10 research outputs found
Особливості праці медичних і фармацевтичних працівників: порівняльний аналіз законодавства Казахстану і деяких країн Організації економічного співробітництва та розвитку
This article discusses some issues of labor regulation of medical and pharmaceutical workers, the peculiarities of health systems in some countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a comparative analysis of their experience and Kazakhstan is carried out.
The specificity of the legal status of medical and pharmaceutical workers is also considered, which is explained by the fact that its regulation is based not only on general norms of labor law, but also on special regulations affecting various features of the activities of this category of workers. At the same time, it is noted that the basis of the legislative regulation of the work of medical and pharmaceutical workers is the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as the norms of national legislation.
The article focuses on the fact that among the variety of sources concerning the legal status of various categories of workers, there is no separate comprehensive study devoted to the peculiarities of legal regulation of both medical and pharmaceutical workers, in connection with which the chosen topic of scientific research is updated.В статье рассматриваются некоторые вопросы регулирования труда медицинских и фармацевтических работников, особенности систем здравоохранения в некоторых странах Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, проводится сравнительный анализ их опыта и опыта Казахстана.
Также рассматривается специфика правового положения медицинских и фармацевтических работников, которая объясняется тем, что его регулирование базируется не только на общих нормах трудового права, но и на специальных нормативных актах, затрагивающих различные особенности деятельности указанной категории работников. При этом отмечается, что основу законодательной регламентации труда медицинских и фармацевтических работников составляют общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права, а также нормы национального законодательства.
В статье делается акцент на то, что среди многообразия источников, касающихся правового положения различных категорий работников, отдельного комплексного исследования, посвященного особенностям правового регулирования как медицинских, так и фармацевтических работников, нет, в связи чем актуализируется выбранная тема научной публикации.Розглянуто деякі питання регулювання праці медичних та фармацевтичних працівників, особливості системної охорони здоров'я у низці країн Організації економічного співробітництва та розвитку (далі – ОЕСР), здійснено порівняльний аналіз їх досвіду із досвідом Казахстану.
Окреслено специфіку правового становища медичних та фармацевтичних працівників, яка пояснюється тим, що його регулювання ґрунтується не лише на загальних нормах трудового права, а також на спеціальних нормативних актах, які стосуються різних особливостей діяльності вказаних категорій працівників. Зазначено, що основою законодавчої регламентації праці медичних та фармацевтичних працівників є загальновизнані принципи та норми міжнародного права, а також норми національного законодавства.
Наголошено, що серед різноманіття джерел, які стосуються правового становища різних категорій працівників, бракує окремого комплексного дослідження, присвяченого особливостям правового регулювання як медичних, так і фармацевтичних працівників, цим і визначено актуальність обраної теми публікації
Mediationo of Labour Disputes in Kazakhstan in Comparative Context
The authors undertake an analysis of features of mediation in individual labour disputes settlement in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The current paper also analyzes the experience of some foreign countries (USA, UK, Germany), based on a study which suggests the ways of improving the mediation institution in Kazakhstan. In addition, the identified advantages of mediation as an extra-judicial regulation of labour disputes, the authors point out the identified shortcomings of the matter in new the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Relevance of the topic is reasoned to the fact that in the 21st century extra-judicial settlement of disputes is preferred worldwide these days. In this context, it is no exception to the regulation of individual labour disputes without appealing to the courts. It demonstrates the role and significance of the introduction and development of conciliation procedures, including mediation, without diminishing the importance of other remedies to protect labour rights and freedoms provided in the labour legislation. An analysis of Kazakhstan’s and Russia’s procedural laws indicates a steady trend of expansion of alternative legal ways of disputes settlement in general, and particularly in labour disputes, including disputes between economic agents (employer and employee), which seems to be responded to the modern development of economic relations. Extrajudicial ways of conflict resolution may be undertaken not only by jurisdictional, but also by non-judicial mechanisms that are in the beginning stage of formation as alternative ways of resolving labour disputes at this period of Kazakhstan’s development
State Support for Compatriots: Improving Kazakhstan Legislation
In the context of the changes in the migration process taking place in the world, the support of compatriots, the protection of their rights and freedoms are becoming one of the key priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy. The purpose of the study is to study the legal aspects of supporting compatriots in accordance with the legislation of such countries as the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea, to determine the main directions of development of the relevant Kazakh legislation. The experience and legislation of Germany, Russia, and South Korea were studied, since they have special laws regulating the repatriation and state support of foreign compatriots. The study examined the legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea on repatriation. There were analyzed provisions of the legislation of Germany, Russia and Korea on state support for repatriates - these are adaptation measures, the right to receive medical care, educational services, the opportunity to work or do business, assistance in learning the state language and granting citizenship
Ensuring Healthcare Efficiency in the Context of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Staff Regulation
This article aims to substantiate the impact of socio-economic labor protection for healthcare professionals based on developing legislative regulations in some OECD and EAEU countries and identifying their relationship with the efficiency of healthcare systems. The methodology includes general scientific methods (systemic analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, induction, deduction, and modeling) and special research methods (formal logical, structural, and functional). The results of international rankings evaluating healthcare systems were used to determine the list of states for comparative legal analysis. Also, empirical methods were used: meetings, questionnaire surveys, and interviews held in 2021 with medical and pharmaceutical workers in Kazakhstan. The research results showed that states with special labor regulations for medical and pharmaceutical personnel occupy stable leading positions in international rankings regarding healthcare evaluation. On the other hand, based on the example of the EAEU countries with an insufficient level of specialization in labor regulation for these categories of workers, some states occupy weak positions in similar international ratings. This paper is novel because previously, there was no debate in the literature justifying the finding that specifics in the labor regulation of medical and pharmaceutical staff, along with other factors, influence the healthcare system's efficiency and development. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-05 Full Text: PD
Mediationo of Labour Disputes in Kazakhstan in Comparative Context
The authors undertake an analysis of features of mediation in individual labour disputes settlement in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The current paper also analyzes the experience of some foreign countries (USA, UK, Germany), based on a study which suggests the ways of improving the mediation institution in Kazakhstan. In addition, the identified advantages of mediation as an extra-judicial regulation of labour disputes, the authors point out the identified shortcomings of the matter in new the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Relevance of the topic is reasoned to the fact that in the 21st century extra-judicial settlement of disputes is preferred worldwide these days. In this context, it is no exception to the regulation of individual labour disputes without appealing to the courts. It demonstrates the role and significance of the introduction and development of conciliation procedures, including mediation, without diminishing the importance of other remedies to protect labour rights and freedoms provided in the labour legislation. An analysis of Kazakhstan’s and Russia’s procedural laws indicates a steady trend of expansion of alternative legal ways of disputes settlement in general, and particularly in labour disputes, including disputes between economic agents (employer and employee), which seems to be responded to the modern development of economic relations. Extrajudicial ways of conflict resolution may be undertaken not only by jurisdictional, but also by non-judicial mechanisms that are in the beginning stage of formation as alternative ways of resolving labour disputes at this period of Kazakhstan’s development.</p
Organizational learning as a factor staff development organizations
В статье представлен анализ организационного обучения в нефтегазовой отрасли. Приведены примеры организации обучения персонала в таких предприятиях, как Газпром и Роснефть. В заключении автором предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию организационного развития в данной отрасли. The article presents an analysis of organizational learning in the oil and gas industry. Examples of the organization of staff training in such companies as Gazprom and Rosneft. In conclusion, the author offers recommendations for improving organizational development in the industry
Evolution of acoustic pulses in damaged underground pipelines
The research is of increasing relevance due to the need for recommendations on improving the existing methods for rapid detection of pipeline damage at the early stages of hydrocarbon liquid flow into the ground through the damaged areas. To detect possible pipeline damage that occurs during the transportation of hydrocarbon liquids, a technique of pressure pulse probing in the liquid filling the channel is proposed. A theoretical model of propagation of finite-duration pulses through an underground pipeline with corrosion-rusted damages in the short-wave approximation is developed. Integro-differential equations that take into account the manifestation of viscosity in a liquid in the boundary layer near the inner surface of the pipeline wall are obtained. Dispersion expressions for the distribution of the pulse signal within the corroded area are induced, and the reflection and transmission coefficients are determined based on the boundary conditions for the damage. The dynamics of pulses in the pipeline is studied using the fast Fourier transform. The features of pulse signal dispersion in the area of corrosion depending on the channel radius, soil filtration characteristics, and the amount of damage to the channel wall are revealed. The theoretical calculations show that the “echo” of the signal from the damage is weak, and the modulus of the coefficient of signal reflection from the border of the damaged area is no more than 10% of the scanning pulse signal. Therefore, in order to catch the “echo” of the signal at the early stages of the liquid flow through the corroded section of the pipeline, sufficiently accurate devices are needed to generate a scanning signal of a given duration and amplitude, as well as highly sensitive sensors – signal analyzers. The theoretical results of the research serve as a basis of the patent for the invention
Acoustic Sounding of Hydraulic Fractures in a Low-Permeability Reservoir
Theoretical models indicate the possibility of diagnosing the presence and the conductivity of the hydraulic fractures in reservoirs of the permeability of order milli Darcy by means of an acoustic TV set, which is a cylindrical probe of the length of several meters with a generator of impulse signals and pressure sensors. It is suggested to generate an impulse signal in a fluid, filling the gap between the probe body and the outer wall of the borehole. It is supposed that the impulse signal is generated in a fluid located in the gap between the probe body and an outer wall of the borehole. The signal evolution recorded by means of the pressure sensors as a damping of its amplitude and the appearance of the reflected burst of pressure allow one to estimate the presence and the conductivity of the fractures in the bottomhole zone. We consider fractures, which are radial or longitudinal to an open part of the borehole. The length of the impulse signal is less than the length of the probe, but exceeds the width of the gap between the probe body and the outer wall of the borehole. We take into consideration the damping of the impulse signal due to the viscosity effects in a boundary layer near the borehole walls. The width of a fracture is much less than the wavelength, and this is why the radial fracture is admitted by the reflecting surface. We provide the results of the dispersion analysis and numerical experiments on the influence of the filtration characteristics of the fractures, the width of the gap and the type of fluid on the evolution of the impulse signals in the channel