5 research outputs found

    Range Avoidance for Constant Depth Circuits: Hardness and Algorithms

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    Range Avoidance (Avoid) is a total search problem where, given a Boolean circuit ?: {0,1}? ? {0,1}^m, m > n, the task is to find a y ? {0,1}^m outside the range of ?. For an integer k ? 2, NC?_k-Avoid is a special case of Avoid where each output bit of ? depends on at most k input bits. While there is a very natural randomized algorithm for Avoid, a deterministic algorithm for the problem would have many interesting consequences. Ren, Santhanam, and Wang (FOCS 2022) and Guruswami, Lyu, and Wang (RANDOM 2022) proved that explicit constructions of functions of high formula complexity, rigid matrices, and optimal linear codes, reduce to NC??-Avoid, thus establishing conditional hardness of the NC??-Avoid problem. On the other hand, NC??-Avoid admits polynomial-time algorithms, leaving the question about the complexity of NC??-Avoid open. We give the first reduction of an explicit construction question to NC??-Avoid. Specifically, we prove that a polynomial-time algorithm (with an NP oracle) for NC??-Avoid for the case of m = n+n^{2/3} would imply an explicit construction of a rigid matrix, and, thus, a super-linear lower bound on the size of log-depth circuits. We also give deterministic polynomial-time algorithms for all NC?_k-Avoid problems for m ? n^{k-1}/log(n). Prior work required an NP oracle, and required larger stretch, m ? n^{k-1}

    Range Avoidance for Constant-Depth Circuits: Hardness and Algorithms

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    Range Avoidance (AVOID) is a total search problem where, given a Boolean circuit C ⁣:{0,1}n{0,1}mC\colon\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}^m, m>nm>n, the task is to find a y{0,1}my\in\{0,1\}^m outside the range of CC. For an integer k2k\geq 2, NCk0\mathrm{NC}^0_k-AVOID is a special case of AVOID where each output bit of CC depends on at most kk input bits. While there is a very natural randomized algorithm for AVOID, a deterministic algorithm for the problem would have many interesting consequences. Ren, Santhanam, and Wang (FOCS 2022) and Guruswami, Lyu, and Wang (RANDOM 2022) proved that explicit constructions of functions of high formula complexity, rigid matrices, and optimal linear codes, reduce to NC40\mathrm{NC}^0_4-AVOID, thus establishing conditional hardness of the NC40\mathrm{NC}^0_4-AVOID problem. On the other hand, NC20\mathrm{NC}^0_2-AVOID admits polynomial-time algorithms, leaving the question about the complexity of NC30\mathrm{NC}^0_3-AVOID open. We give the first reduction of an explicit construction question to NC30\mathrm{NC}^0_3-AVOID. Specifically, we prove that a polynomial-time algorithm (with an NP\mathrm{NP} oracle) for NC30\mathrm{NC}^0_3-AVOID for the case of m=n+n2/3m=n+n^{2/3} would imply an explicit construction of a rigid matrix, and, thus, a super-linear lower bound on the size of log-depth circuits. We also give deterministic polynomial-time algorithms for all NCk0\mathrm{NC}^0_k-AVOID problems for mnk1/log(n)m\geq n^{k-1}/\log(n). Prior work required an NP\mathrm{NP} oracle, and required larger stretch, mnk1m \geq n^{k-1}.Comment: 19 page

    Matrix Multiplication Verification Using Coding Theory

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    We study the Matrix Multiplication Verification Problem (MMV) where the goal is, given three n×nn \times n matrices AA, BB, and CC as input, to decide whether AB=CAB = C. A classic randomized algorithm by Freivalds (MFCS, 1979) solves MMV in O~(n2)\widetilde{O}(n^2) time, and a longstanding challenge is to (partially) derandomize it while still running in faster than matrix multiplication time (i.e., in o(nω)o(n^{\omega}) time). To that end, we give two algorithms for MMV in the case where ABCAB - C is sparse. Specifically, when ABCAB - C has at most O(nδ)O(n^{\delta}) non-zero entries for a constant 0δ<20 \leq \delta < 2, we give (1) a deterministic O(nωε)O(n^{\omega - \varepsilon})-time algorithm for constant ε=ε(δ)>0\varepsilon = \varepsilon(\delta) > 0, and (2) a randomized O~(n2)\widetilde{O}(n^2)-time algorithm using δ/2log2n+O(1)\delta/2 \cdot \log_2 n + O(1) random bits. The former algorithm is faster than the deterministic algorithm of K\"{u}nnemann (ESA, 2018) when δ1.056\delta \geq 1.056, and the latter algorithm uses fewer random bits than the algorithm of Kimbrel and Sinha (IPL, 1993), which runs in the same time and uses log2n+O(1)\log_2 n + O(1) random bits (in turn fewer than Freivalds's algorithm). We additionally study the complexity of MMV. We first show that all algorithms in a natural class of deterministic linear algebraic algorithms for MMV (including ours) require Ω(nω)\Omega(n^{\omega}) time. We also show a barrier to proving a super-quadratic running time lower bound for matrix multiplication (and hence MMV) under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Finally, we study relationships between natural variants and special cases of MMV (with respect to deterministic O~(n2)\widetilde{O}(n^2)-time reductions)

    Stability-Preserving, Time-Efficient Mechanisms for School Choice in Two Rounds

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    We address the following dynamic version of the school choice question: a city, named City, admits students in two temporally-separated rounds, denoted R? and R?. In round R?, the capacity of each school is fixed and mechanism M? finds a student optimal stable matching. In round R?, certain parameters change, e.g., new students move into the City or the City is happy to allocate extra seats to specific schools. We study a number of Settings of this kind and give polynomial time algorithms for obtaining a stable matching for the new situations. It is well established that switching the school of a student midway, unsynchronized with her classmates, can cause traumatic effects. This fact guides us to two types of results: the first simply disallows any re-allocations in round R?, and the second asks for a stable matching that minimizes the number of re-allocations. For the latter, we prove that the stable matchings which minimize the number of re-allocations form a sublattice of the lattice of stable matchings. Observations about incentive compatibility are woven into these results. We also give a third type of results, namely proofs of NP-hardness for a mechanism for round R? under certain settings