9 research outputs found

    The Dignity of Women and the Example of Mary according to John Paul II

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    Marija je svim ljudima ā€“ ženama i muÅ”karcima uzor. Ona je slika Crkve, slika onoga Å”to svaki čovjek mora postići, a to je svetost, posluÅ”nost i vječni život s Bogom. Ona je to ostvarila jer je bila od Boga izabrana i izrekla svoje ā€žfiatā€œ. Bez njezina slobodna pristanka Bog ne bi mogao svijet otkupiti rođenjem Isusa Krista. Uzor je u materinstvu i djevičanstvu, u darivanju sebe drugome i postizanju bliskog jedinstva s Bogom Å”to je zapravo i cilj postojanja. Iako je uzor svim ljudima, na poseban je način uzor ženama koje po njezinu uzoru mogu postići duboko jedinstvo s Bogom, ostvariti svoju istinsku bit i postati ā€žÄuvaricama ljudskoga srcaā€œ. U tome leži njezino posebno dostojanstvo. Dostojanstvo žene po uzoru na Mariju na poseban je način razvijeno u dokumentima ā€žRedemptoris Materā€œ i ā€žMulieris dignitatemā€œ Ivana Pavla II. koji su u temelju razvijanja ove teme.Mary is a role model to all - women and men. She is the image of the Church, the image of what every human being must achieve: holiness, obedience and eternal life with God. She accomplished all this because she was chosen by God and pronounced her ā€œfiatā€. Without her free consent, God could not have redeemed the world with the birth of Jesus Christ. She is a role model in motherhood and in virginity, in giving oneself to another and in attaining close union with God, what is the very purpose of existence. Although she is a role model to all, Mary is particularly a role model to women who, following her example, can achieve a deep union with God and their true essence, and become ā€œkeepers of the human heartā€. Therein lies her special dignity. The dignity of women modeled on Mary was developed especially by John Paul II in the documents ā€œRedemptoris Materā€ and ā€œMulieris Dignitatemā€ that underlie the development of this topic


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    Wastewater effluents from azo dye production and other dye-stuff using industries contain significant amounts of highly resistant azo dyes that require special treatment processes to prevent groundwater contamination. The present study is based on the approach of aerobic followed by anaerobic step for biodegradation and decolorization of azo dye. The main objective of this work was the adaptation, isolation and preparation of mixed microbial culture, from laboratory collection, catabolically able to biodegrade under aerobic conditions bordo azo dye present in mother lye after industrial production of that dye. The anaerobic step needed for biodegradation of azo dye was performed by the use of adapted active anaerobic sludge from a wastewater treatment plant of the sugar industry. The adapted aerobic and anaerobic microbial cultures demonstrated significant biodegradative enzymatic potential and can be further used for development of a continuous aerobic ā€“ anaerobic process for the treatment of wastewater from industrial production of azo dye

    Nitrogen Removal with Aerobic Granules ā€“ Effect of Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio

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    Nitrogen removal efficiency related to the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (DO 1ā€“7Ā mgĀ lā€“1), carbon/nitrogen ratio (COD/N 1ā€“14), and the effect of airflow (0.4ā€“2.9Ā lĀ minā€“1) related to the granule size were investigated. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of ā‰„Ā 90Ā % was achieved at COD/NĀ ā‰„Ā 11, but the satisfactory N values in effluent for discharge into the surface waters were almost achieved at COD/N 14. DO of 2Ā mgĀ lā€“1 is recommended for efficient removal of N and COD with mature granules. The size (diameter) of the granules decreases with increased airflow

    BioloŔka denitrifikacija

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    Ubrzani napredak industrije, poljoprivrede i domaćinstva su pogodovali poviÅ”enim koncentracijama duÅ”ika u vodenom ekosustavu, Å”to uzrokuje eutrofikaciju. DuÅ”ik se iz otpadne vode uklanja procesom bioloÅ”ke denitrifikacije. U ovom preglednom radu dan je osvrt na denitrifikaciju, s aspekta mikroorganizama, koncentracije otopljenog kisika, donora i akceptora elektrona

    Aerobni granulirani mulj u obradi otpadnih voda: mehanizam granulacije i svojstva aerobnih granula

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    Aerobni granulirani mulj (AGS, engl. Aerobic Granular Sludge) predstavlja obećavajuću tehnologiju u obradi otpadnih voda kućanstva i industrije. Aerobne granule su samoimobilizirane mikrobne nakupine, bez nosača, a karakterizira ih kompaktna gusta struktura, visoko zadržavanje biomase, visoka učinkovitost uklanjanja onečiŔćenja i svojstvo brzog taloženja. Na formiranje i stabilnost aerobnog granuliranog mulja utječu brojni čimbenici, poput koncentracija otopljenog kisika, vrijeme prozračivanja, vrsta izvora ugljika, sile smicanja, period gladovanja, vrijeme taloženja. Zbog slojevite strukture granule, sa vanjskim aerobnim slojem i anoksičnim i anaerobnim zonama prema srediÅ”tu granule, moguće je istovremeno uklanjanje C, N i P. AGS tehnologija ima potencijal smanjenja infrastrukture i operativnih troÅ”kova pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda. Ovaj rad daje pregled najnovijih spoznaja iz literature o mehanizmu granulacije i svojstvima aerobnih granula

    Nitrogen removal from wastewater using granulated activated sludge

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    Aerobni granulirani mulj formiran je iz aktivnog mulja u SBR reaktoru, uz acetat kao izvor ugljika. Povećanje omjera KPK/N povoljno djeluje na uklanjanje N, P i KPK. Učinkovitost uklanjanja N s povećanjem omjera KPK/N od 1 do 23 se povećala od 40% do 80%, kao i uklanjanje KPK od 57% do 96%. S povećanjem omjera KPK/N do vrijednosti omjera KPK/N 17 zabilježen je trend povećanja učinkovitosti uklanjanja P te je pri omjeru KPK/N 17 određena najveća učinkovitost uklanjanja P od 69,3%, a daljnjim povećanjem omjera KPK/N učinkovitost uklanjanja P se smanjivala. S porastom protoka zraka postiže se veća koncentracija otopljenog kisika, raste učinkovitost uklanjanja KPK, međutim, učinkovitost uklanjanja N i P raste s povećanjem koncentracije otopljenog kisika do 2 mg/L dok se daljnjim povećanjem koncentracije otopljenog kisika učinkovitost uklanjanja N i P snižava. Rezultati pokazuju trend smanjenja promjera granule s povećanjem protoka zraka. Primjenom FISH metode u aerobnom granuliranom mulju dokazani su mikrobni klasteri odgovorni za procese nitritacije, nitratacije, denitrifikacije, uklanjanja fosfora (PAOs), anoksično uklanjanje fosfora uz NOā‚‚-N i NOā‚ƒ-N kao akceptore elektrona (DPAOs), i pohranjivanje glikogena (GAOs).Aerobic granular sludge was formed from activated sludge in an SBR reactor, with acetate as a carbon source. Increasing the COD/N ratio has a favorable effect on N, P and COD removal. N removal efficiency with increasing COD/N ratio from 1 to 23 increased from 40% to 80%, as well as COD reduction form 57% to 96%. With the increase of the COD/N ratio to the COD/N 17, a trend of increasing P removal efficiency was recorded, and at the COD/N ratio of 17, the highest P removal efficiency of 69.3% was determined, and with a further increase in the COD/N ratio, the P removal efficiency was reduced. With an increase in air flow, a higher dissolved oxygen concentration is achieved, COD removal efficiency increases, however, the N and P removal efficiency increases with an increase in the dissolved oxygen concentration up to 2 mg/L, while a further increase in the dissolved oxygen concentration decreases the N and P removal efficiency. The results show a trend of decreasing granule diameter with increasing air flow. Using the FISH method in aerobic granular sludge, microbial clusters responsible for nitritation, nitration, denitrification, phosphorus removal (PAOs), anoxic phosphorus removal with NOā‚‚-N and NOā‚ƒ-N as electron acceptors (DPAOs), and glycogen storage (GAOs) were proven

    Nitrogen removal from wastewater using granulated activated sludge

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    Aerobni granulirani mulj formiran je iz aktivnog mulja u SBR reaktoru, uz acetat kao izvor ugljika. Povećanje omjera KPK/N povoljno djeluje na uklanjanje N, P i KPK. Učinkovitost uklanjanja N s povećanjem omjera KPK/N od 1 do 23 se povećala od 40% do 80%, kao i uklanjanje KPK od 57% do 96%. S povećanjem omjera KPK/N do vrijednosti omjera KPK/N 17 zabilježen je trend povećanja učinkovitosti uklanjanja P te je pri omjeru KPK/N 17 određena najveća učinkovitost uklanjanja P od 69,3%, a daljnjim povećanjem omjera KPK/N učinkovitost uklanjanja P se smanjivala. S porastom protoka zraka postiže se veća koncentracija otopljenog kisika, raste učinkovitost uklanjanja KPK, međutim, učinkovitost uklanjanja N i P raste s povećanjem koncentracije otopljenog kisika do 2 mg/L dok se daljnjim povećanjem koncentracije otopljenog kisika učinkovitost uklanjanja N i P snižava. Rezultati pokazuju trend smanjenja promjera granule s povećanjem protoka zraka. Primjenom FISH metode u aerobnom granuliranom mulju dokazani su mikrobni klasteri odgovorni za procese nitritacije, nitratacije, denitrifikacije, uklanjanja fosfora (PAOs), anoksično uklanjanje fosfora uz NOā‚‚-N i NOā‚ƒ-N kao akceptore elektrona (DPAOs), i pohranjivanje glikogena (GAOs).Aerobic granular sludge was formed from activated sludge in an SBR reactor, with acetate as a carbon source. Increasing the COD/N ratio has a favorable effect on N, P and COD removal. N removal efficiency with increasing COD/N ratio from 1 to 23 increased from 40% to 80%, as well as COD reduction form 57% to 96%. With the increase of the COD/N ratio to the COD/N 17, a trend of increasing P removal efficiency was recorded, and at the COD/N ratio of 17, the highest P removal efficiency of 69.3% was determined, and with a further increase in the COD/N ratio, the P removal efficiency was reduced. With an increase in air flow, a higher dissolved oxygen concentration is achieved, COD removal efficiency increases, however, the N and P removal efficiency increases with an increase in the dissolved oxygen concentration up to 2 mg/L, while a further increase in the dissolved oxygen concentration decreases the N and P removal efficiency. The results show a trend of decreasing granule diameter with increasing air flow. Using the FISH method in aerobic granular sludge, microbial clusters responsible for nitritation, nitration, denitrification, phosphorus removal (PAOs), anoxic phosphorus removal with NOā‚‚-N and NOā‚ƒ-N as electron acceptors (DPAOs), and glycogen storage (GAOs) were proven

    Ružička days : International conference 19th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Dear colleagues, we are extremely honoured to present to you the Proceedings of the international conference 19th Ružička Days, which was successfully held on September 21ā€“23, 2022, in Vukovar, Croatia, in the hometown town of our famous Croatian scientist and first Nobel laureate, professor Leopold (Lavoslav) Ružička. The main goals of the Conference were to promote excellence, originality and innovation of interdisciplinary scientific research as well as the practical application of the obtained results through collaboration with industry, emphasizing thus the recognizable slogan of the Ružička Days conference: "Today Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industry". In addition, the Conference gave the opportunity for meetings, exchanging the ideas, opinions, experiences and cooperation among participants from different working surroundings. It is also important to point out that since 2008, within the international conference Ružička Days, Meeting of Young Chemists has also been held, where high school students, with the help of their mentors, present papers in the field of chemistry, with the aim to direct students and young people to the technical and natural sciences, especially chemistry. In its seventh issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) the Proceedings publishes scientific and professional full papers of high quality in the following sections: Chemical analysis and synthesis (10), Chemical and biochemical engineering (3), Food technology and biotechnology (4), Chemistry in agriculture and forestry (1), Environmental protection (9) and 8th Meeting of Young Chemists (3). Full-length papers were subjected to an international review procedure done by eminent experts from the corresponding fields, to whom we express our gratitude, but they were not subjected to linguistic proofreading. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 19th Ružička Days we cordially thank all the authors, reviewers, participants, lecturers, organizers, especially the international organizers EuCheMS and EHEDG, auspices and sponsors, and all the others who, in any way, supported the Conference and contributed to the preparation of the Proceedings, especially to our highly skilled and committed associates, who have put a lot of effort in the preparation of these Proceedings. At the very end, special thanks to our young, future scientists and their mentors who are faithful participants of the Meeting of Young Chemists of the Ružička Days conference. Enjoy the extremely interesting scientific and professional papers contained in these Proceedings, until the next 20th jubilee of Ružička Days in 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you again in Vukovar! Yours sincerely, Chief Editors Jurislav Babić Vesna Ocelić Bulatović Dajana Kučić Grgi