190 research outputs found

    Symplectic fermions and a quasi-Hopf algebra structure on Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2)

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    We consider the (finite-dimensional) small quantum group Uˉqsl(2)\bar{U}_q sl(2) at q=iq=i. We show that Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2) does not allow for an R-matrix, even though UVVUU \otimes V \cong V \otimes U holds for all finite-dimensional representations U,VU,V of Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2). We then give an explicit coassociator Φ\Phi and an R-matrix RR such that Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2) becomes a quasi-triangular quasi-Hopf algebra. Our construction is motivated by the two-dimensional chiral conformal field theory of symplectic fermions with central charge c=2c=-2. There, a braided monoidal category, SF\mathcal{SF}, has been computed from the factorisation and monodromy properties of conformal blocks, and we prove that Rep(Uˉisl(2),Φ,R)\mathrm{Rep}\,(\bar{U}_i sl(2),\Phi,R) is braided monoidally equivalent to SF\mathcal{SF}.Comment: 40pp, 11 figures; v2: few very minor corrections for the final version in Journal of Algebr

    Fusion and braiding in finite and affine Temperley-Lieb categories

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    Finite Temperley-Lieb (TL) algebras are diagram-algebra quotients of (the group algebra of) the famous Artin's braid group BNB_N, while the affine TL algebras arise as diagram algebras from a generalized version of the braid group. We study asymptotic `NN\to\infty' representation theory of these quotients (parametrized by qC×q\in\mathbb{C}^{\times}) from a perspective of braided monoidal categories. Using certain idempotent subalgebras in the finite and affine algebras, we construct infinite `arc' towers of the diagram algebras and the corresponding direct system of representation categories, with terms labeled by NNN\in\mathbb{N}. The corresponding direct-limit category is our main object of studies. For the case of the finite TL algebras, we prove that the direct-limit category is abelian and highest-weight at any qq and endowed with braided monoidal structure. The most interesting result is when qq is a root of unity where the representation theory is non-semisimple. The resulting braided monoidal categories we obtain at different roots of unity are new and interestingly they are not rigid. We observe then a fundamental relation of these categories to a certain representation category of the Virasoro algebra and give a conjecture on the existence of a braided monoidal equivalence between the categories. This should have powerful applications to the study of the `continuum' limit of critical statistical mechanics systems based on the TL algebra. We also introduce a novel class of embeddings for the affine Temperley-Lieb algebras and related new concept of fusion or bilinear N\mathbb{N}-graded tensor product of modules for these algebras. We prove that the fusion rules are stable with the index NN of the tower and prove that the corresponding direct-limit category is endowed with an associative tensor product. We also study the braiding properties of this affine TL fusion.Comment: 50p

    Cyclic tridiagonal pairs, higher order Onsager algebras and orthogonal polynomials

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    The concept of cyclic tridiagonal pairs is introduced, and explicit examples are given. For a fairly general class of cyclic tridiagonal pairs with cyclicity N, we associate a pair of `divided polynomials'. The properties of this pair generalize the ones of tridiagonal pairs of Racah type. The algebra generated by the pair of divided polynomials is identified as a higher-order generalization of the Onsager algebra. It can be viewed as a subalgebra of the q-Onsager algebra for a proper specialization at q the primitive 2Nth root of unity. Orthogonal polynomials beyond the Leonard duality are revisited in light of this framework. In particular, certain second-order Dunkl shift operators provide a realization of the divided polynomials at N=2 or q=i.Comment: 32 pages; v2: Appendices improved and extended, e.g. a proof of irreducibility is added; v3: version for Linear Algebra and its Applications, one assumption added in Appendix about eq. (A.2

    The periodic sl(2|1) alternating spin chain and its continuum limit as a bulk Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory at c=0

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    The periodic sl(2|1) alternating spin chain encodes (some of) the properties of hulls of percolation clusters, and is described in the continuum limit by a logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT) at central charge c=0. This theory corresponds to the strong coupling regime of a sigma model on the complex projective superspace CP11=U(21)/(U(1)×U(11))\mathbb{CP}^{1|1} = \mathrm{U}(2|1) / (\mathrm{U}(1) \times \mathrm{U}(1|1)), and the spectrum of critical exponents can be obtained exactly. In this paper we push the analysis further, and determine the main representation theoretic (logarithmic) features of this continuum limit by extending to the periodic case the approach of [N. Read and H. Saleur, Nucl. Phys. B 777 316 (2007)]. We first focus on determining the representation theory of the finite size spin chain with respect to the algebra of local energy densities provided by a representation of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra at fugacity one. We then analyze how these algebraic properties carry over to the continuum limit to deduce the structure of the space of states as a representation over the product of left and right Virasoro algebras. Our main result is the full structure of the vacuum module of the theory, which exhibits Jordan cells of arbitrary rank for the Hamiltonian.Comment: 69pp, 8 fig

    Topological defects in lattice models and affine Temperley-Lieb algebra

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    This paper is the first in a series where we attempt to define defects in critical lattice models that give rise to conformal field theory topological defects in the continuum limit. We focus mostly on models based on the Temperley-Lieb algebra, with future applications to restricted solid-on-solid (also called anyonic chains) models, as well as non-unitary models like percolation or self-avoiding walks. Our approach is essentially algebraic and focusses on the defects from two points of view: the "crossed channel" where the defect is seen as an operator acting on the Hilbert space of the models, and the "direct channel" where it corresponds to a modification of the basic Hamiltonian with some sort of impurity. Algebraic characterizations and constructions are proposed in both points of view. In the crossed channel, this leads us to new results about the center of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra; in particular we find there a special subalgebra with non-negative integer structure constants that are interpreted as fusion rules of defects. In the direct channel, meanwhile, this leads to the introduction of fusion products and fusion quotients, with interesting mathematical properties that allow to describe representations content of the lattice model with a defect, and to describe its spectrum.Comment: 41

    The shift of Energy levels of a quantum dot in single electron transistor

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    The shift of Energy levels of a quantum dot in single electron transistor model is investigated. The self-energy function which related to shift of Energy levels, describing this interaction is added to a bare energy of a dot state. In the standard way of determining the self-interaction corrections to bare energies of quantum dots, the variations of the self-energy functions with energy are ignored, and these corrections are considered to be equal to the values of the self-energy functions for bare energies of state