10 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Gandhaka Jarana is intermediate procedure for the therapeutic mercurial preparations in Ayurveda Rasashastra. For Gandhaka Jarana numerous procedures were mentioned in the classical texts of Rasashastra. Here, Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja prepared in classical Valuka Yantra by adopting one of the method of Gandhaka Jarana. Objective: To prepare Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja by traditional method of preparation by Valuka Yantra and to standardize its heating pattern. Materials and Methods: Shodhana of each ingredient was done followed by Kajjali preparation. Levigated and dried Kajjali was filled in KachpKupi and intermittent increasing heat was given in Valuka Yantra. Sublimed Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja was obtained from neck of glass of glass bottle. Observation and results: For 16 hours heat was provided in Valuka Yantra. Average 12.77% i.e. 32.33 g yield of Makaradhwaja was obtained from all three batches of Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja. Conclusion: Shadguna Gandhaka Jarana for Makaradhwaja prepared in the classical heating device Valuka Yantra by adopting addition of parts of Shuddha Gandhaka during ongoing process method; requires intermittent heat heating pattern i.e. 4.30 hours mild heat (30- 5000C), 1:30 hours moderate heat (500-6500C), and 10 hours strong heat (650-8400C)

    Steven–Johnson syndrome may NOT be due to ayurvedic drugs – 2

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    Shelf life evaluation of Shirishavaleha: A preliminary study

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    Context: Shelf life of the drug can be considered up to the period it gets deteriorated and does not get any alteration in its physicochemical state. Every product has definite shelf life, which depends on various physical, chemical, environmental, and biological factors. Ancient seers have clarified shelf life of various compound formulations. However, there is a need to revalidate and ascertain the shelf life of individual formulations by following parameters prevalent in respective scenario. Aim: To evaluate shelf life of Shirishavaleha prepared in the presence of water (SW) and Kanji (SK) as liquid media through accelerated stability study. Subjects and Methods: Physicochemical parameters were measured at 40°C ± 2°C temperature and 75% ±5% relative humidity. Analysis was repeated at intervals of 1, 3, and 6 months, and average 10% degradation of both the test drug samples was calculated and extrapolated to find the shelf life. Results: The sample prepared in the presence of Kanji (SK) showed more extractive values and sugar contents and found to have longer shelf life (2.6 years) than SW (1.4 years). Conclusion: Shirishavaleha prepared with Kanji (SK) is comparatively more stable than the sample prepared with water (SW)

    Ethno medicinal values of Citrus genus: A review

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    Fruits of Citrus genus play an important role as a dietary supplement and therapeutic assent as well since ages. The present review summarizes some such attributes of Citrus genus. Literature review was done through published works to gather information on nutritional and ethnic values, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Citrus. Information about the plant and phytochemical constituents, pharmacological activities were collected from the published reports. The plant was found to possess significant analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, and hypolipidemic properties. They are found to be significant antihyperglycemic, antidiabetic, and hypoglycemic activity. The phytoconstituents which are present in the plant are mainly coumarins and flavonoids which are responsible for the actions. The phytochemical constituents and isolated bioactive compounds of Citrus can be investigated further to develop novel herbal drugs by using reverse pharmacological approaches especially in the treatment of liver diseases, arthritis, malignancies, and other inflammatory diseases

    Preliminary Pharmacognostical profile of Tuvaraka (Hydnocarpus laurifolia (Dennst) Sleummer.) seeds

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    Background: Hydnocarpus laurifolia (Dennst) Sleummer. of Flacourtiaceae family is one important herbal resource widely used in the treatment of intestinal worms, helminthiasis, infected wounds, skin diseases, fever, piles, wounds and inflammation. Different extracts of this plant have been studied for pharmacological activities such as anti-hyperglycemic activity, anti-hyperlipidemic activity etc. Though it is an important plant, till date, no reported pharmacognostical data are available on seeds. Aim: The present study is aimed towards evaluating in detail pharmacognostical characteristics of the seeds of H. laurifolia (Dennst) Sleummer. Materials and Methods: Macroscopic and microscopic pharmacognostical characters of seeds were noted by following standard methods. Results: Pharmacognostical evaluation of seed shows the presence of crystalline masses of calcium carbonate, nonpitted sclereids and stone cells, spherical stone cells, aleurone grains, and fragment of tegmen. Conclusion: The current work appears to be first of its kind and can be considered as reference standards for future studies

    Pharmacognostical evaluation of Citrus jambhiri Lush. fruit

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    Background: Citrus jambhiri Lush., commonly known as Jambīra Nimbū in Sanskrit is medium to large indigenous tree with spreading habit, less spiny than lemon and belonging to the family Rutaceae. In Ayurveda, it is used in many pharmaceutical procedures of purification (Śodhana), calcination (Māraṇa) etc., Though it is an important plant, till date, no pharmacognostical reports have been available on its fruit. Materials and Methods: Study of fruit and its powder, histochemical tests and preliminary physicochemical investigations were done. Results and Conclusion: Results showed prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, aerenchyma cells, oil globules, pitted vessels, scalariform vessels, juicy sac, etc., Preliminary physicochemical analysis revealed loss on drying (1.1%), ash value (1.4%), alcohol soluble extract (28.6%), and water soluble extract (53.3%). These observations can be of use in future studies

    Exploring potential of Kushmanda Avaleha in respiratory illness – A comprehensive review

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    Respiratory ailments represent over 10% of all disability-adjusted life-years, a statistic that reflects the measure of active and productive life lost owing to a condition. A large number of Confections (Avaleha) have been recommended in various authoritative treatises by ancient seers for different respiratory disorders. Kushmanda Avaleha is one such multi-ingredient Ayurvedic formulation, which is advocated for the first time in Ashtanga Sangraha for Cough, Hiccups, Fever, Dyspnea, etc. Its chief constituent is Benincasa hispida Thumb. It has also been included in the Essential drug list published by the Ministry of AYUSH. Thus, this article is emphasized on compiling and exploring various classical references as well as reported current literature in various scientific journals and online databases about the therapeutic potential of Kushmanda Avaleha as well as its ingredients with special reference to respiratory illness. All the information has been placed here in comprehensive manner. Moreover, a number of studies have also been conducted and published which established the efficacy of its all ingredients in diverse respiratory pathologies through manifold mechanisms such as Bronchodilator, Anti-tussive, Mucolytic, etc. Therefore, on meticulous appraisal, it can be inferred that Kushmanda Avaleha is a complete care and an effective medication for various respiratory disorders

    Pharmacognostical Profiles of Triphala Masi Prepared at Different Levels of Temperature

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    Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation consisting of dried pericarp of three medicinal plants Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia bellerica Roxb. and Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Masi (Black ash) prepared from this combination is of great use. No pharmacognostical profiles are available on Triphala Masi till date. So the same is attempted in current study. Aim: To evaluate pharmacognostical profiles of Triphala Masi prepared at three different levels of temperature. Materials and Methods: Tripahla Masi was prepared at three different levels of temperature and samples were coded as TM 1, TM 2 and TM 3 and further subjected for pharmacognostical profiles. Results: Loosened walls of epicarp cells were observed in TM 1 sample prepared at 3000C; showed that these cells sustained up to this temp. At 3500C, epicarp cells in the sample TM 2 were seen disturbed. But when heat was increased up to 4000C, only black mass was observed in TM 3 sample. Conclusion: Based on pharmacognostical observations, 4000C temperature is required for preparation of Triphala Masi. Â

    Chemical characterization of an Ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation - Vasantakusumākara Rasa: A potential tool for quality assurance

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    Background: Herbo-mineral formulations of Ayurveda contain specified metals or minerals as composition, which have their beneficial effects on biological systems. These metals or minerals are transformed into non-toxic forms through meticulous procedures explained in Ayurveda. Though literature is available on quality aspects of such herbo-mineral formulations; contemporary science is raising concerns at regular intervals on such formulations. Thus, it becomes mandate to develop quality profiles of all formulations that contain metals or minerals in their composition. Considering this, it is planned to evaluate analytical profile of Vasantakusumākara Rasa. Objective: To prepare Vasantakusumākara Rasa as per Standard operating Procedures (SoP) mentioned in classical text and to characterize it chemically using modern analytical techniques. Materials and Methods: The drug (Vasantakusumākara Rasa) in three batches was prepared in GMP certified pharmacy. Physico-chemical analysis, Assay of elements and HPTLC were carried out as per API. XRD was conducted using Rigaku Ultima-IV X-ray diffractometer. Results: The analysis shown the presence of Mercury, Tin, Gold, Silver, Iron, Zinc and Calcium etc., and HPTLC revealed presence of organic constituents from plant material. The XRD indicated the presence of cinnabar (mercury sulphide from Rasa Sindhura), cassiterite (tin oxide from Vaṅga Bhasma), massicot (lead oxide from Nāga bhasma) and Magnetite (di-iron oxide from Loha bhasma). Conclusion: The physico chemical analysis reveals that VKR prepared by following classical guidelines is very effective in converting the macro elements into therapeutically effective medicines in micro form. Well prepared herbo-mineral drugs offer many advantages over plant medicines due to their longer shelf life, lesser doses, easy storing facilities, better palatability etc. The inferences and the standards laid down in this study certainly can be utilized as baseline data of standardization and QC

    Anti-tussive activity of Ashtangavaleha prepared by two different methods against sulphur dioxide induced cough in mice

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    Context: Control of cough remains a major unmet medical need. There is a need to have safe and effective anti-tussive drug that can alleviate chronic cough without developing side effects. Ashtangavaleha is an effective compound formulation for combating the disease asthma. Aim: The present study was carried out to evaluate anti-tussive activity of two different samples of Ashtangavaleha prepared with classical (AC) and modified methods (AM) in sulfur dioxide (SO2)-induced cough in mice. Materials and Methods: Batches of both samples of Ashtangavaleha, namely AC and AM were prepared by following standard manufacturing procedures. Anti-tussive activity was carried out against SO2-induced cough reflex in mice. Swiss albino mice of either sex weighing 30 ± 5 g were selected and divided into four groups of six animals each. Test drugs were administered orally at a dose of 2.6 mg/kg. Recodex (Codeine phosphate [2 mg/ml] and chlorpheniramine maleate [0.8 mg/ml]) was used as standard drug. Results: Both test drugs showed significant (P < 0.001) anti-tussive activity against SO2-induced cough reflex. AC significantly reduced the number of cough reflexes by 40.18%, whereas AM reduced it to 34.97%. Conclusion: Both the trial drugs have highly significant anti-tussive effect in SO2-induced cough reflex comparable to the standard drug. Thus, both drugs AC and AM can be safely administered to alleviate cough