117 research outputs found

    Campagne BERYX 10 de pêche à la palangre de fond sur trois monts sous-marins du sud-est de la zone économique de Nouvelle-Calédonie. (N.O."Alis", 18 au 27 Août 1992)

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    BERYX 10 fut la dixième campagne d'une série consacrée à l'étude des ressources halieutiques des monts sous-marins situés au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. 8 pêches furent réalisées sur les monts B, K et D avec une palangre de fond du même type que celle qui fut mise en oeuvre par le palangrier "Humboldt". Un total de 6000 hameçons fut mis à l'eau. La diversité des prises (16 espèces) fut du même ordre que celle des campagne précédentes de pêche à la palangre de fond. Le rendement moyen en #Beryx fut 11.9 kg / 100 hameçons. Les autres espèces bien représentées furent #Rexe ante furcata, #Etmopterus lucifer et #Squalus cf. #megalops$. Les prises firent l'objet de mensurations et de prélèvements (gonades et estomacs). 41 traits de filet à plancton furent effectués à des profondeurs comprises entre 25 et 350 m. L'utilisation d'une sonde CTD SEACAT PROFILER a permis d'obtenir une coupe de température et de salinité pour le mont K. (Résumé d'auteur

    pH-sensitivity of YFP provides an intracellular indicator of programmed cell death.

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    BACKGROUND: Programmed cell death (PCD) is an essential process for the life cycle of all multicellular organisms. In higher plants however, relatively little is known about the cascade of genes and signalling molecules responsible for the initiation and execution of PCD. To aid with the discovery and analysis of plant PCD regulators, we have designed a novel cell death assay based on low cytosolic pH as a marker of PCD. RESULTS: The acidification that occurs in the cytosol during plant PCD was monitored by way of the extinction of YFP fluorescence at low pH. This fluorescence was recovered experimentally when bringing the intracellular pH back to 7, demonstrating that there was no protein degradation of YFP. Because it uses YFP, the assay is none-destructive, does not interfere with the PCD process and allows time-lapse studies to be carried out. In addition, changes of sub-cellular localisation can be visualised during PCD using the protein of interest fused to RFP. Coupled to a transient expression system, this pH-based assay can be used to functionally analyse genes involved in PCD, using point mutations or co-expressing PCD regulators. Transfecting mBAX and AtBI-1in onion epidermal cells showed that the pH shift is downstream of PCD suppression by AtBI-1. In addition, this method can be used to score PCD in tissues of stably transformed transgenic lines. As proof of principle, we show the example of YFP extinction during xylogenesis in Arabidopsis. This demonstrates that the assay is applicable to PCD studies in a variety of tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The observation that YFP fluorescence is lost during the plant PCD process provides a new tool to study the genetic regulation and cell biology of the process. In addition, plant cell biologists should make a note of this effect of PCD on YFP fluorescence to avoid misinterpretation of their data and to select a pH insensitive reporter if appropriate. This method represents an efficient and streamlined tool expected to bring insights on the process leading to the pH shift occurring during PCD

    Plant cathepsin B, a versatile protease

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    Plant proteases are essential enzymes that play key roles during crucial phases of plant life. Some proteases are mainly involved in general protein turnover and recycle amino acids for protein synthesis. Other proteases are involved in cell signalling, cleave specific substrates and are key players during important genetically controlled molecular processes. Cathepsin B is a cysteine protease that can do both because of its exopeptidase and endopeptidase activities. Animal cathepsin B has been investigated for many years, and much is known about its mode of action and substrate preferences, but much remains to be discovered about this potent protease in plants. Cathepsin B is involved in plant development, germination, senescence, microspore embryogenesis, pathogen defence and responses to abiotic stress, including programmed cell death. This review discusses the structural features, the activity of the enzyme and the differences between the plant and animal forms. We discuss its maturation and subcellular localisation and provide a detailed overview of the involvement of cathepsin B in important plant life processes. A greater understanding of the cell signalling processes involving cathepsin B is needed for applied discoveries in plant biotechnology

    An in vivo root hair assay for determining rates of apoptotic-like programmed cell death in plants

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    In Arabidopsis thaliana we demonstrate that dying root hairs provide an easy and rapid in vivo model for the morphological identification of apoptotic-like programmed cell death (AL-PCD) in plants. The model described here is transferable between species, can be used to investigate rates of AL-PCD in response to various treatments and to identify modulation of AL-PCD rates in mutant/transgenic plant lines facilitating rapid screening of mutant populations in order to identify genes involved in AL-PCD regulation

    Arabidopsis thaliana phytaspase: identification and peculiar properties

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    Phytaspases are plant cell death-related proteases of the subtilisin-like protease family that possess an unusual aspartate cleavage specificity. Although phytaspase activity is widespread in plants, phytaspase of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has escaped detection and identification thus far. Here, we show that a single gene (At4 g10540) out of 56 A. thaliana subtilisin-like protease genes encodes a phytaspase. The recombinant phytaspase was overproduced in Nicotiana benthamiana Domin leaves, isolated, and its substrate specificity and properties were characterised. At pH 5.5, at physiological mildly acidic reaction conditions, the Arabidopsis phytaspase was shown to be strictly Asp-specific. The strongly preferred cleavage motifs of the enzyme out of a panel of synthetic peptide substrates were YVAD and IETD, while the VEID-based substrate preferred by the tobacco and rice phytaspases was almost completely resistant to hydrolysis. At neutral pH, however, the Arabidopsis phytaspase could hydrolyse peptide substrates after two additional amino acid residues, His and Phe, in addition to Asp. This observation may indicate that the repertoire of Arabidopsis phytaspase targets could possibly be regulated by the conditions of the cellular environment. Similar to tobacco and rice phytaspases, the Arabidopsis enzyme was shown to accumulate in the apoplast of epidermal leaf cells. However, in stomatal cells Arabidopsis phytaspase was observed inside the cells, possibly co-localising with vacuole. Our study thus demonstrates that the Arabidopsis phytaspase possesses both important similarities with and distinctions from the already known phytaspases, and is likely to be the most divergent member of the phytaspase family