231 research outputs found

    On dynamical realizations of l-conformal Galilei and Newton-Hooke algebras

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    In two recent papers [N. Aizawa, Y. Kimura, J. Segar, J. Phys. A 46 (2013) 405204] and [N. Aizawa, Z. Kuznetsova, F. Toppan, J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015) 031701], representation theory of the centrally extended l-conformal Galilei algebra with half-integer l has been applied so as to construct second order differential equations exhibiting the corresponding group as kinematical symmetry. It was suggested to treat them as the Schrodinger equations which involve Hamiltonians describing dynamical systems without higher derivatives. The Hamiltonians possess two unusual features, however. First, they involve the standard kinetic term only for one degree of freedom, while the remaining variables provide contributions linear in momenta. This is typical for Ostrogradsky's canonical approach to the description of higher derivative systems. Second, the Hamiltonian in the second paper is not Hermitian in the conventional sense. In this work, we study the classical limit of the quantum Hamiltonians and demonstrate that the first of them is equivalent to the Hamiltonian describing free higher derivative nonrelativistic particles, while the second can be linked to the Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator whose frequencies form the arithmetic sequence omega_k=(2k-1), k=1,...,n. We also confront the higher derivative models with a genuine second order system constructed in our recent work [A. Galajinsky, I. Masterov, Nucl. Phys. B 866 (2013) 212] which is discussed in detail for l=3/2.Comment: V2:12 pages,clarifying remarks included into the Introduction and Conclusion, the version to appear in NP

    A variant of Schwarzian mechanics

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    The Schwarzian derivative is invariant under SL(2,R)-transformations and, as thus, any function of it can be used to determine the equation of motion or the Lagrangian density of a higher derivative SL(2,R)-invariant 1d mechanics or the Schwarzian mechanics for short. In this note, we consider the simplest variant which results from setting the Schwarzian derivative to be equal to a dimensionful coupling constant. It is shown that the corresponding dynamical system in general undergoes stable evolution but for one fixed point solution which is only locally stable. Conserved charges associated with the SL(2,R)-symmetry transformations are constructed and a Hamiltonian formulation reproducing them is proposed. An embedding of the Schwarzian mechanics into a larger dynamical system associated with the geodesics of a Brinkmann-like metric obeying the Einstein equations is constructed.Comment: V2: 8 pages, typos fixed. The version to appear in NP

    Remark on integrable deformations of the Euler top

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    The Euler top describes a free rotation of a rigid body about its center of mass and provides an important example of a completely integrable system. A salient feature of its first integrals is that, up to a reparametrization of time, they uniquely determine the dynamical equations themselves. In this note, this property is used to construct integrable deformations of the Euler top.Comment: V2:the version published in JMA

    N=2 superparticle near horizon of extreme Kerr-Newman-AdS-dS black hole

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    Conformal mechanics related to the near horizon extreme Kerr-Newman-AdS-dS black hole is studied. A unique N=2 supersymmetric extension of the conformal mechanics is constructed.Comment: V2: the version to appear in NP

    Geometry of the isotropic oscillator driven by the conformal mode

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    Geometrization of a Lagrangian conservative system typically amounts to reformulating its equations of motion as the geodesic equations in a properly chosen curved spacetime. The conventional methods include the Jacobi metric and the Eisenhart lift. In this work, a modification of the Eisenhart lift is proposed which describes the isotropic oscillator in arbitrary dimension driven by the one-dimensional conformal mode.Comment: V3: 10 pages, presentation improved, the version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Remarks on l-conformal extension of the Newton-Hooke algebra

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    The l-conformal extension of the Newton-Hooke algebra proposed in [J. Math. Phys. 38 (1997) 3810] is formulated in the basis in which the flat space limit is unambiguous. Admissible central charges are specified. The infinite-dimensional Virasoro-Kac-Moody type extension is given.Comment: V3: terminology improved, one reference added; the version to appear in PL

    N=4 l-conformal Galilei superalgebras inspired by D(2,1;a) supermultiplets

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    N=4 supersymmetric extensions of the l-conformal Galilei algebra are constructed by properly extending the Lie superalgebra associated with the most general N=4 superconformal group in one dimension D(2,1;a). If the acceleration generators in the superalgebra form analogues of the irreducible (1,4,3)-, (2,4,2)-, (3,4,1)-, and (4,4,0)-supermultiplets of D(2,1;a), the parameter a turns out to be constrained by the Jacobi identities. In contrast, if the tower of the acceleration generators resembles a component decomposition of a generic real superfield, which is a reducible representation of D(2,1;a), a remains arbitrary. An N=4 l-conformal Galilei superalgebra recently proposed in [Phys. Lett. B 771 (2017) 401] is shown to be a particular instance of a more general construction in this work.Comment: V2: 9 pages. Introductory part extended, two references added. The version to appear in JHE