193 research outputs found

    Eigenfunction scarring and improvements in LL^{\infty} bounds

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    We study the relationship between LL^\infty growth of eigenfunctions and their L2L^2 concentration as measured by defect measures. In particular, we show that scarring in the sense of concentration of defect measure on certain submanifolds is incompatible with maximal LL^\infty growth. In addition, we show that a defect measure which is too diffuse, such as the Liouville measure, is also incompatible with maximal eigenfunction growth.Comment: 10 page

    Averages of eigenfunctions over hypersurfaces

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a compact, smooth, Riemannian manifold and {ϕh}\{ \phi_h \} an L2L^2-normalized sequence of Laplace eigenfunctions with defect measure μ\mu. Let HH be a smooth hypersurface. Our main result says that when μ\mu is not\textit{not} concentrated conormally to HH, the eigenfunction restrictions to HH and the restrictions of their normal derivatives to HH have integrals converging to 0 as h0+h \to 0^+.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Strong practical stability based robust stabilization of uncertain discrete linear repetitive processes

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    Repetitive processes are a distinct class of 2D systems of both theoretical and practical interest whose dynamics evolve over a subset of the positive quadrant in the 2D plane. The stability theory for these processes originally consisted of two distinct concepts termed asymptotic stability and stability along the pass respectively where the former is a necessary condition for the latter. Stability along the pass demands a bounded-input bounded-output property over the complete positive quadrant of the 2D plane and this is a very strong requirement, especially in terms of control law design. A more feasible alternative for some cases is strong practical stability, where previous work has formulated this property and obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence together with Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) based tests, which then extend to allow control law design. This paper develops considerably simpler, and hence computationally more efficient, stability tests that extend to allow control law design in the presence of uncertainty in process model

    Sharp preasymptotic error bounds for the Helmholtz hh-FEM

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    In the analysis of the hh-version of the finite-element method (FEM), with fixed polynomial degree pp, applied to the Helmholtz equation with wavenumber k1k\gg 1, the asymptotic regime\textit{asymptotic regime} is when (hk)pCsol(hk)^p C_{\rm sol} is sufficiently small and the sequence of Galerkin solutions are quasioptimal; here CsolC_{\rm sol} is the norm of the Helmholtz solution operator, normalised so that CsolkC_{\rm sol} \sim k for nontrapping problems. In the preasymptotic regime\textit{preasymptotic regime}, one expects that if (hk)2pCsol(hk)^{2p}C_{\rm sol} is sufficiently small, then (for physical data) the relative error of the Galerkin solution is controllably small. In this paper, we prove the natural error bounds in the preasymptotic regime for the variable-coefficient Helmholtz equation in the exterior of a Dirichlet, or Neumann, or penetrable obstacle (or combinations of these) and with the radiation condition either\textit{either} realised exactly using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on the boundary of a ball or\textit{or} approximated either by a radial perfectly-matched layer (PML) or an impedance boundary condition. Previously, such bounds for p>1p>1 were only available for Dirichlet obstacles with the radiation condition approximated by an impedance boundary condition. Our result is obtained via a novel generalisation of the "elliptic-projection" argument (the argument used to obtain the result for p=1p=1) which can be applied to a wide variety of abstract Helmholtz-type problems

    High-frequency estimates on boundary integral operators for the Helmholtz exterior Neumann problem

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    We study a commonly-used second-kind boundary-integral equation for solving the Helmholtz exterior Neumann problem at high frequency, where, writing Γ\Gamma for the boundary of the obstacle, the relevant integral operators map L2(Γ)L^2(\Gamma) to itself. We prove new frequency-explicit bounds on the norms of both the integral operator and its inverse. The bounds on the norm are valid for piecewise-smooth Γ\Gamma and are sharp up to factors of logk\log k (where kk is the wavenumber), and the bounds on the norm of the inverse are valid for smooth Γ\Gamma and are observed to be sharp at least when Γ\Gamma is smooth with strictly-positive curvature. Together, these results give bounds on the condition number of the operator on L2(Γ)L^2(\Gamma); this is the first time L2(Γ)L^2(\Gamma) condition-number bounds have been proved for this operator for obstacles other than balls

    Eigenvalues of the truncated Helmholtz solution operator under strong trapping

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    For the Helmholtz equation posed in the exterior of a Dirichlet obstacle, we prove that if there exists a family of quasimodes (as is the case when the exterior of the obstacle has stable trapped rays), then there exist near-zero eigenvalues of the standard variational formulation of the exterior Dirichlet problem (recall that this formulation involves truncating the exterior domain and applying the exterior Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on the truncation boundary). Our motivation for proving this result is that a) the finite-element method for computing approximations to solutions of the Helmholtz equation is based on the standard variational formulation, and b) the location of eigenvalues, and especially near-zero ones, plays a key role in understanding how iterative solvers such as the generalised minimum residual method (GMRES) behave when used to solve linear systems, in particular those arising from the finite-element method. The result proved in this paper is thus the first step towards rigorously understanding how GMRES behaves when applied to discretisations of high-frequency Helmholtz problems under strong trapping (the subject of the companion paper [Marchand, Galkowski, Spence, Spence, 2021])