33 research outputs found

    Algorithms of vector accordance SINS with precision INS

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    Представлены результаты отработки метода векторного согласования БИНС, построенной на основе трех двухосных ДНГ и трех МА, с высокоточной ИНС, построенной на основе ГСП. В данном методе согласование осуществляется независимо друг от друга для тракта измерения параметров углового движения и тракта измерения параметров поступательного движения. При отработке метода выходная информация инерциальных датчиков моделировалась по телеметрической информации СУ РН «Союз-2».The results of debugging of method of vector accordance SINS, built on the basis of three biaxial TRG and a three PA, with precision INS, based on a gyro-stabilized platform are obtained by means of mathematical modeling. Vectors accordance for path measurement parameters of angular motion and path parameters measurement of translation motion are performed independently in this method. Flight test data of «Soyuz-2» is used for debugging of method

    Calibration angular velocity sensors strapdown INS by vector accordance with precision INS

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    In this work the results of calibration four accelerometers of SINS by vector accordance with precision inertial navigation system are obtained by means of mathematical modeling. Model of accelerometers unit and precision characteristics were taken appropriate instrument KIND34-059 being developed by SRI AP named after Academician V.I. Kuznetsova looking for СS on the basis of SINS.В данной работе рассматривается метод тарировки акселерометров БИНС при векторном согласовании с высокоточной инерциальной навигационной системой на основе гиростабилизированной платформы. Представлены результаты отработки такого метода для тарировки 4 х акселерометров БИНС (случай избыточного числа датчиков), полученные с помощью математического моделирования. Модель блока акселерометров и их точностные характеристики брались соответствующие прибору КИНД34-059, разрабатываемому НИИ ПМ им. академика В.И. Кузнецова для перспективных СУ на основе БИНС

    Chemical composition of Badenian brines from primary fluid inclusions in halite (Transcarpathian Basin, Ukraine)

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    The primary fluid inclusions, which may be helpful in detemining the chemical composition of brines in the Badenian evaporite basin, were found in the chevron halite crystals from the Transcarpathian Basin (Ukraine). Fluid inclusions in sedimentary halite were examined with the use of ultra-microchemical analysis. Concentration of brines was high - close to the middle stage of halite sedimentation. The content of ions: K+ ranged from 10.6 g/l to 17.6 g/l, Mg2+ from 31.4 g/l to 58.3 g/l, and SO4 2- from 22.4 g/l to 39.0 g/l. Based on the chemical composition of major ions it was concluded that the brine from the Transcarpathian basin was saturated (to the stage of halite crystallization) and was similar to the Badenian brines from other basins

    Salinity tolerance mechanisms in glycophytes: An overview with the central focus on rice plants

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    The Temperature of Halite Crystallization in the Badenian Saline Basins, in the Context of Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Carpathian Area

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    Currently, fluid inclusions in halite have been frequently studied for the purpose of paleoclimate reconstruction. For example, to determine the air temperature in the Middle Miocene (Badenian), we examine single-phase primary fluid inclusions of the bottom halites (chevron and full-faceted) and near-surface (cumulate) halites collected from the salt-bearing deposits of the Carpathian region. Our analyses showed that the temperatures of near-bottom brines varied in ranges from 19.5 to 22.0 °C and 24.0 to 26.0 °C, while the temperatures of the surface brines ranged from 34.0 to 36.0 °C. Based on these data, such as an earlier study of lithology and sedimentary structures of the Badenian rock salts, the crystallization of bottom halite developed in the basin from concentrated and cooled near-surface brines of about 30 m depth. Our results comply with the data on the temperature distribution in the modern Dead Sea

    Sulphur isotopes in anhydrites from Badenian (Middle Miocene) salts of Hrynivka area (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep)

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    Ten new determinations of the stable sulphur isotope content of anhydrite from Badenian rock salt in the Hrynivka 525 borehole (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep) show that δ34S values in anhydrite range from +20.2 to +22.7‰ and the average value of δ34S is +21.4 ± 0.3‰. Those values are similar to those of the Neogene marine sulphates. Comparison to other geochemical data (chemical composition of the brine contained in fluid inclusions and the bromine content in halite) suggests that the Badenian Carpathian Foredeep evaporite basin was supplied predominately by seawater solutes where, at different stages of salt accumulation, the influence of continental waters with lighter isotopic compositions of dissolved sulphate was important. The isotopic composition of sulphur (δ 34S) of Badenian seawater, calculated on the basis of sixty analyses of anhydrite related to halite of the Carpathian Region, is approximately +20.3‰, this value being similar to the sulphur isotopic composition of present-day seawater. The δ 34S value for Badenian seawater may have been slightly higher if we consider potential changes of the brine composition of salt-bearing basins caused by inflow of continental waters enriched in light 32S isotopes

    The Ultramicrochemical Analyses (UMCA) of Fluid Inclusions in Halite and Experimental Research to Improve the Accuracy of Measurement

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    Fluid inclusions in halite are widely used in research to determine the conditions of sedimentation in salt basins and reconstruct the chemical composition of seawater during a specific geological period. However, previous preliminary studies of the genetic types of inclusions, considered in the present research project, have not received due attention. Consequently, we decided to take into account the main distinguishing features of fluid inclusions in halite, belonging to various genetic types. The ultramicrochemical analysis (UMCA) method is one of the several methods that are used for the quantitative determination of the chemical composition of the primary fluid inclusions in halite. We have upgraded that technique, and that allowed us to reduce the analytical error rates of each component determination. The error rates were calculated in the study of Ca-rich and SO4-rich types of natural sedimentary brines