53 research outputs found

    Stress testing and non-invasive coronary angiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: time for a new paradigm

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    Diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease represents major challenges to our health care system, affecting millions of patients each year. Until recently, the diagnosis of coronary artery disease was possible only through cardiac catheterization and invasive coronary angiography. To avoid the risks of an invasive procedure, stress testing is often employed for an initial assessment of patients with suspected coronary artery disease, serving as a gatekeeper for cardiac catheterization. With the emergence of non-invasive coronary angiography, the question arises if such a strategy is still sensible, particularly, in view of only a modest agreement between stress testing results and the presence of coronary artery disease established by cardiac catheterization. Much data in support of the diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of non-invasive coronary angiography by computed tomography have emerged within the last few years. These data challenge the role of stress testing as the initial imaging modality in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. This article reviews the clinical utility, limitations, as well as the hazards of stress testing compared with non-invasive coronary artery imaging by computed tomography. Finally, the implications of this review are discussed in relation to clinical practice

    Modélisation de paroi et injection de turbulence pariétale pour la Simulation des Grandes Echelles des écoulements aérothermiques

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    Lors du développement d un nouvel avion, l estimation des échanges d énergie entre l air ambiant et les parois est une donnée cruciale pour la conception aérothermique. Cette conception repose de plus en plus sur des simulations numériques mais certains phénomènes d aérothermique externe, comme le jet débouchant du système de dégivrage des nacelles moteur, montrent les limites des modèles RANS classiques. La simulation des grandes échelles (LES) se révèle bien adaptée à ce type de phénomène mais se heurte à un coût de calcul extrêmement élevé pour ces écoulements pariétaux à très grand nombre de Reynolds. Pour lever cette limitation, cette thèse propose l étude de deux briques fondamentales : la LES avec loi de paroi (WMLES) conjuguée à l injection d une couche limite turbulente à l entrée du domaine. Pour une meilleure compréhension et une utilisation fiable de l approche loi de paroi, on se concentre tout d abord sur les sources d erreur qui lui sont associées. Après les avoir identifiées, on propose une correction de l erreur de sous-maille ainsi qu une loi de paroi adaptée aux écoulements compressibles. Grâce à ces deux éléments, on obtient une estimation correcte du flux de chaleur pariétal sur des simulations WMLES de canal plan supersonique sur parois froides. Puis, pour préparer la transition vers des applications plus industrielles, on introduit un schéma numérique plus dissipatif ce qui nous permet d étudier l influence de la méthode numérique sur l approche loi de paroi. Dans une seconde partie dédiée à l injection de couche limite pour la WMLES, on sélectionne une méthode basée sur l injection de perturbations combinée à un terme de contrôle volumique. On montre que des simulations WMLES utilisant cette méthode d injection permettent d établir une couche limite turbulente réaliste à une courte distance en aval du plan d entrée, à la fois sur une plaque plane mais également sur un écoulement de jet débouchant à la géométrie plus complexe, représentative d un cas avion.During the design of a new aircraft, the prediction of energy exchanged between the ambient air and the aircraft walls is crucial regarding aerothermal design. Numerical simulations plays a role of increasing importance in this design. However classical RANS models reach their limits on some external aerothermal flows, like the jet-in-cross-flow from the anti-icing system oh the engine nacelles. The large eddy simulation (LES) is well suited to this kind of flow but faces an extremely large computational cost for such high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. To remove this limitation, we propose two building blocks: the Wall Modeled LES (WMLES) combined with a turbulent inflow generation. For a better understanding and a reliable use of the WMLES, we first focus on the sources of error related to this approach. We propose a correction to the subgrid-scale error as well as a wall model suitable for compressible and anisothermal flows. Thanks to these two elements, we correctly predict the wall heat flux in WMLES computations of a supersonic isothermal-wall channel flow. Then, to allow the computation of more industrial flows, we introduce some numerical dissipation and study its effect on the wall modeling approach. The last part is dedicated to turbulent inflow generation for WMLES. We select a method based on synthetic perturbation combined with a dynamic control term. We validate this method on WMLES computations of a flat plate turbulent boundary layer and a hot jet-in-cross-flow representative of an industrial configuration. In both cases, we show that a realistic turbulent boundary layer is generated at a small distance downstream from the inlet plane.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Self-enhancement: food for thought

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    Self-enhancement denotes a class of psychological phenomena that involve taking a tendentiously positive view of oneself. We distinguish between four levels of self-enhancement—an observed effect, an ongoing process, a personality trait, and an underlying motive—and then use these distinctions to organize the wealth of relevant research. Furthermore, to render these distinctions intuitive, we draw an extended analogy between self-enhancement and the phenomenon of eating. Among the topics we address are (a) manifestations of self-enhancement, both obvious and subtle, and rival interpretations; (b) experimentally documented dynamics of affirming and threatening the ego; and (c) primacy of self-enhancement, considered alongside other intrapsychic phenomena, and across different cultures. Self-enhancement, like eating, is a fundamental part of human nature