626 research outputs found

    Thyroid hormones And [<SUP>14</SUP>C] glucose metabolism in bacteria

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    The effects of triiodothyronine and thyroxine on metabolism and growth of bacteria were studied. It was observed that over a certain range of concentration thyroxine and triiodothyronine produced increase in 14CO2 release from [14C]-labeled glucose and also stimulated bacteria growth

    Micro-habitat distribution drives patch quality for sub-tropical rocky plateau amphibians in the northern Western Ghats, India.

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    The importance of patch quality for amphibians is frequently overlooked in distribution models. Here we demonstrate that it is highly important for the persistence of endemic and endangered amphibians found in the threatened and fragile ecosystems that are the rocky plateaus in Western Maharashtra, India. These plateaus are ferricretes of laterite and characterise the northern section of the Western Ghats/Sri Lanka Biodiversity Hotspot, the eighth most important global hotspot and one of the three most threatened by population growth. We present statistically supported habitat associations for endangered and data-deficient Indian amphibians, demonstrating significant relationships between individual species and their microhabitats. Data were collected during early monsoon across two seasons. Twenty-one amphibian taxa were identified from 14 lateritic plateaus between 67 and 1179m above sea level. Twelve of the study taxa had significant associations with microhabitats using a stepwise analysis of the AICc subroutine (distLM, Primer-e, v7). Generalist taxa were associated with increased numbers of microhabitat types. Non-significant associations are reported for the remaining 9 taxa. Microhabitat distribution was spatially structured and driven by climate and human activity. Woody plants were associated with 44% of high-elevation taxa. Of the 8 low-elevation taxa 63% related to water bodies and 60% of those were associated with pools. Rock size and abundance were important for 33% of high elevation specialists. Three of the 4 caecilians were associated with rocks in addition to soil and stream presence. We conclude the plateaus are individualistic patches whose habitat quality is defined by their microhabitats within climatic zones

    Phase Diagram of the Half-Filled Extended Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions

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    We consider an extended Hubbard model of interacting fermions on a lattice. The fermion kinetic energy corresponds to a tight binding Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour (-t) and next nearest neighbour (t') hopping matrix elements. In addition to the onsite Hubbard interaction (U) we also consider a nearest neighbour repulsion (V). We obtain the zero temperature phase diagram of our model within the Hartree-Fock approximation. We consider ground states having charge and spin density wave ordering as well as states with orbital antiferromagnetism or spin nematic order. The latter two states correspond to particle-hole binding with dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry in the charge and spin channels respectively. For t′=0t' = 0, only the charge density wave and spin density wave states are energetically stable. For non-zero t', we find that orbital antiferromagnetism (or spin nematic) order is stable over a finite portion of the phase diagram at weak coupling. This region of stability is seen to grow with increasing values of t'.Comment: Latex file, 10 output pages, 3 Figures (available on request to [email protected]), to appear in Phys. Rev. B (BR

    The low-energy phase-only action in a superconductor: a comparison with the XY model

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    The derivation of the effective theory for the phase degrees of freedom in a superconductor is still, to some extent, an open issue. It is commonly assumed that the classical XY model and its quantum generalizations can be exploited as effective phase-only models. In the quantum regime, however, this assumption leads to spurious results, such as the violation of the Galilean invariance in the continuum model. Starting from a general microscopic model, in this paper we explicitly derive the effective low-energy theory for the phase, up to fourth-order terms. This expansion allows us to properly take into account dynamic effects beyond the Gaussian level, both in the continuum and in the lattice model. After evaluating the one-loop correction to the superfluid density we critically discuss the qualitative and quantitative differences between the results obtained within the quantum XY model and within the correct low-energy theory, both in the case of s-wave and d-wave symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. Specifically, we find dynamic anharmonic vertices, which are absent in the quantum XY model, and are crucial to restore Galilean invariance in the continuum model. As far as the more realistic lattice model is concerned, in the weak-to-intermediate-coupling regime we find that the phase-fluctuation effects are quantitatively reduced with respect to the XY model. On the other hand, in the strong-coupling regime we show that the correspondence between the microscopically derived action and the quantum XY model is recovered, except for the low-density regime.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Slightly revised presentation, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Reduced order models for control of fluids using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm

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    In feedback flow control, one of the challenges is to develop mathematical models that describe the fluid physics relevant to the task at hand, while neglecting irrelevant details of the flow in order to remain computationally tractable. A number of techniques are presently used to develop such reduced-order models, such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and approximate snapshot-based balanced truncation, also known as balanced POD. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses: for instance, POD models can behave unpredictably and perform poorly, but they can be computed directly from experimental data; approximate balanced truncation often produces vastly superior models to POD, but requires data from adjoint simulations, and thus cannot be applied to experimental data. In this paper, we show that using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) \citep{JuPa-85}, one can theoretically obtain exactly the same reduced order models as by balanced POD. Moreover, the models can be obtained directly from experimental data, without the use of adjoint information. The algorithm can also substantially improve computational efficiency when forming reduced-order models from simulation data. If adjoint information is available, then balanced POD has some advantages over ERA: for instance, it produces modes that are useful for multiple purposes, and the method has been generalized to unstable systems. We also present a modified ERA procedure that produces modes without adjoint information, but for this procedure, the resulting models are not balanced, and do not perform as well in examples. We present a detailed comparison of the methods, and illustrate them on an example of the flow past an inclined flat plate at a low Reynolds number.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure
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