6,554 research outputs found

    Self-similarities in the frequency-amplitude space of a loss-modulated CO2_2 laser

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    We show the standard two-level continuous-time model of loss-modulated CO2_2 lasers to display the same regular network of self-similar stability islands known so far to be typically present only in discrete-time models based on mappings. For class B laser models our results suggest that, more than just convenient surrogates, discrete mappings in fact could be isomorphic to continuous flows.Comment: (5 low-res color figs; for ALL figures high-res PDF: http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~jgallas/jg_papers.html

    Accumulation horizons and period-adding in optically injected semiconductor lasers

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    We study the hierarchical structuring of islands of stable periodic oscillations inside chaotic regions in phase diagrams of single-mode semiconductor lasers with optical injection. Phase diagrams display remarkable {\it accumulation horizons}: boundaries formed by the accumulation of infinite cascades of self-similar islands of periodic solutions of ever-increasing period. Each cascade follows a specific period-adding route. The riddling of chaotic laser phases by such networks of periodic solutions may compromise applications operating with chaotic signals such as e.g. secure communications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, laser phase diagrams, to appear in Phys. Rev. E, vol. 7

    Coherence in scale-free networks of chaotic maps

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    We study fully synchronized states in scale-free networks of chaotic logistic maps as a function of both dynamical and topological parameters. Three different network topologies are considered: (i) random scale-free topology, (ii) deterministic pseudo-fractal scale-free network, and (iii) Apollonian network. For the random scale-free topology we find a coupling strength threshold beyond which full synchronization is attained. This threshold scales as kμk^{-\mu}, where kk is the outgoing connectivity and μ\mu depends on the local nonlinearity. For deterministic scale-free networks coherence is observed only when the coupling strength is proportional to the neighbor connectivity. We show that the transition to coherence is of first-order and study the role of the most connected nodes in the collective dynamics of oscillators in scale-free networks.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Periodic Neural Activity Induced by Network Complexity

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    We study a model for neural activity on the small-world topology of Watts and Strogatz and on the scale-free topology of Barab\'asi and Albert. We find that the topology of the network connections may spontaneously induce periodic neural activity, contrasting with chaotic neural activities exhibited by regular topologies. Periodic activity exists only for relatively small networks and occurs with higher probability when the rewiring probability is larger. The average length of the periods increases with the square root of the network size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coefficient of restitution for elastic disks

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    We calculate the coefficient of restitution, ϵ\epsilon, starting from a microscopic model of elastic disks. The theory is shown to agree with the approach of Hertz in the quasistatic limit, but predicts inelastic collisions for finite relative velocities of two approaching disks. The velocity dependence of ϵ\epsilon is calculated numerically for a wide range of velocities. The coefficient of restitution furthermore depends on the elastic constants of the material via Poisson's number. The elastic vibrations absorb kinetic energy more effectively for materials with low values of the shear modulus.Comment: 25 pages, 12 Postscript figures, LaTex2

    Possible Stratification Mechanism in Granular Mixtures

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    We propose a mechanism to explain what occurs when a mixture of grains of different sizes and different shapes (i.e. different repose angles) is poured into a quasi-two-dimensional cell. Specifically, we develop a model that displays spontaneous stratification of the large and small grains in alternating layers. We find that the key requirement for stratification is a difference in the repose angles of the two pure species, a prediction confirmed by experimental findings. We also identify a kink mechanism that appears to describe essential aspects of the dynamics of stratification.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, http://polymer.bu.edu/~hmakse/Home.htm

    Size segregation and convection

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    The size segregation of granular materials in a vibrating container is investigated using Molecular Dynamics. We find that the rising of larger particles is accompanied by the existence of convection cells even in the case of the lowest possible frequencies. The convection can, however, also be triggered by the larger particle itself. The possibility of rising through this mechanism strongly depends on the depth of the larger particle.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure