334 research outputs found

    Application of lightning location systems for fault detection on transmission and distribution lines

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    The lightning location systems were installed in many countries during last twenty years. The paper presents the SAFIR system called PERUN, which was built in Poland in 2002. The lightning location systems are used for different purposes including among other things meteorology, weather forecasting and aviation. A brief review of fault detection on transmission and distribution lines made abroad and the first experience of the Polish National Grid PSE was shown

    Quasicondensation reexamined

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    We study in detail the effect of quasicondensation. We show that this effect is strictly related to dimensionality of the system. It is present in one dimensional systems independently of interactions - exists in repulsive, attractive or in non-interacting Bose gas in some range of temperatures below characteristic temperature of the quantum degeneracy. Based on this observation we analyze the quasicondensation in terms of a ratio of the two largest eigenvalues of the single particle density matrix for the ideal gas. We show that in the thermodynamic limit in higher dimensions the second largest eigenvalue vanishes (as compared to the first one) with total number of particles as Nγ\simeq N^{-\gamma} whereas goes to zero only logarithmically in one dimension. We also study the effect of quasicondensation for various geometries of the system: from quasi-1D elongated one, through spherically symmetric 3D case to quasi-2D pancake-like geometry


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    The aim of the article is to present condition of innovativeness for Poland as Moderate innovator and Ukraine as modest inovator. The essence and role of innovation was observed for contemporary world economy. The data assessment has been provided in the over last 7 years, it means in period from the year 2010 to 2017. Innovation of the Polish and Ukrainian economies was analyzed on the basis of 27 particular indicators. The method of comparative analysis was used to pursue the adopted aim. Performance for Ukraine and Poland was analyzed and controlled relative to European Union 2017 and 2010. The latest and the most reliable assessment tool, i.e. Innovation Scoreboard2018, a regular document prepared upon the request of Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, European Commission was used to conduct the analysis. The analysis of the dynamics was carried out and the main trends were revealed for innovation in composite indicators. Despite the fact the EU is the obvious leader, Poland which in fact is the part of it, in certain indexes approached EU’s performance. In those indexes as innovation-friendly environment, employment impacts and firm investments Poland being a part of the EU became almost equal to it.Ukraine is the best in Human resource index among all of them but has the worst intellectual assets index. The most significant rise was in the EU in innovation-friendly environment index. Assessment and recommendations for raising innovativeness were formed for the analyzed economies. As a result, reasons of significant difference between Ukraine and Poland were identified. Ukraine is in the ‘Modest Innovators’ group with the worst indicator. In contrast to Ukraine, Poland is one of the ‘Moderate innovators’ with almost twice as big as Ukrainian index. The complex approach to use innovation as driving force for economies must include: increase of the level and efficiency of education at schools and universities; research and development of modern technologies; increase of conditions of running economic activity, adequate building of capital for innovation as well as regular increase of expenditures on R&D move to the strategy of creation of own knowledge, creation of competitive advantage based on the latest innovative achievements thus launching original, own solutions and fresh knowledge on the global market.Цель статьи — представить состояние инноваций для Польши как умеренного новатора и Украины как скромного новатора. Сущность и роль инноваций была исследована для современной мировой экономики. Инновации экономики Польши и Украины были проанализированы на основе 27 конкретных показателей по отношению к Европейскому Союзу 2017 и 2010 гг. Проведен анализ динамики и выявлены основные тенденции инноваций в составных показателях. Оценка и рекомендации по повышению уровня инноваций были сформированы для проанализированных экономик.Мета статті — представити стан інноваційності для Польщі як помірного новатора і України як скромного новатора. Сутність і роль інновацій спостерігалась у сучасній світовій економіці. Оцінка даних була надана протягом останніх семи років, це означає період з 2010-го до 2017 року. Інновації польських та українських економік були проаналізовані на основі 27 конкретних показників із використанням методу порівняльного аналізу. Усі індикатори було проаналізовано для України і Польщі в порівняні до досягнень щодо Європейського Союзу 2017 і 2010 років. Для проведення оцінки було використано метадані, представлені в Інноваційній індикаційній панелі 2018 (регулярний документ, підготовлений на вимогу Генерального директорату з питань підприємництва та промисловості Європейської комісії). Проведено аналіз динаміки і виявлено основні тенденції інновації у складових показниках. Попри те, що ЄС є очевидним лідером, Польща в деяких показниках (інноваційно сприятливе середовище, вплив на зайнятість і реальні інвестиції) наближалася до результатів діяльності ЄС. Україна є найкращою за Індексу людських ресурсів, але має найгірший індекс інтелектуальної власності. Найбільше піднесення було в ЄС в інноваційному середовищі. Оцінка та рекомендації щодо підвищення інновацій були сформовані для аналізованих економік. У результаті були виявлені причини суттєвої різниці між Україною і Польщею. Україна перебуває у групі «Скромні новатори» і має найгірший показник. На відміну від України, Польща є однією з «Поміркованих новаторів», яка майже удвічі перевершує український показник. Як результат, обґрунтовано, що комплексний підхід до використання інновацій як рушійної сили для економіки повинен включати: підвищення рівня та ефективності освіти у школах та університетах; дослідження і розроблення сучасних технологій; збільшення умов ведення господарської діяльності, адекватне будівництво капіталу для інновацій, а також регулярне збільшення витрат на НДДКР, перейти до стратегії створення власних знань, створення конкурентної переваги на основі останніх інноваційних досягнень через запуск оригінальних рішень і «свіжих» знань на світовому ринку

    Decay of multiply charged vortices at nonzero temperatures

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    We study the instability of multiply charged vortices in the presence of thermal atoms and find various scenarios of splitting of such vortices. The onset of the decay of a vortex is always preceded by the increase of a number of thermal (uncondensed) atoms in the system and manifests itself by the sudden rise of the amplitude of the oscillations of the quadrupole moment. Our calculations show that the decay time gets shorter when the multiplicity of a vortex becomes higher.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Superfluidity of the BEC at finite temperature

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    We use the classical fields approximation to study a translational flow of the condensate with respect to the thermal cloud in a weakly interacting Bose gas. We study both, subcritical and supercritical relative velocity cases and analyze in detail a state of stationary flow which is reached in the dynamics. This state corresponds to the thermal equilibrium, which is characterized by the relative velocity of the condensate and the thermal cloud. The superfluidity manifests itself in the existence of many thermal equilibria varying in (the value of this velocity) the relative velocity between the condensate and the thermal cloud. We pay a particular attention to excitation spectra in a phonon as well as in a particle regime. Finally, we introduce a measure of the amount of the superfluid fraction in a weakly interacting Bose gas, allowing for the precise distinction between the superfluid and the condensed fractions in a single and consistent framework.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Solitons as the early stage of quasicondensate formation during evaporative cooling

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    We calculate the evaporative cooling dynamics of trapped one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates for parameters leading to a range of condensates and quasicondensates in the final equilibrium state. We confirm that solitons are created during the evaporation process, but always eventually dissipate during thermalisation. The distance between solitons at the end of the evaporation ramp matches the coherence length in the final thermal state. Calculations were made using the classical fields method. They bridge the gap between the phase defect picture of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism and the long-wavelength phase fluctuations in the thermal state

    An effective background removal technique for inelastic electron tunneling spectra

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    This report describes a simple, rapid, and effective computer algorithm for background removal in inelastic electron tunneling spectra

    On 2-adic cyclotomic elements in J-theory and étale cohomology of the ring of the integers

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    AbstractIn this paper we define 2-adic cyclotomic elements in K-theory and étale cohomology of the integers. We construct a comparison map which sends the 2-adic elements in K-theory onto 2-adic elements in cohomology. Using calculation of 2-adic K-theory of the integers due to Voevodsky, Rognes and Weibel, we show which part of the group K2n−1(Z)⊗Z∧2 for n odd, is described by the 2-adic cyclotomic elements. We compute explicitly some of the product maps in K-theory of Z at the prime 2

    Endoscopic Obliteration for Bleeding Peptic Ulcer

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    A group of 133 patients treated for bleeding peptic ulcer in our Department, is reviewed. Within several hours of admission, all patients underwent upper gastrointestinal tract gastroscopy and obliteration of the bleeding ulcer. Bleeding gastric ulcers were found in 41 patients, and duodenal ulcers in 92 patients. Patients were classified according to the Forrest scale: IA – 11 patients, IB – 49 patients, IIA – 35 patients, lIB – 40 patients. In 126 (94.7%) patients the bleeding was stopped, and 7 required urgent surgery: 3 patients with gastric ulcer underwent gastrectomy, and 4 with duodenal ulcer – truncal vagotomy with pyloroplasty and had the bleeding site underpinned. Fifty-five patients underwent elective surgery: gastrectomy and vagotomy (18 patients with gastric ulcer), highly selective vagotomy (25 patients with duodenal ulcer) and truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty (12 patients with duodenal ulcer). None of the patients was observed to have recurrent bleeding