5 research outputs found


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    This study was executed to explore correlation between postural alignment in standing measured through photogrammetry and static balance in children with visual, hearing, intellectual and physical disability. METHODS: Participants were 34 children (age 7-12 years) including 8 children with hearing, 8 with visual, 6 with physical, and 12 children with intellectual disabilities Postural alignment in standing was measured through photogrammetry. Static balance data were obtained in 15 s bipedal stance with eyes open and eyes closed, and also in 10 s unipedal stance. A force plate was used to collect data of Centre of Pressure amplitude in anterior-posterior, medio-lateral directions and velocity. Correlation was obtained using Spearman's Rank Correlation co-efficient in SPSS software (version 19.0). RESULTS: Moderate positive correlation (r = 0.338 to r = 425; p ≤ 0.05) was found between angle of head position and angle of frontal and sagittal ASIS and PSIS level. Also, moderate positive correlation was found between angles in shoulder level and angles of the head (r =  .365 to r = .453, p .05). In assessing the static balance outcomes between the four groups, results presented significant differences in results during bipedal stance with eyes open. CONCLUSION: Degree of forward head posture correlates directly with hip and shoulder anatomical placement. Children with intellectual disability presented larger displacement of the center of pressure with more body sway observed during eyes open condition

    Kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinės būklės įtaka obojininkų garso trukmei ir kokybei

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    Literature sources indicate that an athlete or a musician needs to have balanced and symmetrical body. It also has been pointed out that the functional state of respiratory system can affect the quality of the implementation of necessary movements. Being in one forced position all the time, for example, playing a musical instrument on a daily basis, can cause muscle imbalance and tone that, in turn, can cause changes in the functional state of respiratory system. Knowing that musicians regularly play their musical instrument, it may be considered that musicians have changed functional state of the respiratory system, and, thus, the sound quality and durability of the wind-instruments have changed as well. The aim of the research was to explore the effect of mobility of the respiratory muscles and individual rib pairs (3, 4, 5) on the sound quality and duration of oboists’ playing. The methods and material of the research: measure tests of the sound quality and duration and muscle length tests (Trapezius upper part, Scalenii, Sternocleiomastoideus, Pectoralis major (all parts), Pectoralis minor, and Rhomboideus) after Kendall; Photogrammetry to determine the mobility of 3, 4, 5 rib pairs; And mathematical statistics methods – Student T test, McNemar test – were applied for the study as well (Fay, 2016). [...]Literatūros šaltiniuose teigiama, kad tiek sportininkui, tiek muzikantui reikalingas simetriškas kūnas, o kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinė būklė turi įtakos reikalingų judesių atlikimo kokybei. Ilgą laiką buvimas vienoje pozoje, pavyzdžiui, kasdien grojant muzikos instrumentu, gali sukelti raumenų tonuso disbalansą, kuris lemia kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinės būklės pokyčius. Žinant, jog muzikantai reguliariai groja savo instrumentais, galima daryti prielaidą, kad jie keičia savo kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinę būklę tokiu būdu pakeisdami pučiamojo instrumento skleidžiamo garso kokybę bei trukmę. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti kvėpavimo raumenų ir atskirų šonkaulių porų (3, 4, 5) mobilumo poveikį obojininkų garso kokybei ir trukmei. Tyrimo metodai ir priemonės: Kendalo garso kokybės, trukmės ir raumenų ilgio matavimo testai; fotogrametrija 3, 4, 5 šonkaulių porų mobilumo matavimui; matematinės statistikos metodai (Stjudento (angl. Student) t testas, McNemaro testas). Tyrime dalyvavo 12 obojininkų – vyrų ir moterų, kurių vidutinis amžius – 22 metai. Tiriamieji obojumi grojo ne mažiau nei šešerius metus, iki tol nebuvo turėję jokių kvėpavimo sistemos ligų bei neužsiėmė jokia kasdiene fizinio aktyvumo veikla, o grojant jų diafragmos apčiuopa buvo jautri ar skausminga. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Latvijos sporto pedagogikos akademijos laboratorijoje. [...

    Kvėpavimo ciklo rodiklių kaita atliekant reflektorinį dirginimą

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    In the literature, it was established that the pulmonary function changes, changing only some of the pulmonary function providing mechanism parameters such as individual rib movement and the left and right ribs synchronous operation, affect not only the respiratory system but also other body systems. When talking of the respiratory system evaluation, methods that emphasize the measurements of all the thorax as a whole are described as well. The aim of the study was to find out how reflector irritation affects parameters that characterize respiratory cycle in the level of vertebral column segments C0-C3 and C6 -Th3. The research included 20 men of age 20-25 with a common feature of the deep neck flexor muscle functional weakness. To assess their ribs pair (3rd, 4th, 5th) mobility and movement asymmetry between right and left ribs of the body, photogrammetric method was used. And the method of spirometry was employed to evaluate pulmonary vital capacity. As to evaluate results, methods of mathematical statistics were used in the study. Results: Analysing ribs movements during respiratory cycle before reflector irritation along X axis, it was estimated: 3rd right rib moved 2,95 ± 0,13 cm and 3rd left moved 2,88 ± 0,14 cm; 4th right rib moved 3,01 ± 0,67 cm and 4th left moved 2,94 ± 0,15 cm; 5th right rib moved 3,25 ± 0,14 cm and 5th left moved 3,04 ± 0,16 cm. After the reflector irritation along X axis, movements have increased and these changes are considered as statistically significant (α ≤ 0.05). Analysing rib movements during respiratory cycle before reflector irritation along Y axis, it was estimated: 3rd right rib moved 1,83± 0,07 cm and 3rd left moved 1,80 ± 0,06 cm; 4th right rib moved 2,15 ± 0,07 cm and 4th left moved 2,29 ± 0,08 cm; 5th right rib moved 2,44 ± 0,09 cm and 5th left moved 2,54 ± 0,09 cm. After the reflector irritation along Y axis, movements increased and these changes are considered as statistically significant (α ≤ 0.05). Vital capacity was estimated 5,55 ± 0,09 l before reflector irritation and after irritation it increased up to 5.83 ± 0.09 l. These changes are statistically significant (α ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Reflector irritation of neck segments causes adaptation processes of the whole organism and through the neural regulation influence separate motions of ribs.Literatūros šaltiniuose pateikiama įrodymų, kad plaučių funkcijos pokyčiai, turintys įtakos tik kai kuriems plaučių funkciją užtikrinančio mechanizmo parametrams (tokiems kaip individualus šonkaulio judesys bei sinchroninis kairio ir dešinio šonkaulio judėjimas), veikia ne tik kvėpavimo, bet ir kitas organizmo sistemas. Literatūroje, nagrinėjančioje kvėpavimo sistemos vertinimą, daug dėmesio skiriama metodams, tiriantiems visos krūtinės ląstos funkcionavimą. Mūsų tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti, kaip reflektorinis dirginimas veikia rodiklius, apibūdinančius kvėpavimo ciklą stuburo slankstelių C0-C3 ir C6-Th3 srityje. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 vyrų, kurių amžius 20–25 metai. Jiems visiems buvo būdinga silpna kaklo giluminio lenkiamojo raumens funkcija. 3‑iojo, 4‑ojo ir 5‑ojo šonkaulių poriniam mobilumui ir judėjimo tarp dešinio ir kairio šonkaulio asimetrijai įvertinti buvo naudojamas fotogrametrijos metodas. Plaučių gyvybinis tūris buvo vertinamas spirometrijos metodu. Rezultatams skaičiuoti ir vertinti naudoti matematinės statistikos metodai. Šonkaulių judėjimo per kvėpavimo ciklą prieš reflektorinį dirginimą X ašyje analizė parodė 3‑iojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,95 ± 0,13 cm, 3‑iojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,88 ± 0,14 cm; 4‑ojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 3,01 ± 0,67 cm, 4‑ojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,94 ± 0,15 cm; 5‑ojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 3,25 ± 0,14 cm, 5‑ojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 3,04 ± 0,16 cm. Po reflektorinio dirginimo X ašyje šie judesiai didėjo, nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi pokyčiai (α ≤ 0,05). Šonkaulių judėjimo per kvėpavimo ciklą prieš reflektorinį dirginimą Y ašyje analizė parodė 3‑iojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 1,83 ± 0,07 cm, 3‑iojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 1,80 ± 0,06 cm; 4‑ojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,15 ± 0,07 cm, 4‑ojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,29 ± 0,08 cm; 5‑ojo dešinio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,44 ± 0,09 cm, 5‑ojo kairio šonkaulio judėjimą 2,54 ± 0,09 cm. Po reflektorinio dirginimo Y ašyje šie judesiai didėjo, nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi pokyčiai (α ≤ 0,05). Tiriamųjų gyvybinis plaučių tūris buvo 5,55 ± 0,09 litrai prieš dirginimą, po dirginimo jis padidėjo iki 5,83 ± 0,09 litrų. Pokytis buvo statistiškai reikšmingas (α ≤ 0,05). Išvada: reflektorinis kaklo segmentų dirginimas sukelia adaptacinius viso organizmo procesus ir per nervinį reguliavimą daro įtaką atskiriems šonkaulių judesiams


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    During the COVID – 19 pandemic, opportunities for sport activities are limited and studies take place in front of the computer. Computer and telephones are an essential component of life among the youth aged 14-15, when school studies take place online. The human body tries to adapt to these changes. Over the past few years, a growing number of authors have studied the “text (message) neck syndrome,” which can be considered the new syndrome of the twenty-first century. In studies, the normal angle of the neck is considered to be 52°. At the beginning of our studies, we obtained the following indicators: the average angle of the neck was 56,04°, and the average angle of the shoulder was 49,34°. The disciples have been performing a set of 20 exercises during the study, which lasted for one month. In the repeated tests, we have obtained the following indicators: the average angle of the neck was 53,46°, and the average angle of the shoulder was 45,19°. Albeit the angle indicators are within the normal range, the indicators went down during the distance studies. We also drew the disciples’ attention to the protracted shoulders (PSs). Aim of the study: to develop a set of exercises to strengthen the neck and shoulder girdle for basketball players aged 14 – 15 for improving posture and preventing the “text neck syndrome.”Methods: Analysis of literature sources and scientific studies. Measuring experiment. Photogrammetry. Mathematical statistical analysis.

    The assessment of static balance in children with hearing, visual and intellectual disabilities

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    Background: Balance is a fundamental part of many movement tasks a child performs. Maintaining upright posture is a complex process involving multiple body parts and functional systems. Objective: This study aimed to explore the mean amplitude and velocity of the center of pressure (COP) displacements during static balance tests in children with and without disabilities. Methods: Participants were 34 children (age 8.5 to 10.8 years) including 6 typically developed children, 8 children with hearing, 8 children with visual and 12 children with intellectual disabilities. Static balance data were obtained in 15 s bipedal stance with eyes open and eyes closed, and also in 10 s unipedal stance. A force plate was used to collect data of COP amplitude in anterior-posterior (COPA-P), medio-lateral (COPM-L) directions and COP velocity (COPV). Results: Study outcomes revealed that all subgroups presented larger COP displacement and velocity with eyes closed (p < .001). During bipedal stance with eyes open for results of COPM-L and COPV no significant differences were found between children with and without disabilities (p > .05). Children with intellectual and visual impairments presented significantly larger displacement in COPA-P and COPM-L in comparison with children with hearing impairment and without disability (p < .05). Conclusions: This study provided evidence of comparative outcomes on static stability assessment in elementary school children with and without disability. While in many test items children with disability did not demonstrate a significantly decreased level of postural control outcomes comparing to their peers without disability, the balance assessment should be used for early detection of dysfunction in children, so as to guide the application of appropriate intervention