1,929 research outputs found

    Eye muscle proprioception is represented bilaterally in the sensorimotor cortex

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    The cortical representation of eye position is still uncertain. In the monkey a proprioceptive representation of the extraocular muscles (EOM) of an eye were recently found within the contralateral central sulcus. In humans, we have previously shown a change in the perceived position of the right eye after a virtual lesion with rTMS over the left somatosensory area. However, it is possible that the proprioceptive representation of the EOM extends to other brain sites, which were not examined in these previous studies. The aim of this fMRI study was to sample the whole brain to identify the proprioceptive representation for the left and the right eye separately. Data were acquired while passive eye movement was used to stimulate EOM proprioceptors in the absence of a motor command. We also controlled for the tactile stimulation of the eyelid by removing from the analysis voxels activated by eyelid touch alone. For either eye, the brain area commonly activated by passive and active eye movement was located bilaterally in the somatosensory area extending into the motor and premotor cytoarchitectonic areas. We suggest this is where EOM proprioception is processed. The bilateral representation for either eye contrasts with the contralateral representation of hand proprioception. We suggest that the proprioceptive representation of the two eyes next to each other in either somatosensory cortex and extending into the premotor cortex reflects the integrative nature of the eye position sense, which combines proprioceptive information across the two eyes with the efference copy of the oculomotor comman

    Resting-state connectivity and functional specialization in human medial parieto-occipital cortex

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    According to recent models of visuo-spatial processing, the medial parieto-occipital cortex is a crucial node of the dorsal visual stream. Evidence from neurophysiological studies in monkeys has indicated that the parieto-occipital sulcus (POS) contains three functionally and cytoarchitectonically distinct areas: the visual area V6 in the fundus of the POS, and the visuo-motor areas V6Av and V6Ad in a progressively dorsal and anterior location with respect to V6. Besides different topographical organization, cytoarchitectonics, and functional properties, these three monkey areas can also be distinguished based on their patterns of cortico-cortical connections. Thanks to wide-field retinotopic mapping, areas V6 and V6Av have been also mapped in the human brain. Here, using a combined approach of resting-state functional connectivity and task-evoked activity by fMRI, we identified a new region in the anterior POS showing a pattern of functional properties and cortical connections that suggests a homology with the monkey area V6Ad. In addition, we observed distinct patterns of cortical connections associated with the human V6 and V6Av which are remarkably consistent with those showed by the anatomical tracing studies in the corresponding monkey areas. Consistent with recent models on visuo-spatial processing, our findings demonstrate a gradient of functional specialization and cortical connections within the human POS, with more posterior regions primarily dedicated to the analysis of visual attributes useful for spatial navigation and more anterior regions primarily dedicated to analyses of spatial information relevant for goal-directed action

    Structural connectivity and functional properties of the macaque superior parietal lobule

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    Despite the consolidated belief that the macaque superior parietal lobule (SPL) is entirely occupied by Brodmann’s area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large cortical region with structural and functional features similar to that of Brodmann’s area 7. According to these data, the anterior part of SPL is occupied by a somatosensory-dominated cortical region that hosts three architectural and functional distinct regions (PE, PEci, PEip) and the caudal half of SPL by a bimodal somato-visual region that hosts four areas: PEc, MIP, PGm, V6A. To date, the most studied areas of SPL are PE, PEc, and V6A. PE is essentially a high-order somatomotor area, while PEc and V6A are bimodal somatomotor–visuomotor areas, the former with predominant somatosensory input and the latter with predominant visual input. The functional properties of these areas and their anatomical connectivity strongly suggest their involvement in the control of limb movements. PE is suggested to be involved in the preparation/execution of limb movements, in particular, the movements of the upper limb; PEc in the control of movements of both upper and lower limbs, as well as in their interaction with the visual environment; V6A in the control of reach-to-grasp movements performed with the upper limb. In humans, SPL is traditionally considered to have a different organization with respect to macaques. Here, we review several lines of evidence suggesting that this is not the case, showing a similar structure for human and non-human primate SPLs

    Mixing sensitivity to the inclination of the lateral walls in a T-mixer

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    One of the simplest geometries for micro-mixers has a T-shape, i.e., the two inlets join perpendicularly the mixing channel. The cross-sections of the channels are usually square/rectangular, as straight walls facilitate experimental and modeling analysis. On the contrary, this work investigates through Computational Fluid Dynamics the effect of a cross-section with lateral walls inclined of an angle α as such an inclination may stem from different microfabrication techniques. Considering water as operating fluid, the same mixing performance as square/rectangular cross-sections is obtained for inclinations α≤3°; this indicates the maximum admissible error on the perpendicularity of the walls in the manufacturing process. Above this value, the presence of inclined walls delays the onset of the engulfment regime at higher Reynolds numbers, and for α≥23°the mixing is hampered dramatically, as the flow is unable to break the mirror symmetry and enter in the engulfment regime. At low Reynolds numbers, the mixing is moderately improved for α≥10°, because the vortex regime presents a lower degree of symmetry than that of T-mixers with straight walls

    Unsteady flow regimes in arrow-shaped micro-mixers with different tilting angles

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    Two arrow-shaped micro-mixers, obtained from the classical T-shaped geometry by tilting downward the inlet channels, are considered herein. The two configurations, having different tilting angle values, have been chosen since they show significantly different flow topologies and mixing performances at low Reynolds numbers. In the present paper, we use both experimental flow visualizations and direct numerical simulations to shed light on the mixing behavior of the two configurations for larger Reynolds numbers, for which the mixers present unsteady periodic flows, although in laminar flow conditions. The tilting angle influences the flow dynamics also in the unsteady regimes and has a significant impact on mixing. The configuration characterized by the lower tilting angle, i.e., α = 10°, ensures a better global mixing performance than the one with the larger angle, i.e., α = 20°

    Importance of activity data for improving the residential wood combustion emission inventory at regional level

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    The contribution of residential wood combustion (RWC) to emission inventory at local level was estimated using a bottomeup approach for the Lombardy Region of North Italy. A survey, based on the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) method, has been undertaken through 18,000 interviews. The interviews had the objective to characterize the RWC use in this region, in term of both total and municipal wood consumption. Details on the type of appliances used in RWC were also gathered. The results of the survey were then statistically analyzed in order to allow an estimate of RWC with high spatial resolution (i.e., at municipal level) in relation to the size and altitude of the territory. The work provides new evidence of the importance of wood combustion as a key source for PM and NMVOC emissions at local level, and thus highlights the importance of technological improvements and new policies aimed at emission reduction in this sector. Considering the great differences in average PM emission factors between low efficiency appliances (fireplaces, old stoves) and high efficiency ones (new stoves, pellet burners), this work emphasizes the importance of obtaining more detailed information on the types of wood appliances used for arriving at a reliable PM emission inventory for RWC

    Numerical investigation of the mixing of highly viscous liquids with Cowles impellers

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    This work is aimed at investigating the mixing process of highly viscous paints, used to colour leathers in the tanning industry, through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In particular, a mixing tank is fed with a master liquid and different liquid pigments and then stirred by Cowles impellers in order to obtain a paint of a uniform colour. The typical dynamic viscosity of the liquids in this process is μ ~ O(0.1-10) Pa·s, while the Cowles rotational speed is usually very high, i.e. 3000-5000 rpm. The numerical model is based on the solution of the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations for continuity, momentum and species mass fractions, the latter being used to describe the different components. The impeller motion is modelled through the Sliding Deforming Mesh (SDM) approach, using rotating (unstructured) meshes in the impeller region and a static (structured) mesh in the remainder of the tank. The master liquid and coloured pigments are assumed to stratify within the tank at initial time and the steady rotational speed is then imposed abruptly to the impellers. The level of homogeneity in the stirred tank is evaluated through the analysis of component concentration fields over time. In particular, such local concentrations can be used to determine the mixture colour in different regions of the tank, and hence predict the degree of homogeneity at different times; this is accomplished by defining a proper homogeneity indicator based on the spatial variance of the estimated colour. The proposed numerical model provides an efficient method to investigate the colour of the mixture and to evaluate an appropriate mixing time. The methodology gives also important indications for the tank design, especially useful in the case of non-conventional impellers, high rotation rates and viscous fluids

    A common neural substrate for processing scenes and egomotion-compatible visual motion

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    Neuroimaging studies have revealed two separate classes of category-selective regions specialized in optic flow (egomotion-compatible) processing and in scene/place perception. Despite the importance of both optic flow and scene/place recognition to estimate changes in position and orientation within the environment during self-motion, the possible functional link between egomotion- and scene-selective regions has not yet been established. Here we reanalyzed functional magnetic resonance images from a large sample of participants performing two well-known “localizer” fMRI experiments, consisting in passive viewing of navigationally relevant stimuli such as buildings and places (scene/place stimulus) and coherently moving fields of dots simulating the visual stimulation during self-motion (flow fields). After interrogating the egomotion-selective areas with respect to the scene/place stimulus and the scene-selective areas with respect to flow fields, we found that the egomotion-selective areas V6+ and pIPS/V3A responded bilaterally more to scenes/places compared to faces, and all the scene-selective areas (parahippocampal place area or PPA, retrosplenial complex or RSC, and occipital place area or OPA) responded more to egomotion-compatible optic flow compared to random motion. The conjunction analysis between scene/place and flow field stimuli revealed that the most important focus of common activation was found in the dorsolateral parieto-occipital cortex, spanning the scene-selective OPA and the egomotion-selective pIPS/V3A. Individual inspection of the relative locations of these two regions revealed a partial overlap and a similar response profile to an independent low-level visual motion stimulus, suggesting that OPA and pIPS/V3A may be part of a unique motion-selective complex specialized in encoding both egomotion- and scene-relevant information, likely for the control of navigation in a structured environment

    Optical Diagnostics of Switching Arcs Near Current-zero: Speckle Imaging and Interferometry

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    Optical diagnostics can be used to obtain spatially resolved measurements of the density, temperature, conductivity, and electron density of circuit breaker arcs embedded in transonic flows; these can be used to validate the results of simulations, the accuracy of which can currently be assessed in only a limited way. We compare speckle imaging and an interferometric approach. Both use a pulsed nanosecond laser. The speckle imaging setup does not require a reference beam, but only yields information about the gradient of the refractive index. Its accuracy is sensitive to the alignment of the optical components. Interferometry directly yields high resolution images of the index of refraction, from which the density can be calculated using the Gladstone-Dale relation. By using two laser beams, interferometry provides spatially resolved information about the electron density. Such measurements are a significant step towards more accurate CFD models

    Novel Strategies for Recycling Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)-Starch-Based Plastics: Selective Solubilization and Depolymerization-Repolymerization Processes

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    Starch-based plastics (SBPs) containing poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) are among the most produced bioplastics on the market and are currently managed at their end of life (EoL) through composting. In view of developing novel EoL approaches, SBPs were characterized here in terms of their main components (PBAT, starch, and plasticizer), and three strategies for their recycling were investigated: (I) the selective solubilization of PBAT with ethyl acetate; (II) a two-step depolymerization-repolymerization process that consists of the catalytic selective alcoholysis of PBAT into its oligomers, followed by their repolymerization to PBAT with no need of adding a new catalyst; and (III) the complete selective depolymerization of PBAT, followed by the recovery and purification of butanediol (1,4-BD), dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), and dimethyl adipate (DMA). Up to 99, 95, and 93% recovery of the SBP components was obtained, respectively, following these three methods. Extensive characterization of the recovered PBAT was performed through molecular weight and thermal and thermomechanical analyses, demonstrating the efficiency of the processes. The environmental sustainability of the proposed approaches was also preliminarily evaluated through the calculation of their environmental factor (E-factor)
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