366 research outputs found

    Circulating Cell-Free DNA Captures the Intratumor Heterogeneity in Multinodular Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

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    PURPOSE Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly heterogeneous disease, with more than 40% of patients initially diagnosed with multinodular HCCs. Although circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has been shown to effectively detect somatic mutations, little is known about its utility to capture intratumor heterogeneity in patients with multinodular HCC undergoing systemic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS Tumor biopsies and plasma were synchronously collected from seven prospectively recruited patients with HCC before and during systemic therapy. Plasma-derived cfDNA and matched germline were subjected to high-depth targeted sequencing with molecular barcoding. The mutational profile of the cfDNA was compared with whole-exome sequencing from matched tumor biopsies. RESULTS Genomic data revealed that out of the seven patients, five were considered intrahepatic metastasis and two multicentric HCCs. cfDNA captured the majority of mutations in the tumors and detected significantly more mutations than tumor biopsies. Driver mutations such as CTNNB1 S33C, NRAS Q61R, ARID1A R727fs, and NF1 E2368fs as well as standard-of-care biomarkers of response to targeted therapy were detected only in cfDNA. In the two patients with multicentric HCC, cfDNA detected mutations derived from the genetically independent and spatially distinct nodules. Moreover, cfDNA was not only able to capture clonal mutations but also the subclonal mutations detected in only one of the multiple biopsied nodules. Furthermore, serial cfDNA detected variants of tumor origin emerging during treatment. CONCLUSION This study revealed that the genetic analysis of cfDNA captures the intratumor heterogeneity in multinodular HCC highlighting the potential for cfDNA as a sensitive and noninvasive tool for precision medicine

    Populationsgröße, Trichterdichte und Habitatpräferenz der Dünen-Ameisenjungfer Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) im Gebiet der Dresdner Heide (Neuroptera) - 2021

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    Nach dem Erstnachweis von Myrmeleon-Bohrungen (Tjeder, 1941) in der Dresdner Heide im Jahr 2019 (KURTH 2020, Sächs. Entomol. Z. 10: 71-80) wurde die Populationsgröße und Dichte der Art bestimmt. M. bore wurde hauptsächlich in offenen, spärlich bewachsenen, sandigen Gebieten mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung gefunden. Die flächengewichtete Dichte des gesamten Untersuchungsgebietes (4,05 Hektar) betrug 0,177 Larven/m2. Schätzungen der Populationsgröße basierend auf zufälligen Quadratzahlen führen zu einer Zahl von 4000-7000 Individuen - die größte bekannte Population dieser Art. Die für diese Art aus Laborversuchen bekannte positive Korrelation zwischen Larvengröße und Grubendurchmesser wurde an unserem Studienstandort bestätigt. Diese Korrelation könnte es Forschern ermöglichen, die Altersstruktur von Wildpopulationen abzuschätzen. Angesichts der besonderen Verantwortung Deutschlands für den Schutz dieser Art und der Größe der Population fordern wir den Schutz des Gebietes und eine Priorisierung gegenüber anderen geschützten Arten in diesem Gebiet.Following the first record of Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) in the Dresden Heath area in 2019 (KURTH 2020, Sächs. Entomol. Z. 10: 71-80), the population size and density of the species was determined. M. bore mainly was found in open, sparsely vegetated, sandy areas with direct sunlight exposure. The area-weighted density of the entire study site (4.05 hectares) was 0.177 larvae/m2. Population size estimates based on random quadrat counts lead to a figure of 4000-7000 individuals - the largest known population of this species. The positive correlation between larval size and pit diameter known for this species from laboratory trials was confirmed at our study site. This correlation may allow researchers to estimate the age structure of wild populations. Given the special responsibility of Germany for the protection of this species and the size of the population, we urge the protection of the site and a prioritisation over other protected species found in the area

    The Role of Chronic Liver Diseases in the Emergence and Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Omics Perspective.

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) typically develops from a background of cirrhosis resulting from chronic inflammation. This inflammation is frequently associated with chronic liver diseases (CLD). The advent of next generation sequencing has enabled extensive analyses of molecular aberrations in HCC. However, less attention has been directed to the chronically inflamed background of the liver, prior to HCC emergence and during recurrence following surgery. Hepatocytes within chronically inflamed liver tissues present highly activated inflammatory signaling pathways and accumulation of a complex mutational landscape. In this altered environment, cells may transform in a stepwise manner toward tumorigenesis. Similarly, the chronically inflamed environment which persists after resection may impact the timing of HCC recurrence. Advances in research are allowing an extensive epigenomic, transcriptomic and proteomic characterization of CLD which define the emergence of HCC or its recurrence. The amount of data generated will enable the understanding of oncogenic mechanisms in HCC from the CLD perspective and provide the possibility to identify robust biomarkers or novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of primary and recurrent HCC. Importantly, biomarkers defined by the analysis of CLD tissue may permit the early detection or prevention of HCC emergence and recurrence. In this review, we compile the current omics based evidence of the contribution of CLD tissues to the emergence and recurrence of HCC

    Maximum rates of N2 fixation and primary production are out of phase in a developing cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea

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    Although N2-fixing cyanobacteria contribute significantly to oceanic sequestration of atmospheric CO2, little is known about how N2 fixation and carbon fixation (primary production) interact in natural populations of marine cyanobacteria. In a developing cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea, rates of N2 fixation (acetylene reduction) showed both diurnal and longer-term fluctuations. The latter reflected fluctuations in the nitrogen status of the cyanobacterial population and could be correlated with variations in the ratio of acetylene reduced to 15N2 assimilated. The value of this ratio may provide useful information about the release of newly fixed nitrogen by a cyanobacterial population. However, although the diurnal fluctuations in N2 fixation broadly paralleled diurnal fluctuations in carbon fixation, the longer-term fluctuations in these two processes were out of phase

    PI5P4Kα supports prostate cancer metabolism and exposes a survival vulnerability during androgen receptor inhibition.

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    Phosphatidylinositol (PI)regulating enzymes are frequently altered in cancer and have become a focus for drug development. Here, we explore the phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinases (PI5P4K), a family of lipid kinases that regulate pools of intracellular PI, and demonstrate that the PI5P4Kα isoform influences androgen receptor (AR) signaling, which supports prostate cancer (PCa) cell survival. The regulation of PI becomes increasingly important in the setting of metabolic stress adaptation of PCa during androgen deprivation (AD), as we show that AD influences PI abundance and enhances intracellular pools of PI-4,5-P2. We suggest that this PI5P4Kα-AR relationship is mitigated through mTORC1 dysregulation and show that PI5P4Kα colocalizes to the lysosome, the intracellular site of mTORC1 complex activation. Notably, this relationship becomes prominent in mouse prostate tissue following surgical castration. Finally, multiple PCa cell models demonstrate marked survival vulnerability following stable PI5P4Kα inhibition. These results nominate PI5P4Kα as a target to disrupt PCa metabolic adaptation to castrate resistance

    GEOTRACES IC1 (BATS) contamination-prone trace element isotopes Cd, Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Mo intercalibration

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    International audienceWe report data on the isotopic composition of cadmium, copper, iron, lead, zinc, and molybdenum at the GEOTRACES IC1 BATS Atlantic intercalibration station. In general, the between lab and within-lab precisions are adequate to resolve global gradients and vertical gradients at this station for Cd, Fe, Pb, and Zn. Cd and Zn isotopes show clear variations in the upper water column and more subtle variations in the deep water; these variations are attributable, in part, to progressive mass fractionation of isotopes by Rayleigh distillation from biogenic uptake and/or adsorption. Fe isotope variability is attributed to heavier crustal dust and hydrothermal sources and light Fe from reducing sediments. Pb isotope variability results from temporal changes in anthropogenic source isotopic compositions and the relative contributions of U.S. and European Pb sources. Cu and Mo isotope variability is more subtle and close to analytical precision. Although the present situation is adequate for proceeding with GEOTRACES, it should be possible to improve the within-lab and between-lab precisions for some of these properties

    Standardizing Patient-Derived Organoid Generation Workflow to Avoid Microbial Contamination From Colorectal Cancer Tissues.

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    The use of patient-derived organoids (PDO) as a valuable alternative to in vivo models significantly increased over the last years in cancer research. The ability of PDOs to genetically resemble tumor heterogeneity makes them a powerful tool for personalized drug screening. Despite the extensive optimization of protocols for the generation of PDOs from colorectal tissue, there is still a lack of standardization of tissue handling prior to processing, leading to microbial contamination of the organoid culture. Here, using a cohort of 16 patients diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma (CRC), we aimed to test the efficacy of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), penicillin/streptomycin (P/S), and Primocin, alone or in combination, in preventing organoid cultures contamination when used in washing steps prior to tissue processing. Each CRC tissue was divided into 5 tissue pieces, and treated with each different washing solution, or none. After the washing steps, all samples were processed for organoid generation following the same standard protocol. We detected contamination in 62.5% of the non-washed samples, while the use of PBS or P/S-containing PBS reduced the contamination rate to 50% and 25%, respectively. Notably, none of the organoid cultures washed with PBS/Primocin-containing solution were contaminated. Interestingly, addition of P/S to the washing solution reduced the percentage of living cells compared to Primocin. Taken together, our results demonstrate that, prior to tissue processing, adding Primocin to the tissue washing solution is able to eliminate the risk of microbial contamination in PDO cultures, and that the use of P/S negatively impacts organoids growth. We believe that our easy-to-apply protocol might help increase the success rate of organoid generation from CRC patients

    Genomic analysis of focal nodular hyperplasia with associated hepatocellular carcinoma unveils its malignant potential: a case report.

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    Background Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is typically considered a benign tumor of the liver without malignant potential. The co-occurrence of FNH and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been reported in rare cases. In this study we sought to investigate the clonal relationship between these lesions in a patient with FNH-HCC co-occurrence. Methods A 74-year-old female patient underwent liver tumor resection. The resected nodule was subjected to histologic analyses using hematoxylin and eosin stain and immunohistochemistry. DNA extracted from microdissected FNH and HCC regions was subjected to whole exome sequencing. Clonality analysis were performed using PyClone. Results Histologic analysis reveals that the nodule consists of an FNH and two adjoining HCC components with distinct histopathological features. Immunophenotypic characterization and genomic analyses suggest that the FNH is clonally related to the HCC components, and is composed of multiple clones at diagnosis, that are likely to have progressed to HCC through clonal selection and/or the acquisition of additional genetic events. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first study showing a clonal relationship between FNH and HCC. We show that FNH may possess the capability to undergo malignant transformation and to progress to HCC in very rare cases

    DNA Methylation Landscapes of Prostate Cancer Brain Metastasis Are Shaped by Early Driver Genetic Alterations

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    UNLABELLED Metastases from primary prostate cancers to rare locations, such as the brain, are becoming more common due to longer life expectancy resulting from improved treatments. Epigenetic dysregulation is a feature of primary prostate cancer, and distinct DNA methylation profiles have been shown to be associated with the mutually exclusive SPOP-mutant or TMPRSS2-ERG fusion genetic backgrounds. Using a cohort of prostate cancer brain metastases (PCBM) from 42 patients, with matched primary tumors for 17 patients, we carried out a DNA methylation analysis to examine the epigenetic distinction between primary prostate cancer and PCBM, the association between epigenetic alterations and mutational background, and particular epigenetic alterations that may be associated with PCBM. Multiregion sampling of PCBM revealed epigenetic stability within metastases. Aberrant methylation in PCBM was associated with mutational background and PRC2 complex activity, an effect that is particularly pronounced in SPOP-mutant PCBM. While PCBM displayed a CpG island hypermethylator phenotype, hypomethylation at the promoters of genes involved in neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction and cell adhesion molecules such as GABRB3, CLDN8, and CLDN4 was also observed, suggesting that cells from primary tumors may require specific reprogramming to form brain metastasis. This study revealed the DNA methylation landscapes of PCBM and the potential mechanisms and effects of PCBM-associated aberrant DNA methylation. SIGNIFICANCE DNA methylation analysis reveals the molecular characteristics of PCBM and may serve as a starting point for efforts to identify and target susceptibilities of these rare metastases

    Gallbladder Cancer Predisposition: A Multigenic Approach to DNA-Repair, Apoptotic and Inflammatory Pathway Genes

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    Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a multifactorial disease with complex interplay between multiple genetic variants. We performed Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART) and Grade of Membership (GoM) analysis to identify combinations of alleles among the DNA repair, inflammatory and apoptotic pathway genetic variants in modifying the risk for GBC. We analyzed 16 polymorphisms in 8 genes involved in DNA repair, apoptotic and inflammatory pathways to find out combinations of genetic variants contributing to GBC risk. The genes included in the study were XRCC1, OGG1, ERCC2, MSH2, CASP8, TLR2, TLR4 and PTGS2. Single locus analysis by logistic regression showed association of MSH2 IVS1+9G>C (rs2303426), ERCC2 Asp312Asn (rs1799793), OGG1 Ser326Cys (rs1052133), OGG1 IVS4-15C>G (rs2072668), CASP8 -652 6N ins/del (rs3834129), PTGS2 -1195G>A (rs689466), PTGS2 -765G>C (rs20417), TLR4 Ex4+936C>T (rs4986791) and TLR2 –196 to –174del polymorphisms with GBC risk. The CART analysis revealed OGG1 Ser326Cys, and OGG1 IVS4-15C>G polymorphisms as the best polymorphic signature for discriminating between cases and controls. In the GoM analysis, the data was categorized into six sets representing risk for GBC with respect to the investigated polymorphisms. Sets I, II and III described low intrinsic risk (controls) characterized by multiple protective alleles while sets IV, V and VI represented high intrinsic risk groups (GBC cases) characterized by the presence of multiple risk alleles. The CART and GoM analyses also showed the importance of PTGS2 -1195G>A polymorphism in susceptibility to GBC risk. In conclusion, the present multigenic approach can be used to define individual risk profiles for gallbladder cancer in North Indian population
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