7 research outputs found

    Regulation of Nrf2/Keap1 signalling in human skeletal muscle during exercise to exhaustion in normoxia, severe acute hypoxia and post-exercise ischaemia: Influence of metabolite accumulation and oxygenation

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    The Nrf2 transcription factor is induced by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and is necessary for the adaptive response to exercise in mice. It remains unknown whether Nrf2 signalling is activated by exercise in human skeletal muscle. Here we show that Nrf2 signalling is activated by exercise to exhaustion with similar responses in normoxia (PIO2: 143 mmHg) and severe acute hypoxia (PIO2: 73 mmHg). CaMKII and AMPKα phosphorylation were similarly induced in both conditions. Enhanced Nrf2 signalling was achieved by raising Nrf2 total protein and Ser40 Nrf2 phosphorylation, accompanied by a reduction of Keap1. Keap1 protein degradation is facilitated by the phosphorylation of p62/SQSTM1 at Ser349 by AMPK, which targets Keap1 for autophagic degradation. Consequently, the Nrf2-to-Keap1 ratio was markedly elevated and closely associated with a 2-3-fold increase in Catalase protein. No relationship was observed between Nrf2 signalling and SOD1 and SOD2 protein levels. Application of ischaemia immediately at the end of exercise maintained these changes, which were reverted within 1 min of recovery with free circulation. While SOD2 did not change significantly during either exercise or ischaemia, SOD1 protein expression was marginally downregulated and upregulated during exercise in normoxia and hypoxia, respectively. We conclude that Nrf2/Keap1/Catalase pathway is rapidly regulated during exercise and recovery in human skeletal muscle. Catalase emerges as an essential antioxidant enzyme acutely upregulated during exercise and ischaemia. Post-exercise ischaemia maintains Nrf2 signalling at the level reached at exhaustion and can be used to avoid early post-exercise recovery, which is O2-dependent

    A Single Dose of The Mango Leaf Extract Zynamite® in Combination with Quercetin Enhances Peak Power Output During Repeated Sprint Exercise in Men and Women

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    The mango leaf extract rich in mangiferin Zynamite® improves exercise performance when combined with luteolin or quercetin ingested at least 48 h prior to exercise. To determine whether a single dose of Zynamite® administered 1 h before exercise increases repeated-sprint performance, 20 men and 20 women who were physically active were randomly assigned to three treatments following a double-blind cross-over counterbalanced design. Treatment A, 140 mg of Zynamite®, 140 mg of quercetin, 147.7 mg of maltodextrin, and 420 mg of sunflower lecithin; Treatment B, 140 mg of Zynamite®, 140 mg of quercetin, and 2126 mg of maltodextrin and Treatment C, 2548 mg of maltodextrin (placebo). Subjects performed three Wingate tests interspaced by 4 min and a final 15 s sprint after ischemia. Treatments A and B improved peak power output during the first three Wingates by 2.8% and 3.8%, respectively (treatment x sprint interaction, p = 0.01). Vastus Lateralis oxygenation (NIRS) was reduced, indicating higher O2 extraction (treatment × sprint interaction, p = 0.01). Improved O2 extraction was observed in the sprints after ischemia (p = 0.008; placebo vs. mean of treatments A and B). Blood lactate concentration was 5.9% lower after the ingestion of Zynamite® with quercetin in men (treatment by sex interaction, p = 0.049). There was a higher Vastus Lateralis O2 extraction during 60 s ischemia with polyphenols (treatment effect, p = 0.03), due to the greater muscle VO2 in men (p = 0.001). In conclusion, a single dose of Zynamite® combined with quercetin one hour before exercise improves repeated-sprint performance and muscle O2 extraction and mitochondrial O2. consumption during ischemia. No advantage was obtained from the addition of phospholipids

    Determinants of the maximal functional reserve during repeated supramaximal exercise by humans: The roles of Nrf2/Keap1, antioxidant proteins, muscle phenotype and oxygenation

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    When high-intensity exercise is performed until exhaustion a “functional reserve” (FR) or capacity to produce power at the same level or higher than reached at exhaustion exists at task failure, which could be related to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS)-sensing and counteracting mechanisms. Nonetheless, the magnitude of this FR remains unknown. Repeated bouts of supramaximal exercise at 120% of VO2max interspaced with 20s recovery periods with full ischaemia were used to determine the maximal FR. Then, we determined which muscle phenotypic features could account for the variability in functional reserve in humans. Exercise performance, cardiorespiratory variables, oxygen deficit, and brain and muscle oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy) were measured, and resting muscle biopsies were obtained from 43 young healthy adults (30 males). Males and females had similar aerobic (VO2max per kg of lower extremities lean mass (LLM): 166.7 ± 17.1 and 166.1 ± 15.6 ml kg LLM−1.min−1, P = 0.84) and anaerobic fitness (similar performance in the Wingate test and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit when normalized to LLM). The maximal FR was similar in males and females when normalized to LLM (1.84 ± 0.50 and 2.05 ± 0.59 kJ kg LLM−1, in males and females, respectively, P = 0.218). This FR depends on an obligatory component relying on a reserve in glycolytic capacity and a putative component generated by oxidative phosphorylation. The aerobic component depends on brain oxygenation and phenotypic features of the skeletal muscles implicated in calcium handling (SERCA1 and 2 protein expression), oxygen transport and diffusion (myoglobin) and redox regulation (Keap1). The glycolytic component can be predicted by the protein expression levels of pSer40-Nrf2, the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit and the protein expression levels of SOD1. Thus, an increased capacity to modulate the expression of antioxidant proteins involved in RONS handling and calcium homeostasis may be critical for performance during high-intensity exercise in humans

    Supplementation with a Mango Leaf Extract (Zynamite®) in Combination with Quercetin Attenuates Muscle Damage and Pain and Accelerates Recovery after Strenuous Damaging Exercise

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    Prolonged or unusual exercise may cause exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). To test whether Zynamite®, a mango leaf extract rich in the natural polyphenol mangiferin, administered in combination with quercetin facilitates recovery after EIMD, 24 women and 33 men were randomly assigned to two treatment groups matched by sex and 5 km running performance, and ran a 10 km race followed by 100 drop jumps to elicit EIMD. One hour before the competition, and every 8 h thereafter for 24 h, they ingested placebo (728 mg of maltodextrin) or 140 mg of Zynamite® combined with 140 mg of quercetin (double-blind). Although competition times were similar, polyphenol supplementation attenuated the muscle pain felt after the competition (6.8 ± 1.5 and 5.7 ± 2.2 a.u., p = 0.035) and the loss of jumping performance (9.4 ± 11.5 and 3.9 ± 5.2%, p = 0.036; p = 0.034) and mechanical impulse (p = 0.038) 24 h later. The polyphenols attenuated the increase of serum myoglobin and alanine aminotransferase in men, but not in women (interaction p < 0.05). In conclusion, a single dose of 140 mg Zynamite® combined with 140 mg of quercetin, administered one hour before competition, followed by three additional doses every eight hours, attenuates muscle pain and damage, and accelerates the recovery of muscle performance

    Supplementation with a mango leaf extract (Zynamite®) in combination with quercetin attenuates muscle damage and pain and accelerates recovery after strenuous damaging exercise

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    Prolonged or unusual exercise may cause exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). To test whether Zynamite®, a mango leaf extract rich in the natural polyphenol mangiferin, administered in combination with quercetin facilitates recovery after EIMD, 24 women and 33 men were randomly assigned to two treatment groups matched by sex and 5 km running performance, and ran a 10 km race followed by 100 drop jumps to elicit EIMD. One hour before the competition, and every 8 h thereafter for 24 h, they ingested placebo (728 mg of maltodextrin) or 140 mg of Zynamite® combined with 140 mg of quercetin (double-blind). Although competition times were similar, polyphenol supplementation attenuated the muscle pain felt after the competition (6.8 ± 1.5 and 5.7 ± 2.2 a.u., p = 0.035) and the loss of jumping performance (9.4 ± 11.5 and 3.9 ± 5.2%, p = 0.036; p = 0.034) and mechanical impulse (p = 0.038) 24 h later. The polyphenols attenuated the increase of serum myoglobin and alanine aminotransferase in men, but not in women (interaction p < 0.05). In conclusion, a single dose of 140 mg Zynamite® combined with 140 mg of quercetin, administered one hour before competition, followed by three additional doses every eight hours, attenuates muscle pain and damage, and accelerates the recovery of muscle performance

    Antioxidant enzymes and Nrf2/Keap1 in human skeletal muscle: Influence of age, sex, adiposity and aerobic fitness

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    Whether a higher aerobic fitness is associated with increased expression of antioxidant enzymes and their regulatory factors in skeletal muscle remains unknown. Although oestrogens could promote a higher antioxidant capacity in females, it remains unknown whether a sex dimorphism exists in humans regarding the antioxidant capacity of skeletal muscle. Thus, the aim was to determine the protein expression levels of the antioxidant enzymes SOD1, SOD2, catalase and glutathione reductase (GR) and their regulatory factors Nrf2 and Keap1 in 189 volunteers (120 males and 69 females) to establish whether sex differences exist and how age, VO2max and adiposity influence these. For this purpose, vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained in all participants under resting and unstressed conditions. No significant sex differences in Nrf2, Keap1, SOD1, SOD2, catalase and GR protein expression levels were observed after accounting for VO2max, age and adiposity differences. Multiple regression analysis indicates that the VO2max in mL.kg LLM−1.min−1can be predicted from the levels of SOD2, Total Nrf2 and Keap1 (R = 0.58, P &lt; 0.001), with SOD2 being the main predictor explaining 28 % of variance in VO2max, while Nrf2 and Keap1 explained each around 3 % of the variance. SOD1 protein expression increased with ageing in the whole group after accounting for differences in VO2max and body fat percentage. Overweight and obesity were associated with increased pSer40-Nrf2, pSer40-Nrf2/Total Nrf2 ratio and SOD1 protein expression levels after accounting for differences in age and VO2max. Overall, at the population level, higher aerobic fitness is associated with increased basal expression of muscle antioxidant enzymes, which may explain some of the benefits of regular exercise.Validerad;2023;Nivå 2;2023-11-13 (joosat);Funder: Consejo Superior de Deportes (EXP_75097); Swedish Olympic Committee (070–4058960); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DEP2015-71171-R, DEP2017-86409-C2-1-P, PI14/01509, PID2021-125354OB-C21); University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPAPD-08/01–4); Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Infomación (ProID2017010106); Cabildo de Gran Canaria (12/22);License fulltext: CC BY</p

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (SARS-CoV-2 receptor) expression in human skeletal muscle

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    The study aimed to determine the levels of skeletal muscle angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2, the SARS-CoV-2 receptor) protein expression in men and women and assess whether ACE2 expression in skeletal muscle is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity. The level of ACE2 in vastus lateralis muscle biopsies collected in previous studies from 170 men (age: 19–65 years, weight: 56–137 kg, BMI: 23–44) and 69 women (age: 18–55 years, weight: 41–126 kg, BMI: 22–39) was analyzed in duplicate by western blot. VO2max was determined by ergospirometry and body composition by DXA. ACE2 protein expression was 1.8-fold higher in women than men (p = 0.001, n = 239). This sex difference disappeared after accounting for the percentage of body fat (fat %), VO2max per kg of legs lean mass (VO2max-LLM) and age (p = 0.47). Multiple regression analysis showed that the fat % (β = 0.47) is the main predictor of the variability in ACE2 protein expression in skeletal muscle, explaining 5.2% of the variance. VO2max-LLM had also predictive value (β = 0.09). There was a significant fat % by VO2max-LLM interaction, such that for subjects with low fat %, VO2max-LLM was positively associated with ACE2 expression while as fat % increased the slope of the positive association between VO2max-LLM and ACE2 was reduced. In conclusion, women express higher amounts of ACE2 in their skeletal muscles than men. This sexual dimorphism is mainly explained by sex differences in fat % and cardiorespiratory fitness. The percentage of body fat is the main predictor of the variability in ACE2 protein expression in human skeletal muscle