143 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the interactions of potential foulant molecules and a reverse osmosis membrane

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    Reverse osmosis (RO) is increasingly one of the most common technologies for desalination worldwide. However, fouling of the membranes used in the RO process remains one of the main challenges. In order to better understand the molecular basis of fouling the interactions of a fully atomistic model of a polyamide membrane with three different foulant molecules, oxygen gas, glucose and phenol, are investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. In addition to unbiased simulations, umbrella sampling methods have been used to calculate the free energy profiles of the membrane-foulant interactions. The results show that each of the three foulants interacts with the membrane in a different manner.It is found that a build up of the two organic foulants, glucose and phenol, occurs at the membrane-saline solution, due to the favourable nature of the interaction in this region, and that the presence of these foulants reduces the rate of flow of water molecules over the membrane-solution interface. However, analysis of the hydrogen bonding shows that the origin of attraction of the foulant for the membrane differs. In the case of oxygen gas the simulations show that a build up of gas within the membrane is likely, although, no deterioration in the membrane performance was observed

    Reactive Force Field for Proton Diffusion in BaZrO3 using an empirical valence bond approach

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    A new reactive force field to describe proton diffusion within the solid-oxide fuel cell material BaZrO3 has been derived. Using a quantum mechanical potential energy surface, the parameters of an interatomic potential model to describe hydroxyl groups within both pure and yttrium-doped BaZrO3 have been determined. Reactivity is then incorporated through the use of the empirical valence bond model. Molecular dynamics simulations (EVB-MD) have been performed to explore the diffusion of hydrogen using a stochastic thermostat and barostat whose equations are extended to the isostress-isothermal ensemble. In the low concentration limit, the presence of yttrium is found not to significantly influence the diffusivity of hydrogen, despite the proton having a longer residence time at oxygen adjacent to the dopant. This lack of influence is due to the fact that trapping occurs infrequently, even when the proton diffuses through octahedra adjacent to the dopant. The activation energy for diffusion is found to be 0.42 eV, in good agreement with experimental values, though the prefactor is slightly underestimated.Comment: Corrected titl

    Coupled Al/Si and O/N order/disorder in BaYb[Si4–xAlxOxN7–x]sialon

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    The fractions of aluminium, [Al]/[Al + Si], and oxygen, [O]/[O + N], in crystallographically distinct sites of BaYb[Si4–xAlxOxN7–x] oxonitridoaluminosilicate (space group P63mc, No. 186) were refined based on the results of neutron powder diffraction for a synthetic sample with the composition of x = 2.2(2) and simulated as functions of temperature for the compositions x = 2 and x = 2.3 using a combination of static lattice energy calculations (SLEC) and Monte Carlo simulations. The SLEC calcu lations have been performed on a set of 800 structures differing in the distribution of Al/Si and O/N within the 2 × 2 × 2 supercell containing 36 formula units of BaYb[Si4–xAlxOxN7–x]. The SLEC were based on a transferable set of empirical interatomic potentials developed within the present study. The static lattice energies of these structures have been expanded in the basis set of pair-wise ordering energies and on-site chemical potentials. The ordering energies and the chemical potentials have been used to calculate the configuration energies of the oxonitridoaluminosilicates (so-called sialons) using a Monte Carlo algorithm. The simulations suggest that Al and O are distributed unevenly over two non-equivalent T(Si/Al) and three L(N/O) sites, respectively, and the distribution shows strong dependence both on the temperature and the composition. Both simulated samples exhibit order/disorder transitions in the temperature range 500–1000 K to phases with partial long-range order below these temperatures. Above the transition temperatures the Si/Al and N/O distributions are affected by short-range ordering. The predicted site occupancies are in a qualitative agreement with the neutron diffraction results

    Atomistic models of carbonate minerals: bulk and surface structures, defects, and diffusion

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    We review the use of interatomic potentials to describe the bulk and surface behavior of carbonate materials. Interatomic pair potentials, describing the Ca2+-O interactions and the C-O bonding of the CO22 anion group, are used to evaluate the lattice, elastic, dielectric, and vibrational data for calcite and aragonite. The resulting potential parameters for the carbonate group were then successfully transferred to models of the structures of rhombohedral carbonates of Mn, Fe, Mg, Ni, Zn, Co, and Cd. Simulations of the (1014) cleavage surface of calcite, magnesite, and dolomite show that these surfaces undergo relaxation leading to the rotation and distortion of the carbonate group with associated movement of cations. The influence of water on the surface structure has been investigated for monolayer coverage. The extent of carbonate group distortion is greater for the dry surfaces compared to the hydrated surfaces, and for the dry calcite relative to that for dry dolomite or magnesite. Point defect calculations for the doping of calcite indicate an increase in defect formation energy with increasing size of the substituting divalent ion. Migration energies for Ca, Mg, and Mn in calcite suggest a strong preference for diffusion along pathways roughly parallel to the c-axis rather than along the ab-plane

    Atomistic Simulation of Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Hydration Layers on Calcite, Dolomite, and Magnesite Surfaces

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    Advances in atomic force microscopy (AFM) in water have enabled the study of hydration layer structures on crystal surfaces, and in a recent study on dolomite (CaMg(CO3)(2)), chemical sensitivity was demonstrated by observing significant differences in force-distance curves over the calcium and magnesium ions in the surface. Here, we present atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of a hydration layer structure and dynamics on the (10 (1) over bar4) surfaces of dolomite, calcite (CaCO3), and magnesite (MgCO3), as well as simulations of AFM imaging on these three surfaces with a model silica tip. Our results confirm that it should be possible to distinguish between water molecules coordinating the calcium and magnesium ions in dolomite, and the details gleaned from the atomistic simulations enable us to clarify the underlying imaging mechanism in the AFM experiments.Peer reviewe

    Entropy Drives Calcium Carbonate Ion Association

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    The understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the early stages of crystallisation is still incomplete. In the case of calcium carbonate, experimental and computational evidence suggests that phase separation relies on so-called pre-nucleation clusters (PNCs). A thorough thermodynamic analysis of the enthalpic and entropic contributions to the overall free energy of PNC formation derived from three independent methods demonstrates that solute clustering is driven by entropy. This can be quantitatively rationalised by the release of water molecules from ion hydration layers, explaining why ion association is not limited to simple ion pairing. The key role of water release in this process suggests that PNC formation should be a common phenomenon in aqueous solutions

    Short-Range Structure of Amorphous Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate

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    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society. Calcium orthophosphates (CaPs) are the hard constituents of bones and teeth, and thus of ultimate importance to humankind, while amorphous CaPs (ACPs) may play crucial roles in CaP biomineralization. Among the various ACPs with Ca/P atomic ratios between 1.0-1.5, an established structural model exists for basic ACP (Ca/P = 1.5), while those of other ACPs remain unclear. Herein, the structure of amorphous calcium hydrogen phosphate (ACHP; Ca/P = 1.0) obtained via aqueous routes at near-neutral pH values, without stabilizers, was studied by experiments (mainly, TEM with ED, XRD, IR, and NMR spectroscopies, as well as XAS) and computer simulation. Our results globally show that ACHP has a distinct short-range structure, and we propose calcium hydrogen phosphate clusters (CHPCs) as its basic unit. This model is consistent with both computer simulations and the experimental results, where CHPCs are arranged together with water molecules to build up ACHP. We demonstrate that Posner's clusters, which are conventionally accepted to be the building unit of basic ACPs, do not represent the short-range structure of ACHP, as Posner's clusters and CHPCs are structurally distinct. This finding is important not only for the determination of the structures of diverse ACPs with varying Ca/P atomic ratios but also for fundamental understanding of a major mineral class that is central to biomineralization in vertebrates and, thus, humans, in particular.

    Probing the Multiple Structures of Vaterite through Combined Computational and Experimental Raman Spectroscopy

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    First-principles Raman spectra have been computed for several new vaterite structural models that have been recently proposed, and compared with spectra recorded on a set of biogenic, geological and synthetic samples. This set includes new measurements collected on Herdamania momus spicules (Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia), which are known to have purity and crystallinity that are higher than for other biogenic samples. Overall, due to the close structural connection between the various models, the computed Raman spectra are found to be broadly similar. However, the spectra obtained for the two most stable models (monoclinic C2 and trigonal P3221, corresponding to two different polytypes of vaterite) exhibit features that are in excellent agreement with the experimental spectra, whereas the other theoretical structures show minor peaks that are not observed experimentally. When comparing the spectra for the two lowest energy structural models (C2 and P3221), the differences are too small to discriminate between these candidates. The Raman spectrum of Herdamania momus is of higher quality with respect to spectra obtained in previous studies on other biogenic samples. However, there is no significant and systematic difference with respect to samples of geological and synthetic origin

    A thermodynamic adsorption/entrapment model for selenium(IV) coprecipitation with calcite

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    Selenium is an environmentally relevant trace element, while the radioisotope 79Se is of particular concern in the context of nuclear waste disposal safety. Oxidized selenium species are relatively soluble and show only weak adsorption at common mineral surfaces. However, a possible sorption mechanism for selenium in the geosphere is the structural incorporation of selenium(IV) (selenite, SeO3 2) into calcite (CaCO3). In this study we investigate the interactions between selenite and calcite by a series of experimental and computational methods with the aim to quantify selenite incorporation into calcite at standard conditions. We further seek to describe the thermodynamics of selenite-doped calcite, and selenite coprecipitation with calcite. The structure of the incorporated species is investigated using Se K-edge EXAFS (isotropic and polarization dependent) and results are compared to density functional theory (DFT) calculations. These investigations confirm structural incorporation of selenite into calcite by the substitution of carbonate for selenite, leading to the formation of a Ca(SeO3)X(CO3)(1-X)solid solution.Coprecipitation experiments at low supersaturation indicate a linear increase of the selenite to carbonate ratio in the solid with the increase of the selenite to carbonate ratio in the contact solution. This relationship can be described under the assumption of an ideal mixing between calcite and a virtual CaSeO3 endmember, whose standard Gibbs free energy (G0(CaSeO3_exp) = 953 ± 6 kJ/mol, log10(KSP(CaSeO3_exp)) = 6.7 ± 1.0) is defined by linear extrapolation of the excess free energy from the dilute Henry’s law domain to X(CaSeO3) = 1. In contrast to this experimental result, DFT and force field calculations predict the virtual bulk CaSeO3 endmember to be significantly less stable and more soluble: G0(CaSeO3 bulk) = 912 ± 10 kJ/mol and log10(KSP(CaSeO3_bulk)) = 0.5 ± 1.7. To explain this discrepancy we introduce a thermodynamic adsorption/entrapment concept. This concept is based on the idea that the experimental value of 953 ± 6 kJ/mol reflects the Gibbs free energy of CaSeO3 within the surface layer, while the value obtained from atomistic calculations reflects bulk thermodynamic properties. In coprecipitation experiments performed at steady-state conditions the difference between these values is compensated by the supersaturation. Thus, if the Gibbs free energies of the bulk CaCO3 and CaSeO3 endmembers are substituted with the Gibbs free energies of the surface endmembers, the coprecipitation experiment can still be treated within the formalism of equilibrium thermodynamics. This concept leads to a number of important consequences, which can be tested both experimentally and theoretically.We show that selenite adsorption at the calcite surface and selenite coprecipitation with calcite under supersaturated conditions can be described with the same partition coefficient. This implies that the coprecipitation can be viewed as a sequence of adsorption and entrapment events. On the other hand, our aragonite recrystallization experiments show that at near equilibrium conditions the calcite growth is inhibited in the presence of selenite. Consistent with these observations, our DFT calculations show that the substitution of carbonate for selenite is energetically more favorable at the surface than inside the bulk. The whole set of the experimental and atomistic simulation results leads to the conclusion that the calcite–CaSeO3 solid solution can only grow continuously if the aqueous solution is supersaturated with respect to the bulk solid solution. Under these conditions selenite coprecipitates with calcite at a partition coefficient of D = 0.02 ± 0.01. If the solution is undersaturated with respect to the bulk solid solution, only surface ion-exchange occurs. Elevated selenite concentrations in bulk calcite therefore reflect non-equilibrium conditions
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