63 research outputs found


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    Chemical composition of 341 charges – samples of fodder phosphates, their physico-chemical properties (solubility in different solvents), harmful elements content, phase composition and thermal analysis of 150 selected samples of phosphates were determined. Average solubility of monocalcium phosphates (% P2O5 in relation to total P2O5) (in%) amounted to: in water 74.8 – 82.1; in 2% citric acid from 96.6 to 98.3; in 0.4% HCl 94.8 – 98.8 and in neutral ammonium citrate 93.6 – 97.1. Solubility of dicalcium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water from 1.4 to 7.4; in 2% citric acid 50.9 – 98.5; in 0.4% HCl 78.7 – 92.3 and in neutral ammonium citrate 70.3-85.1. Average solubility of monosodium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water 0.1-89.6; in 2% citric acid 25.0 – 90.0; in 0.4% HCl 26.9 – 47.7 and in neutral ammonium citrate 27.7 – 90.2. Solubility of the remaining groups of phosphates (tricalcium, calcium-magnesium and sodium-calcium phosphates) amounted to (in %): in water from 0.1 to 25.8; in 2% citric acid from 25.1 to 95.7; in 0.4% HCl from 26.9 to 56.2 and in neutral ammonium citrate from 23.1 to 79.3. Hydrated monocalcium phosphates with admixture of both hydrated and dehydrated dicalcium phosphate were characterized by the highest solubility in water. In the group of dicalcium phosphates the lowest solubility in 0.4% HCl was stated for dehydrated forms, while the highest solubility was observed in hydrated phosphates. Solubility in water or in 0.4% hydrochloric acid together with the roentgenographical and thermogravimetrical investigations as well as solubility in 2% citric acid and in neutral ammonium citrate are good and cheap methods for identifying by precise the quality of phosphates.Određen je kemijski sastav 341 uzorka fosfata krmiva, njihova fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (topivost u raznim otopinama), sadržaj štetnih elemenata, fazni sastav i termalna analiza 150 odabranih uzoraka fosfata. Prosječna topivost monokalcijevih fosfata (%P2O5 u odnosu na ukupno P2O5) (%) iznosila je u vodi 74,8 - 82,1; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 96,6 do 98,3; u 0,4% HCI 94,8 - 98,8 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 93,6 - 97,1. Topivost dikalcijevih fosfata iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 1,4 do 98,5; u O4%HCI 78,7 -92,3 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 70,3 - 85,1. Prosječna topivost mononatrijevih fosfata iznosila je (u%) u vodi 0,1 - 89,6; 2% limunskoj kiselini 25,0 - 90,0; u 0,4% HCI 26,9 - 47,7 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 27,7 - 90,2. Topivost ostalih skupina fosfata (trikalcij, kalcijev magnezij i natrijevi-kalcijevi fosfati) iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 0,1 do 25,8; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 25,1 do 95,7; u 0,4% HCI od 26,9 do 56,2 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu od 23,1 do 79,3. Hidratni monokalcijevi fosfati s primjesom hidratog i dehidratnog dikalcijevog fosfata obilježila je najviša topivost u vodi. U skupini dikalcijevih fosfata najniža topivost u 0,4% HCI ustanovljena je za dehidrirane oblike, ali je najviša topivost primijećena u hidratnim fosfatima. Topivost u vodi ili u 0,4% hidroklornoj kiselini zajedno s rendgenografskim i termogravimetrijskim ispitivanjima kao i topivost u 2% limunskoj kiselini i neutralnom amonijevom citratu dobre su i jeftine metode za precizno identificiranje kakvoće fosfata

    Perspective of Obtaining Rare Earth Elements in Poland

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    Along with the increasing development of electric and electronic industries, the demand for rare earth elements is also growing due to their high position in many applications. In Poland, there are minerals containing REE; however, the concentration of these elements in raw materials is rather low, so they do not have a big impact on the national economy. The potential source of REE is secondary materials; among them are phosphogypsum, uranium tailings, and the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Lanthanides as accompanying metals of uranium in Polish uranium ores were leached in the technology of uranium recovery from these resources. The recovery of REE from pregnant liquors was conducted by solvent extraction and ion exchange. Novel apparatus solutions like membrane contactors in extraction stage were tested. Different types of matrices (uranium ore, phosphorites, etc.) were used

    Uranium in Poland: Resources and Recovery from Low-Grade Ores

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    The presented studies deal with an assessment of the possibility of uranium recovery from the low-grade uranium resources in Poland. Uranium was leached from the ground uranium ores with efficiencies in 81–100% range that depend on the type of ore and leaching solution used. In the next step, the post-leaching solution was treated by the solvent extraction or ion exchange chromatography to separate uranium from other metals present in the ore. The novel routes of leaching by using membrane methods were examined. The final product, “yellow cake,” was obtained in precipitation step. The studies of precipitation of uranium as ammonium diuranate or uranium peroxide from diluted uranium solutions are presented in this chapter. The work was completed with tentative economic analysis and environmental impact assessment along with radiation protection issues connected to uranium production

    Flozyny 2018 — krajobraz po EMPA-REG OUTCOME

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    Sodium-glucose linked transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are members of the new group of drugs with unique mechanism of action. Besides hypoglycemic effect and weight loss, these drugs reduce blood pressure through diuretic and natriureticeffect. Flozins correct increased reabsorption of glucose in kidneys, which is one of the mechanisms of type 2 diabetes. Empagliflozin, canaglifozin and dapagliflozin are representatives of flozins used in antyclinical practice. The new one, ertugliflozin will be soon available. The aim of this publication is to summarize the results of finished studies (EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, CVD-REAL) which proved antihyperglycemic effects and cardiovascular protection of flosins in patients with type 2 diabetes. If it is class effect, we will find out from results of DECLARE-TIMI 58, VERTIS CV studies, which will be published soon. EMPEROR might be the next crucial study (about using empagliflozin in pateints with heart failure [HF]) since it will give the answer to the question if sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitors should be used in patients with HF without diabetes. The cardioprotective mechanism of flosins still is not known. Further studies are required. It is highly likely that cardioprotective mechanismof flozins is complex and is connected with their direct effect — antihyperglycemic and glucosuric which results in not known yet metabolic and hemodynamic effects.Inhibitory kotransportera sodowo-glukozowego typu 2 (SGLT2) są nową grupą leków o wyjątkowym mechanizmie działania. Oprócz efektu hipoglikemizującego i zmniejszenia masy ciała leki tej klasy obniżają ciśnienie tętnicze dzięki efektom diuretycznemu i natriuretycznemu. Flozyny korygują jeden z mechanizmów hiperglikemii w cukrzycy typu 2 — zwiększoną reabsorpcję glukozy w nerkach. Przedstawicielami flozyn stosowanymi w praktyce klinicznej są dapaglifozyna, kanaglifozyna i empaglifozyna, a już wkrótce dostępna będzie ertuglifozyna. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest podsumowanie zakończonych już badań (EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, CVD-REAL), w których dowiedziono, że istnieją ogromne korzyści ze stosowania flozyn u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 zarówno w odniesieniu do kontroli glikemii, jak i wpływu na obniżenie ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Czy rzeczywiście występuje efekt klasy, może się wyjaśnić w najbliższym czasie, gdy zostaną opublikowane wyniki badań DECLARE-TIMI 58 i VERTIS CV. Kolejnym przełomowym badaniem może się okazać EMPEROR (badanie dotyczące stosowania empagliflozyny u chorych na przewlekłą niewydolność serca [HF]), które być może umożliwi odpowiedź na pytanie, czy zasadne jest stosowanie inhibitorów SGLT2 u pacjentów z HF bez towarzyszącej cukrzycy. Zagadką pozostaje również mechanizm kardioprotekcyjny flozyn. Potrzebne są dalsze badania w tym zakresie. Najprawdopodobniej jest on złożony i wynika pierwotnie ze zmniejszenia stężenia glukozy w osoczu oraz glukozurii — jedynych bezpośrednich skutków działania leku, co w konsekwencji wywołuje nie do końca poznane jeszcze efekty metaboliczne i hemodynamiczne

    Factors affecting Polish nurses' willingness to recommend the hospital as a place of care

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    Background: Nurses constitute the major professional group offering constant hospital patients’ care. Willingness to recommend their hospital reflects confidence in the offered care, satisfaction and identification with the work place. The aim of the present study has been to investigate which elements of hospital environment and nurse personal related factors predict recommendation of the hospital as a place of care by employed nurses. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional, correlation study was, based on 1723 self-reported, anonymous questionnaires of nurses working in 30 acute hospitals. Data was analyzed using the logistic regression model, with general estimation equations. Results: About 25% of nurses were unwilling to recommend their hospital as the place of care. The odds ratio (OR) of the lack of willingness to recommend the hospital was related to assessment of patients’ safety (OR = 0.28, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.18–0.46, p = 0.00), decrease in the quality of patient care during the preceding year (OR = 0.62, 95% CI: 0.41–0.93, p = 0.02), overall work conditions (OR = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.22–0.57, p = 0.00), weak cooperation between nurses and physicians (OR = 0.37, 95% CI: 0.25–0.54, p = 0.00), poor work schedule flexibility (OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.55– 0.99, p = 0.04) and educational opportunities (OR = 0.71, 95% CI: 0.54–0.95, p = 0.02) and the level of nurses depersonalization (OR = 1.78, 95% CI: 1.18–1.68, p = 0.00). Conclusions: The hospital manager should consider strategies which improve patients’ safety and the staff working conditions. Thanks to that they will also achieve better and more competitive image of the hospital in the local community. Med Pr 2016;67(4):447–45

    Selected factors determining assessment of nursing care quality in acute hospitals : results of RN4CAST project

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    Introduction. The essence of nursing care is to improve treatment results, patient satisfaction, and decrease treatment costs. Aim. Presenting the factors determining the assessment of nursing care quality in acute hospitals. Material and method. The study included 2605 nurses working in 30 hospitals in Poland. The Work Environment Scale and an opinion questionnaire were used to collect the data. The analysis based on logistic regression model, generalised estimating equations, χ² test, and Mann-Whitney test. Results. Three in every four respondents evaluated the quality of nursing care as good. The assessment depended on the conditions of work, autonomy in providing care, patient information flow, patient safety, occurrence of adverse events, discussion of mistakes, nurse workload, potential for education, and flexible working time. Conclusion. The factors significantly influencing the assessment of nursing care quality are the working environment, care monitoring and management

    Influence of hospital staffing and selected organisational circumstances on the death rate of patients treated in Polish hospitals participating in the RN4CAST project

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    Introduction. Adequate hospital staff employment and assorted organisational circumstances influence outcomes of hospitalised patients. Aim. To analyse influence of hospital staff employment structure and selected organisational circumstances on the death rate of patients hospitalised in acute hospitals. Material and method. Anonymous data of hospitalised patients (fragment of the NHF* report) and of hospital organisational questionnaire were used. The hospital death rate (proportion of hospital deaths to patient admissions) was defined as the dependent variable. The study included 25 hospitals, which provided all the required data. Statistical analysis was conducted in IBM SPSS Statistics 20, using rho Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for quantitative variables and eta correlation ratio for qualitative variables. Results. The death rate value was adversely correlated with the number of employed physicians, nurses and other not-nursing staff who provided direct patient care. The global number of hospital intensive care units and allocation of separate medical and surgical intensive care units positively influenced the hospital death rate. Conclusions. The number of employed personnel (physician, nurses, and other staff) involved in direct patient care and organization of intensive care in a hospital structure influence the death rate of patients treated in Polish acute hospitals

    Wybrane czynniki determinujące ocenę jakości opieki pielęgniarskiej w szpitalach pełniących stały dyżur. Wyniki projektu RN4CAST

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    Selected factors determining assessment of nursing care quality in acute hospitals. Results of RN4CAST project Introduction. The essence of nursing care is to improve treatment results, patient satisfaction, and decrease treatment costs. Aim. Presenting the factors determining the assessment of nursing care quality in acute hospitals. Material and method. The study included 2605 nurses working in 30 hospitals in Poland. The Work Environment Scale and an opinion questionnaire were used to collect the data. The analysis based on logistic regression model, generalised estimating equations, χ² test, and Mann-Whitney test. Results. Three in every four respondents evaluated the quality of nursing care as good. The assessment depended on the conditions of work, autonomy in providing care, patient information flow, patient safety, occurrence of adverse events, discussion of mistakes, nurse workload, potential for education, and flexible working time. Conclusion. The factors significantly influencing the assessment of nursing care quality are the working environment, care monitoring and management