39 research outputs found

    Análisis del impacto económico y percepción de los usuarios de barranquismo en Extremadura. Un enfoque de género

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    Adventure tourism has experienced significant growth in recent years and offers benefits to both rural communities and environmental conservation. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the profile, estimated expenditure, perception of economic impact, and satisfaction of adventure tourists visiting Valle del Jerte in Extremadura, Spain, for canyoning activities. Possible differences generated by the gender of tourists on these issues were analyzed. The sample included 673 tourists who practiced canyoning in Valle del Jerte. Statistical tests were used to analyze gender differences in variables such as means of transport used, intention to spend, type of expenditure, and need for public investment. Significant differences were found in the gender of the participants, with men having the highest expenditures. These findings are relevant for public and private organizations as well as for the local community, as they allow them to offer more adequate services to tourists who carry out these activities and attract more visitors.El turismo de aventura ha experimentado un gran crecimiento en los últimos años y ofrece beneficios tanto para las comunidades rurales como para la conservación del entorno, por lo que este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el perfil, el gasto estimado, la percepción del impacto económico y la satisfacción de los turistas de aventura que visitan el Valle del Jerte en Extremadura, España, para realizar actividades de barranquismo. Se analizan las posibles diferencias generadas por el género del turista en estas cuestiones. La muestra incluyó a 673 turistas que practicaron barranquismo en el Valle del Jerte. Se utilizaron pruebas estadísticas para analizar las diferencias de género en variables como el medio de transporte utilizado, la intención de gasto, el tipo de gasto y la necesidad de inversión pública. Se encontraron diferencias significativas referidas al género de los participantes, siendo los hombres los que más gastos tienen. Estos hallazgos son relevantes para organizaciones públicas y privadas, así como para la comunidad local, ya que les permite ofrecer servicios más adecuados a los turistas que realizan estas actividades y atraer a más visitantes

    Attitudes towards disability in physical education. A n exploratory systematic review

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    Las personas con discapacidad han estado apartadas de la sociedad durante mucho tiempo por la visión patológica y médica que la sociedad tenía de este colectivo, limitándolas a su discapacidad. Afortunadamente, este tipo de comportamiento ha cambiado: la sociedad ha progresado hacia una práctica más inclusiva, haciendo que este colectivo participe en la sociedad; sin embargo, las actitudes no han progresado al mismo nivel. Estas conductas están influenciadas por diferentes factores que pueden ser predictores de ellas. En el ámbito escolar, la educación física supone un espacio en el que se pretende mejorar el desarrollo motor y conductual de los alumnos y las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, tanto de alumnos como de profesores, son imprescindibles para el desarrollo de los alumnos con discapacidad. Por esta razón, esta revisión tiene como objetivo identificar las variables más estudiadas y extraer los resultados más relevantes. Para conseguirlo, se ha procedido a la búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos Web Of Science, SCOPUS y Dialnet, codificando las variables tras pasar por los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se identificaron las principales variables estudiadas hasta la fecha, se analizaron los documentos de cada base de datos y las palabras clave de los artículos seleccionados y se sintetizaron los resultados, encontrando que el género femenino, las personas jóvenes que han tenido contacto previo con personas con discapacidad, los docentes con menos años de experiencia y el ámbito rural tienen mejores actitudes que el grupo comparado. Tanto alumnos como profesores tienen buenas actitudes hacia la discapacidad.People with disabilities have long been excluded from society because of the pathological and medical view that society had of this group, limiting them to their disability. Fortunately, these models have changed and progressed, where they are included in the changing process of society, although attitudes have not necessarily changed in the same way and at the same pace. These attitudes are influenced by different factors that can be predictors of them. In the school environment, physical education is a space in which the aim is to improve the motor and behavioral development of students, and attitudes towards disability, both of students and teachers, are essential for the development of students with disabilities. For this reason, this review aims to identify the most studied variables and extract the most relevant results. To achieve this, we searched for articles in different databases, coding the variables after passing through the inclusion criteria. The main variables studied to date were identified and the results were synthesized, finding that in general, the female gender, young people who have had previous contact with people with disabilities, teachers with fewer years of experience and the rural setting have better attitudes than the comparative group. Both students and teachers have good attitudes towards disability

    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Group Cohesion Evaluation Questionnaire into Spanish

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    La cohesión grupal es un factor fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que juega un gran papel en la consecución de las tareas a realizar por parte del alumnado. Por tanto, la cohesión grupal determina la capacidad que tiene el alumnado de colaborar para alcanzar los resultados previstos en cada uno de los objetivos planteados. El fin de esta investigación es llevar a cabo una traducción y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Group Cohesion Evaluation Questionnaire (GCEQ), cuyo fin es la evaluación de la percepción del alumnado en cuanto a la cohesión grupal. Para ello, se desarrolló un proceso de traducción y retrotraducción de la escala por parte de profesionales con una amplia experiencia en el campo, de forma que se adaptó el cuestionario sin reportar ningún ítem conflictivo. Este procedimiento ha dado lugar a la versión española del GCEQ muy similar al instrumento original, lo que permitirá a los docentes hispanohablantes la valoración de su alumnado en cuanto a la cohesión grupal.Group cohesion is a fundamental factor in the teaching- learning process, which plays a great role in the achievement of the tasks to be performed by the students. Therefore, group cohesion determines the students’ ability to collaborate in order to achieve the expected results in each of the objectives set. The aim of this research is to carry out a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Group Cohesion Evaluation Questionnaire (GCEQ), whose purpose is to evaluate the students’ perception of group cohesion. To this end, a process of translation and back-translation of the scale was carried out by professionals with extensive experience in the field, so that the questionnaire was adapted without reporting any conflicting items. This procedure has resulted in the Spanish version of the GCEQ, which is very similar to the original instrument and will allow Spanish-speaking teachers to assess their students in terms of group cohesion

    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish of the Self-Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire in Physical Education

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    La labor del docente es un elemento fundamental en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, influyendo incuestionablemente en la consecución de los objetivos del alumnado. Por tanto, su eficacia a la hora de llevar a cabo su trabajo es una cuestión de prioridad para evaluar su labor en las aulas. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una traducción y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Self-Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire in Physical Education (SETEQ-PE), cuya función es la autoevaluación por parte del profesor de su eficacia docente. Para ello, se desarrolló un proceso de traducción y retrotraducción de la escala por parte de profesionales con una amplia experiencia en el campo, de forma que se adaptó el cuestionario sin reportar ningún ítem conflictivo. Este procedimiento ha dado lugar a una versión española del SETEQ-PE muy similar en comparación a la herramienta original, lo que permitirá a los docentes hispanohablantes una autoevaluación precisa de su trabajo.The teacher’s work is a fundamental element in the teaching-learning process, unquestionably influencing the achievement of the students’ objectives. Therefore, their effectiveness in carrying out their work is a matter of priority for evaluating their work in the classroom. The aim of this work is to carry out a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Self-Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire in Physical Education (SETEQ-PE), whose function is the self-evaluation by the teacher of his or her teaching effectiveness. For this purpose, a process of translation and back-translation of the scale was carried out by professionals with extensive experience in the fi eld, so that the questionnaire was adapted without reporting any confl icting items. This procedure has resulted in a Spanish version of the SETEQ-PE that is very similar to the original tool, which will allow Spanish-speaking teachers to accurately self-evaluate their work

    Gender perspective in nature sport tourism

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    Dada la relevancia que está tomando el turismo de naturaleza como principal alternativa de ocio, siguiendo los principios de sostenibilidad, minimizando el impacto ambiental, la cultura local, y contribuyendo a la generación de ingresos y empleo; estudios anteriores han tratado de analizar la demanda considerando a los turistas como un grupo homogéneo. El desarrollo del turismo requiere incorporar el enfoque de género para conocer su impacto diferenciado en materia de sostenibilidad lo que le permitirá implementar las acciones y actividades turísticas indicadas, eficaces y efectivas. Por consiguiente, este estudio pretende analizar el perfil sociodemográfico del turista de naturaleza en España segmentándolo desde una perspectiva de género, para ofrecer una oferta ordenada que permita satisfacer la necesidad de acercarse al medio natural y contribuir a la igualdad de género. Para ello, se han analizado los datos obtenidos de la Encuesta de Turismo de Residentes del Instituto Nacional de Estadística de 2019, a partir de una muestra de 3.768 personas, seleccionando aquellos viajeros cuyo motivo de viaje principal fuera turismo de naturaleza. Los hallazgos muestran que hay un mayor porcentaje de mujeres que de hombres, en su mayoría con un perfil más joven, que viven en pareja o con cónyuges, con un mayor porcentaje sin carga familiar, con un mejor nivel académico y mayores ingresos que los hombres, que trabajan por cuenta ajena con empleos fijos. En conclusión, es importante realizar un estudio detallado desde la perspectiva de género para que el turismo de naturaleza aborde realmente los retos de la sociedad y promueva las herramientas necesarias para lograr la igualdad de género a nivel global.Given the relevance that nature tourism is taking as the main leisure alternative, following the principles of sustainability, minimizing environmental impact, local culture, and contributing to the generation of income and employment; previous studies have tried to analyze the demand considering tourists as a homogeneous group. Tourism development requires incorporating the gender approach to understand its differentiated impact on sustainability, which will enable it to implement appropriate, efficient and effective tourism actions and activities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the sociodemographic profile of the nature tourist in Spain, segmenting it from a gender perspective, in order to provide an ordered offer to satisfy the need to approach the natural environment and contribute to gender equality. To this end, data obtained from the 2019 National Statistics Institute’s Resident Tourism Survey of the National Institute of Statistics have been analyzed, based on a sample of 3,768 people, selecting those travelers whose main reason for travel was nature tourism. The findings show that there is a higher percentage of women than men, mostly with a younger profile, living as a couple or with spouses, with a higher percentage with no family burden, with a better academic level and higher income than men, who are employed with permanent jobs. In conclusion, it is important to carry out a detailed study from a gender perspective so that nature tourism really addresses the challenges of society and promotes the necessary tools to achieve gender equality at a global level

    Differences in Self-Concept and Its Dimensions in Students of the Third Cycle of Primary School, Obligatory Secondary Education, and Baccalaureate

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    Self-concept can be defined as a structured, multidimensional, and evolving construct that constitutes all the beliefs that an individual has about him/herself. Among its dimensions is the physical dimension that encompasses perceptions of physical attractiveness, self-esteem, and physical condition. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to look for differences between the educational stages from the third cycle of primary school and high school, as well as to study the possible correlations between the age groups and the dimensions of the scale. The AF-5 scale was used to measure self-concept, the Kolmogoronov–Smirnov test was applied to determine the normality of the data, Kruskall-Wallis to identify the differences between the dimensions of the scale and the educational stages, and Spearman’s Rho for correlations between dimensions and age groups. Significant differences were found in the academic, emotional, family, and physical dimensions between educational stages and between the scale as a single construct. Significant inverse correlations were also found between age groups and dimensions. Overall self-concept decreases with age and varies according to the educational stage

    Gender differences in perceived barriers and benefitsof whole-body electromyostimulation users: a pilot study

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    The importance of physical activity (PA) in people’s health is well known. Today, sedentary lifestyles constitute a serious risk to global health. The likelihood that an individual will engage in PA depends largely on the perceived benefits and barriers to being physically active. The industry continues to create mechanisms to improve PA practice by minimizing the barriers. Thus, whole-body electrostimulation training (WB-EMS) emerged. Objective: To identify the main barriers and perceived benefits for WB-EMS users and to determine if there are differences between genders. Design: Cross-sectional study with 270 WB-EMS users from five countries. Results: There were no significant differences in barriers and perceived benefits between genders. Perceived benefits: enjoyment (70.3%), increased physical fitness (55.1%), personal accomplishment (53%), improve overall body (51.9%) and increase muscle strength (51.9%); Barriers: Take too much time from family (73.7%), take too much time from responsibilities (71.5%) and physical exercise (PE) takes a lot of time (67.4%). Conclusions: There were no significant differences between genders. The most prominent perceived benefits of using WB-EMS are enjoyment and increased physical health, and the main barriers are related to lack of timeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bibliometric analysis of studies on whole body electromyostimulation

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    Whole Body Electromyostimulation [WB-EMS] is a training methodology that applies electrostimulation in the main muscle groups of the human body superimposed with active training exercises. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis on WB-EMS to provide an overview of the state of research and provide new insights for research in the field. Method: One hundred and two citations extracted were examined using a bibliometric approach based on data stored in the Web of Science Core Collection, applying traditional bibliometric laws, and using VOSviewer and excel for data and metadata processing. Results: Among the results, this study points out that Germany is the country that produces more scientific knowledge on WB-EMS. Wolfgang Kemmler is the most relevant author in this field. Moreover, Frontier of Physiology is the journal where the authors publish the most. Conclusion: Research on WB-EMS has been growing in recent years. German and Spanish researchers lead two clusters where most studies and collaborations in this field are carried out. These findings will provide a better understanding of the state of WB-EMS research and may guide the emergence of new lines of investigation and research ideas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical literacy in older adults: a scoping review protocol

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    Population aging is a prominent phenomenon worldwide. The increase in physical inactivity and co-morbid diseases poses a major challenge to current community health policies. Physical activity guidelines recommended for older people have not been met by this population group. For this reason, a new model, physical literacy, is being innovated and has gained global attention and has emerged as an effective and innovative active aging strategy to improve physical activity participation of this vulnerable group. However, the evidence on physical literacy in the older adult so far is brief and diffuse. Therefore, the aim was to conduct a scoping review protocol to identify and map physical literacy in older people. This scoping review protocol was based on the Joanna Briggs Institute Method. The search will be performed on Embase, IBSS ProQuest, Medline OVID, PsycINFO Ebsco, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, Social Services Abstracts ProQuest, Sociological Abstracts ProQuest, Web of Science ISI, Wiley Online Library, Cochrane Library, and ERIC Ebsco databases. All types of studies published since 2001 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese examining physical literacy over the lifespan of older adults were included. Two independent reviewers will organize and select studies according to the objectives and questions of the scoping review. The selected publications will be organized and summarized using a checklist proposed by the PRISMA-ScR. Qualitative data analysis (thematic analysis) will be performed to identify meanings and patterns to answer the research question. The final scoping review will present the main evidence available, key concepts/definitions, research conducted, and knowledge gaps related to physical literacy in older adults, leading to strategies to improve the community health of this population, as well as health literacy

    Science Mapping: A Bibliometric Analysis on Cyberbullying and the Psychological Dimensions of the Self

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    Cyberbullying prevalence is increasing in the world, being a form of abuse that follows victims into their most intimate settings. Cyberbullying affects victims’ mental health, self-esteem, emotions, and academic performance. Cyberbullies present low levels of self-control and empathy. This research aimed to map scientific research on Cyberbullying and the Psychological Dimensions of the Self. A bibliometric analysis of scientific documents published in journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) was performed. Traditional bibliometric laws were applied and VOSviewer was used to generate visualizations. The annual publications followed exponential growth. Computers in Human Behaviour was the journal with the most publications. Researchers from the USA and Spain were the most prolific. Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin were the most cited authors. Hence, there is a growing interest among researchers in Cyberbullying and the emotional aspects of children and adolescents. The USA and Spain were the leading countries in research on this subject. Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin were the most prolific and influential authors.The APC was funded by the Open Access Program of Universidad de Las Américas. Funding was provided by Internal Research Project Nº812022 of Universidad de Las Americas. The author Á.D.-Z. (FPU20/04201) was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport. Grants FPU20/04201 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by “European Social Fund Investing in your future” or by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. We also thank the Universidad de Las Américas for their support of the Open Access initiative