštres de solubilitĂ© et mesurĂ© les tensions interfaciales, nous montrons que la prĂ©sence d’une phase continue riche en polymĂšre contenant des segments rigides semi-cristallins dans les mĂ©langes conduit Ă  retarder l’écoulement du matĂ©riau bitumineux Ă  plus hautes tempĂ©ratures. La composition en huile de cette phase riche en polymĂšre dĂ©pendra de son affinitĂ© avec les fractions du bitume et donc de la structure chimique du polymĂšre. De plus, la teneur du polymĂšre en segments rigides semi-cristallins est aussi un levier permettant d’intervenir sur son affinitĂ© avec le bitume et par consĂ©quent sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques du mĂ©lange bitume-polymĂšre.Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing hard and soft segments with variable molecular architecture are synthesized in two steps, the first one including a polyurethane pre-polymer. The microstructure of theses polymers shows phase separation occurring between soft and hard segments according to the nature of the segments. Hard segments can organize under two forms, either amorphous or crystalline. The morphology of TPU depends on the chemical structure of the hard segment involved. Incompatibility between soft and hard segments was highlighted from solubility parameters analysis, complete with characterization at various scales with microscopy (electron and AFM) and X-ray scattering technics. Theses thermoplastic polyurethanes are used to prepare bitumen-polymer blends. Interactions between the polymer segments and bitumen fractions are studied, considering solubility parameters of each of them and swelling measurements in order to study miscibility between the compounds. Model oils are used in the aims of mimicking some oily fractions of bitumen, and soft and hard segments are separately synthesized to study properties of each phases in the bitumen-polymer mixture. Multi-scale morphology of the blends is studied in connection with rheological properties and structure of the used polymer. The addition of polymer in bitumen allows to modify viscoelastic properties of bitumen beyond its glass transition due to the selective swelling of the polymer by the oily fractions. Having highlighted and analyzed the selective swelling by considering solubility parameters and interfacial tension measurements, we show that the presence of a continuous polymer-rich phase containing semi-crystalline hard segments in the blends leads to delay the flow of the bituminous material at highest temperatures. The oil composition of this polymer-rich phase will depend on its affinity with the fractions of bitumen and thus on the chemical structure of the polymer. In addition, semi-crystalline hard segment content of the polymer is also a key parameter allowing to adjust its affinity with bitumen and consequently on rheological properties of the bitumen-polymer mixture

    Samuel Gallu papers (pstsc_02336)

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    Redemption in the Poetry of George Herbert

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    La doctrine de « la justification par la foi seule », selon laquelle le salut du croyant n’est assurĂ© que par l’évĂšnement singulier du sacrifice rĂ©dempteur du Christ, est l’une de celles par lesquelles l’Eglise anglicane s’est clairement dĂ©terminĂ©e en faveur de la RĂ©forme. AdoptĂ©e comme dogme officiel dans les trente-neuf Articles of Religion de 1571, cette doctrine sous-tend tous les poĂšmes qui composent le recueil de George Herbert, The Temple, publiĂ© en 1633. Cet essai se propose d’abord de montrer comment cette doctrine se manifeste dans certains de ces poĂšmes au travers de rĂ©fĂ©rences implicites aux codes d’obligations contractuelles de l’Ancien Testament. Mais surtout, il suggĂšre que la crise morale et psychologique subie par l’individu impuissant face Ă  la rĂ©mission gratuite des pĂ©chĂ©s, est la manifestation de la naissance, dans l’Ɠuvre de Herbert, d’une subjectivitĂ© moderne.The doctrine of « justification by faith alone, » according to which the believing Christian is saved not by any of his or her own acts but only through the redemptive act of Christ’s sacrifice, is one of the central tenets whereby the Anglican Church aligns itself staunchly on the side of the Reformation. Set forth in 1571 as the eleventh of the Church’s thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the doctrine as formulated informs the poems in George Herbert’s 1633 collection, The Temple. This paper attempts to show ways in which the doctrine appears in certain poems, through implicit references to the Old Testament themes of contractual obligation, but more importantly in the moral and psychological tension created by the individual’s powerlessness before the gratuitous remission of sins in the New Covenant. It is suggested that this deeply personal expression points to the appearance of a more modern subjectivity in Herbert’s work

    Redemption in the Poetry of George Herbert

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    The doctrine of « justification by faith alone, » according to which the believing Christian is saved not by any of his or her own acts but only through the redemptive act of Christ’s sacrifice, is one of the central tenets whereby the Anglican Church aligns itself staunchly on the side of the Reformation. Set forth in 1571 as the eleventh of the Church’s thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the doctrine as formulated informs the poems in George Herbert’s 1633 collection, The Temple. This paper attempts to show ways in which the doctrine appears in certain poems, through implicit references to the Old Testament themes of contractual obligation, but more importantly in the moral and psychological tension created by the individual’s powerlessness before the gratuitous remission of sins in the New Covenant. It is suggested that this deeply personal expression points to the appearance of a more modern subjectivity in Herbert’s work

    Éclairs to DerriĂ©res

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    Influence of the chain extender of a segmented polyurethane on the properties of polyurethane-modified asphalt blends

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    International audienceThis paper reviews the influence of the hard segment (HS) chemical structure on the properties of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on dimer fatty acid soft segments, and on their resulting blends with bitumen. Three types of hard segments were used which consist in 4,4’-methylene bis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI) reacted either with 1,4-butanediol (BDO), 1,4:3,6-dianhydro D-sorbitol (isosorbide) or 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol (EHDO). The characterization of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) containing 13 wt% HS was conducted by differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, Hansen solubility parameters measurements and morphology analysis. The use of Hansen solubility parameters combined with thermal and swelling analyses provides information about the quality of phase separation occurring in the neat TPUs. Phase separation depends on the hard segments used and on their ability to self-organize within crystalline structures. Morphology analysis and swelling measurements of the TPU blended with bitumen by fluorescence microscopy show that the swelling of the polymer is highly dependent on the quality of phase separation between soft and hard segments in the pure polymer as well as on the compatibility of these segments with bitumen. Highly phase separated TPUs offer elasticity improvement to the bituminous blend