10 research outputs found

    A Statistical Analysis of STEVE

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    There has been an exciting recent development in auroral research associated with the discovery of a new subauroral phenomenon called STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement). Although STEVE has been documented by amateur night sky watchers for decades, it is as yet an unidentified upper atmosphere phenomenon. Observed first by amateur auroral photographers, STEVE appears as a narrow luminous structure across the night sky over thousands of kilometers in the east‐west direction. In this paper, we present the first statistical analysis of the properties of 28 STEVE events identified using Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) all‐sky imager and the Redline Emission Geospace Observatory (REGO) database. We find that STEVE occurs about 1 hr after substorm onset at the end of a prolonged expansion phase. On average, the AL index magnitude is larger and the expansion phase has a longer duration for STEVE events compared to subauroral ion drifts or substorms. The average duration for STEVE is about 1 hr, and its latitudinal width is ~20 km, which corresponds to ~¼ of the width of narrow auroral structures like streamers. STEVE typically has an equatorward displacement from its initial location of about 50 km and a longitudinal extent of 2,145 km

    Coordinated SuperDARN THEMIS ASI observations of mesoscale flow bursts associated with auroral streamers

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    Nightside auroral zone localized flow channels, typically associated with auroral poleward boundary intensifications and streamers, are an important component of high‐latitude ionospheric plasma dynamics. We investigate the structure of these flow channels using two‐dimensional line‐of‐sight flow observations from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) radars and auroral images from the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) ground‐based all‐sky imager (ASI) array. Radar echoes captured <~500 km horizontal distance from the radars were mainly used to detect small‐scale flow structures that would otherwise be missed or poorly resolved in long‐range radar echoes. After identifying 135 auroral streamers in the ASI images at close‐radar capture locations, we examined the associated ionospheric flow data in the radar echoes. Flow bursts and streamers are invariably correlated in all events. The flow bursts are often directed equatorward and appear simultaneously with the streamers. Equatorward flows are located just to the east of the streamers. Less frequently (~10% of the time), a poleward flow enhancement was detected even when a streamer propagated equatorward, the poleward flow enhancement being located to the west of the auroral streamer, or to the east of the equatorward flow enhancement, consistently with the spatial relationship between flow shear and upward field‐aligned currents in plasma sheet flow bursts. The azimuthal width of the flow channel is, on average, ~75 km, and the azimuthal offset of the equatorward flow channel relative to the auroral streamer is ~57 km eastward. This study demonstrates the capability of radar‐imager pairs for identifying the 2‐D structure of localized flows associated with plasma sheet flow bursts. Key Points Structure of flow channels using SuperDARN radars and THEMIS ASI is investigated Simultaneous flow bursts and streamers are invariably correlated in all events 3‐D structure of flows consistent with plasma flow shears around a BBF channelPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106072/1/jgra50744.pd

    Mesoscale phenomena and their contribution to the global response: a focus on the magnetotail transition region and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling

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    An important question that is being increasingly studied across subdisciplines of Heliophysics is “how do mesoscale phenomena contribute to the global response of the system?” This review paper focuses on this question within two specific but interlinked regions in Near-Earth space: the magnetotail’s transition region to the inner magnetosphere and the ionosphere. There is a concerted effort within the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) community to understand the degree to which mesoscale transport in the magnetotail contributes to the global dynamics of magnetic flux transport and dipolarization, particle transport and injections contributing to the storm-time ring current development, and the substorm current wedge. Because the magnetosphere-ionosphere is a tightly coupled system, it is also important to understand how mesoscale transport in the magnetotail impacts auroral precipitation and the global ionospheric system response. Groups within the Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program (CEDAR) community have also been studying how the ionosphere-thermosphere responds to these mesoscale drivers. These specific open questions are part of a larger need to better characterize and quantify mesoscale “messengers” or “conduits” of information—magnetic flux, particle flux, current, and energy—which are key to understanding the global system. After reviewing recent progress and open questions, we suggest datasets that, if developed in the future, will help answer these questions

    Stormtime substorm onsets: occurrence and flow channel triggering

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    Abstract Bright auroral emissions during geomagnetic storms provide a good opportunity for testing the proposal that substorm onset is frequently triggered by plasma sheet flow bursts that are manifested in the ionosphere as auroral streamers. We have used the broad coverage of the ionospheric mapping of the plasma sheet offered by the high-resolution THEMIS all-sky-imagers (ASIs) and chose the main phases of 9 coronal mass ejection (CME) related and 9 high-speed stream (HSS)-related geomagnetic storms, and identified substorm auroral onsets defined as brightening followed by poleward expansion. We found a detectable streamer heading to near the substorm onset location for all 60 onsets that we identified and were observed well by the ASIs. This indicates that substorm onsets are very often triggered by the intrusion of plasma with lower entropy than the surrounding plasma to the onset region, with the caveat that the ASIs do not give a direct measure of the intruding plasma. The majority of the triggering streamers are “tilted streamers,” which extend eastward as their eastern tip tilts equatorward to near the substorm onset location. Fourteen of the 60 cases were identified as “Harang streamers,” where the streamer discernibly turns toward the west poleward of reaching to near the onset latitude, indicating flow around the Harang reversal. Using the ASI observations, we observed substantially less substorm onsets for CME storms than for HSS storms, a result in disagreement with a recent finding of approximately equal substorm occurrences. We suggest that this difference is a result of strong non-substorm streamers that give substorm-like signatures in ground magnetic field observations but are not substorms based on their auroral signature. Our results from CME storms with steady, strong southward IMF are not consistent with the ~ 2–4 h repetition of substorms that has been suggested for moderate to strong southward IMF conditions. Instead, our results indicate substantially lower substorm occurrence during such steady driving conditions. Our results also show the much more frequent occurrence of substorms during HSS period, which is likely due to the highly fluctuating IMF

    MOESM1 of Stormtime substorm onsets: occurrence and flow channel triggering

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    Additional file 1. Movie of image mosaics every 3 s for the tilted streamer example on 19 February 2012 shown in Fig. 1

    MOESM2 of Stormtime substorm onsets: occurrence and flow channel triggering

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    Additional file 2. Movie of image mosaics every 1 min for 02-11 UT for the 30 April 2014 CME storm

    MOESM4 of Stormtime substorm onsets: occurrence and flow channel triggering

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    Additional file 4. Movie of image mosaics every 3 s for the tilted streamer example on 10 November 2006 shown in the upper half of Fig. 3

    MOESM6 of Stormtime substorm onsets: occurrence and flow channel triggering

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    Additional file 6. Movie of image mosaics every 3 s for the Harang streamer example on 2 March 2011 shown in Fig. 4