12 research outputs found

    Studi Performa Umum Tubuh dan Status Fisiologis Kuda Sumba

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    Penelitian mengenai studi performa umum dan status fisiologis kuda Sumba di dilaksanakan pada tanggal April-September 2018 bertempat di Peternakan kuda sumba, Pulau Sumba, NTT. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa umum kuda sumba dalam kaitannya dengan status fisiologisnya. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif yaitu metode yang menggambarkan objek sesuai dengan apa adanya, pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama dua minggu. Dalam penelitian ini peubah yang diamati adalah frekuensi respirasi, frekuensi denyut jantung dan suhu tubuh yang dilakukan pada 30 ekor indukan kuda sumba memiliki riwayat pernah digunakan untuk olahraga kuda pacuan baik kuda dengan jenis kelamin jantan dan betina dan 5 ekor anakan. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa frekuensi respirasi indukan memiliki nilai rataan 33±6.7 per menit dan anak memiliki nilai rataan 44±5.7 per menit. Frekuensi denyut jantung indukan memiliki nilai rataan 44±8.0 per menit dan 62±2.8 per menit . Suhu tubuh kuda indukan memiliki rataan yaitu 37.5±0.60C dan suhu anak memiliki rataan yaitu 38.2 ± 0.30C. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kuda indukan memiliki rataan tinggi badan 138.8 ±8.4 cm dan anakan memiliki rataan 106.2 ± 7.1 cm; indukan memiliki rataan panjang badan 139.4 ± 9.0 cm dan anakan rataan 94.4 ± 3.0; indukan memiliki rataan lebar dada 41.3  ±57.1 cm dan anakan memiliki rataan lebar dada 21.2 ± 3.1 cm; indukan memiliki tinggi punggung 133.9 ± 8.8 cm dan anak memiliki rataan tinggi punggung 104.4 ± 8.6 cm dan indukan memiliki panjang bahu 58.5 ± 5.5 cm dan anak memiliki rataan panjang bahu 40.0 ±5.6 cm                                                                                                                                         &nbsp


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    Bali Cattle is one of regional economic support for East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Bali Cattle has a particularly important role for the that is as the supplier of animal protein, a source of income, savings and field works. Bali cattle most popular in NTT particular in Village Pukdale East kupang sub- District Kupang Regency. The purpose of this study is to find Service per conception (S/C), Pregnancy Rate, Days Open (DO) and Calving Interval (CI) of Bali cattle be inseminated in village Pukdale East Kupang Sub- District Kupang Regency. The number of cattles used in this study were 30 cows. This research used female Bali cattle at least two times calve, age 4-7 years, Body Condition Score (BCS) 3-2 from standard 5-1 and has not disorder reproduction .The research results show that average score Service per conception (S/C) 2,33, Pregnancy Rate 60 %, Days Open 102,3 days and Calving Intervals (CI) 13,019 months. The results of the study showing that the Pregnancy Rate, Days Open (DO) and Calving Intervals (CI) is in the range of normal while value Service per conception (S/C) unwell so it needs of an improvement on the implementation of the program artificial insemination in the village pukdale covering the ability farmers in detecting estrus and the availability of nitrogen (N2) liqui


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    Bali cattle is one of the native cattle in Indonesia. High fertility and are capabled to adapt well in tropical environment is one of the superiority of bali cattle. Bali cattle farming in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) are generally managed by intensive, semi-intensive and extensive system traditionaly, without any recording and lacking good breeding practices. The purpose of this research is to determine the reproduction performance of bali cattle on semi-intensive management system based on pregnancy rate, days open and calving interval. The number of cattles used in this study were 40 cows on age 4-7 years. The methods used were interviews and rectal palpation to know the reproductive status of livestock. Descriptive analysis was used in this research. The results showed that the pregnancy rate was 45%, days open was 112,5 days and calving interval was 13,075 months. This study indicated a decreased reproductive efficiency of bali cattle in Kupang Regency, hence an improvement of the management reproduction is required to achieve good reproductive management

    Efek Penyuntikan Hormon Pregnant Mare\u27s Serum Gonadotropin (Pmsg) terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Induk Babi pada Peternakan Babi Komersil di Kabupaten Kupang

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    Pigs are one of the potential livestock to breed with the aim of meeting the needs of animal protein, but in fact the level of pig production is not optimal due to the low efficiency of reproduction. One way that can be used to increase the productivity of sows that by superovulation method. This study aimed to determine the effects of PMSG hormone injections to increase the productivity level of sows that given superovulation treatment. 10 sows that have been selected, be divided into two research groups: control group and treatment group. Before the treatment is given in the form of PMSG hormone injections, sows from both study groups, first injected with hormones PGF2α to estrus synchronization purposes. Then, sows in the treatment group are injected by PMSG hormone with the dose of 2 ml/sow before naturally mating with the boar. After the mating process, the gestation period of pregnant sow will be observed until the parturition time. The parameters were litter size and the birth weight of piglets produced from each sows of the two study groups. Sows were injected with PMSG hormone before mating show better productivity levels compared with sows in the control group. Sows were injected with PMSG hormone produce the overall number of piglets are 46 piglets or the litter size are 9 piglets with the average birth weight of 1.20 kg, while in the control group generates total number of piglets are 36 piglets or the number of litter size are 7 piglets with the average birth weight of 1.05kg. Based on statistical tests, the results showed that there\u27s no significantly different ((P>0.05) for the litter size of each research groups. The results showed that injection of the PMSG hormone as a superovulation agent before mating is able to increasing piglet birth weight but not able to increase the litter size significantly. Increased productivity of sows through superovulation method is to extend the production period of the sow, especially sows with a number of birth five or more times without being replace by new gilt

    Daya Tahan Spermatozoa Dalam Semen Cair Babi Landrace Pada Metode Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh metode penyimpanan preservasi yang berbeda terhadap viabilitas spermatozoa semen babi landrace dalam pengencer alami air buah lontar (AL) dengan penambahan kuning telur ayam kampung (KT).  Semen diambil dari 5 ekor pejantan landrace yang telah dewasa kelamin. Setelah itu dilakukan pemeriksaan makros-mikros dari semen segar, semen dengan kriteria  motilitas , konsentrasi dan abnormalitas spermatozoa berturt-turut: >70%, >200 juta spermatozoa/ml, <20% yang layak untuk dijadikan semen cair. Perlakuan dalam penelitian:, P1(AL 95%+5% KT), P2(AL 85%+15% KT), P3(AL 75%+25% KT) yang simpan pada metode water jacket (WJ) dan P4(AL 95%+5% KT), P5(AL 85%+15% KT), P6(AL 75%+25% KT) yang disimpan dengan metode non water jacket (NWJ),  semen dikemas dalam mikrotube 1 ml dan disimpan pada suhu preservasi. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa viabilitas spermatozooa dalam pengencer alami air buah lontar yang ditambahkan dengan kuning telur ayam kampung memperlihatkan hasil yang baik pada kombinasi AL 85% dan KT25% pada penyimpanan water jacket.  Semen cair pada pengencer kombinasi tersebut diatas mampu bertahan hingga 28 jam penyimpanan

    Karakteristik Morfologi dan Distribusi Karbohidrat Netral pada Uterus Kelelawar Buah (Pteropus Vampyrus) Asal Pulau Timor

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    Timorese fruit bat(Pteropusvampyrus)is the only fly mammalian with its unique behavior which hanging upside down inspite of its pregnancy. This research is aimed to reveal the morphology of the Timorese fruit bats and the distribution of neutral carbohydrate within this organ. Three uterus samples derived from three different Timorese fruit bats were used in the research.Both macroscopical and microscopical examinations using H&E and PAS methods were applied. Macroscopically, Timorese fruit bats showedsoft reddish white duplex uterus. Meanwhile microscopically, endometrium consisted of epithelial layer and lamina propria and was the place where simple tubular glands located. The epithelial layer comprised of simple cylindric secretory cells and ciliated cells. Neutral carbohydrate distribution was seen within this epithelial layer. Myometrium was a thick circular smooth muscle layer which consisted of smooth muscle separated by collagen and elastic fibre. Perimetrium was a visceral layer and consisted of mesothelial cells


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    This research aims to study testis and epididymis of dry land goat (Capra hircus) on B-mode ultrasound imaging. Twelve adult local male goats were examined to study normal testes and epididymis ultrasonic appearances. B-mode real time scanner with a 7.5 MHz, linear array transducer was used to evaluate the echotexture of the testicular parenchyma, mediastinum and the epididymis. The testicular parenchyma was represented uniformly homogenous and moderately echogenic with the mediastinum was more highly echogenic. The epididymal head appeared less echogenic but homogenous in structure, while the epididymal tail was more heterogeneous and less echogenic than the testis. Each structure in male reproductive organ, the testis, head and tail of epididymis can be differentiated using ultrasound imaging, but body epididymis was difficult to identify. It is concluded that ultrasound can be as a valuable diagnostic tool to investigate the health of male goat reproductive organ