42 research outputs found

    Accuracy and limitations of the growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone-arginine retesting in young adults with childhood-onset GH deficiency

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    Background: Re-testing for GH secretion is needed to confirm the diagnosis of GH deficiency (GHD) after adult height achievement in childhood-onset GHD (COGHD). Aim: To define the cut-off of GH peak after retesting with GH-releasing hormone plus arginine (GHRHarg) in the diagnosis of permanent GHD in COGHD of different etiology. Patients and methods: Eighty-eight COGHD (median age 17.2 y), 29 idiopathic GHD (IGHD), 44 cancer survivors (TGHD) and 15 congenital GHD (CGHD) were enrolled in the study; 54 had isolated GHD (iGHD) and 34 had multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies (MPHD). All were tested with insulin tolerance test (ITT) and GHRHarg. IGHD with a GH response to ITT 656\ub5g/L were considered true negatives and served as the control group, and patients with a GH response <6\ub5g/L as true positives. Baseline IGF-I was also measured. The diagnostic accuracy of GHRHarg testing and of IGF-I SDS in patients with GHD of different etiologies was evaluated by ROC analysis. Results: Forty-six subjects with a GH peak to ITT 656\ub5g/L and 42 with GH peak <6 \ub5g/L showed a GH peak after GHRHarg between 8.8\u2013124\ub5g/L and 0.3\u201326.3\ub5g/L, respectively; 29 IGHD were true negatives, 42 were true positives and 17 with a high likelihood GHD showed a GH peak to ITT 656\ub5g/L. ROC analysis based on the etiology indicated the best diagnostic accuracy for peak GH cutoffs after GHRHarg of 25.3 \ub5g/L in CGHD, 15.7 in TGHD, and 13.8 in MPHD, and for IGF-1 SDS at 122.1 in CGHD, 121.5 in TGHD, and 121.9 in MPHD. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that the best cut-off for GH peak after retesting with GHRHarg changes according to the etiology of GHD during the transition age. Based on these results the diagnostic accuracy of GHRHarg remains questionable

    Implementing the Core Standards for guardians of separated children in Europe. Country Assessment: Italy

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    Il Rapporto analizza, sulla base della ricostruzione delle principali evoluzioni del quadro normativo e istituzionale nazionale in materia di immigrazione e tutela dei diritti dei minori, il livello di attuazione dei 'Core Standards for Guardians of Separated Children in Europe' elaborati nel corso della prima fase del progetto. Identificando nel tutore una figura strategica per la protezione e la pi\uf9 efficace promozione dei diritti dei minori stranieri non accompagnati, il Rapporto identifica le principali lacune normative e istituzionali che impediscono la piena qualificazione, armonizzazione e valorizzazione del ruolo del tutore nel contesto nazionale e propone una serie di raccomandazioni per il loro superamento

    Prevalence and correlates of adherence in children and adolescents treated with growth hormone: A multicenter Italian study

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    Objective: To evaluate the self-reported prevalence of poor adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy in a large, representative sample of Italian children and adolescents and to assess treatment and patient level correlates of poor adherence. Methods: The study was conducted in 46 pediatric centers throughout Italy. A questionnaire was administered to consecutive children/adolescents treated with rhGH or their parents. Eligible patients were represented by subjects aged between 6 and 16 years, of both sexes, on rhGH treatment for at least 6 months. The questionnaire was administered to the person in charge of preparing the injection. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors independently associated with adherence. Results: Overall, 1,007 children/adolescents were involved, of whom 24.4% missed 1 or more injections during a typical week and were thus considered as nonadherent. The most frequently reported reasons for missing a dose were being away from home (33.3%), forgetfulness (24.7%), not feeling well (12.9%), and pain (10.3%). Multivariable analysis indicated association between poor adherence and adolescence, low level of parent education, longer duration of treatment, need to convince the child to inject, and low level of awareness of the consequences of not properly following treatment. The likelihood of adherence markedly increased with higher levels of perceived device convenience. Conclusion: Poor adherence is still a major problem in the treatment of growth disorders. Increasing awareness and reassessment of treatment adherence on an annual basis should be part of clinical practice of pediatric endocrinologists involved with rhGH treatment

    Analisi della coerenza interna nella Valutazione Ambientale Strategica di Piani Territoriali su scala regionale attraverso l\u2019uso dei GIS: il caso del Friuli Venezia Giulia

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    La Valutazione Ambientale Strategica introdotta con la direttiva 2001/42/CE \ue8 un importante strumento per l\u2019integrazione delle valutazioni ambientali nelle scelte dei piani che riguardano l\u2019uso e la gestione del territorio. La Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia nell\u2019anno 2007 ha adottato il nuovo Piano Territoriale Regionale che, ai sensi del D.Lgs. 152/2006, \ue8 stato accompagnato dal Rapporto Ambientale, documento in cui devono essere individuati, descritti e valutati gli effetti significativi di un piano sull\u2018ambiente e sul patrimonio culturale. All\u2019interno del Piano si sono identificati due sistemi che concorrono alla definizione dello sviluppo del territorio: (1) sistema delle pressioni, che comprende previsioni e quindi norme che riguardano il sistema delle infrastrutture tecnologiche ed energetiche e degli insediamenti definiti dal Piano; (2) sistema delle tutele, che comprende le azioni e le relative norme che tendono a tutelare le risorse ambientali aria, acqua, suolo. Nel percorso di Valutazione Ambientale del Piano, particolare attenzione \ue8 stata posta alla analisi della coerenza interna delle strategie/azioni di Piano. Tale analisi \ue8 stata condotta, in particolare, attraverso la preparazione di una serie di mappe tematiche, prodotte mediante l\u2019ausilio di software GIS (ESRI ArcMap), riguardanti le principali scelte strategiche del Piano. Attraverso un processo di overlay mapping si \ue8 arrivati ad individuare alcune aree in cui le scelte appaiono non coerenti o particolarmente critiche. L\u2019esemplificazione del metodo utilizzato attraverso l\u2019analisi dei risultati per l\u2019area perilagunare della Laguna di Marano e Grado mostra come questo tipo di approccio sia di particolare interesse per valutare la coerenza interna delle scelte di piani su scala territoriale \u201cvasta\u201d, come il PTR della regione FVG. Lo studio ha evidenziato alcuni limiti che sono derivati in particolare dalla tempistica con cui si \ue8 dato avvio alla stesura del Rapporto Ambientale. Per il futuro appare interessante un approfondimento riguardante la predisposizione di mappe che rappresentino il valore ecologico delle aree e che permettano di valutare in modo oggettivo le scelte di Piano