43 research outputs found

    The significance of retained austenite in the high strength and plasticity of medium carbon Q&P steel

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    The Fe-0.44%C-1.8%Si-1.3%Mn-0.82%Cr-0.28%Mo steel treated by the quenching-partitioning partitioning process showed a product of strength and elongation of 30 GPa % with yield stress of 1350 MPa. Such a combination of high ultimate tensile strength and good ductility is attributed to a high portion of retained austenite (≥20%) transforming to martensite under tension. The high yield stress is provided by carbon supersaturation of austenite and a high dislocation density in this phas

    Эффективность адалимумаба при хроническом переднем увеите, ассоциированном с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом и резистентным к терапии метотрексатом: ретроспективное исследование серии случаев

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    Background: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) associated uveitis may be the cause of not only visual acuity decrement, but also blindness. At the same time, in some patients therapy with methotrexate can not prevent the development of these complications.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the efficiency and safety of using a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (adalimumab) in patients with JIA-associated uveitis.Methods: We conducted a retrospective single-arm study of a series of cases. The results of using adalimumab were evaluated in patients with JIA-associated chronic anterior uveitis, who have been under observation for no less than 1 year before and after starting using adalimumab. The latter was prescribed due to progressing and/or recidivous methotrexate-resistant uveitis.Results: We have analyzed clinical case records of 36 children with JIA-associated uveitis. At the start of therapy with adalimumab, actual uveitis was diagnosed in 30 (83%) patients. Remission was achieved in 29 of 30 cases in 2 (2; 12) weeks in patients with actual uveitis. 11 (31%) patients had a uveitis exacerbation 28 (13; 69) weeks after adalimumab therapy started. Adalimumab reduced the exacerbation frequency from 4 (1; 9) to 0 (0; 1) exacerbations per year for one patient (p < 0,001), and reduced the proportion of patients who were treated with topical glucocorticosteroids (from 83 to 8%). There were no differences (in achieving remission and reducing exacerbation frequency) with regard to patients’ sex, involvement of one or both eyes in the disease onset, antinuclear factor seropositiveness, uveitis type and character of joints affection.Conclusion: Adalimumab promotes fast and long-lasting remission of JIA-associated methotrexate-resistant uveitis.Увеит, ассоциированный с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом (ЮИА), может быть причиной не только снижения остроты зрения, но и слепоты. При этом у некоторых больных терапия метотрексатом не позволяет предупредить развитие этих осложнений.Цель исследования: изучить эффективность и безопасность применения ингибитора фактора некроза опухоли адалимумаба у пациентов с ЮИА-ассоциированным увеитом.Методы. Проведено ретроспективное неконтролируемое исследование серии случаев. Результаты применения адалимумаба оценивали у пациентов с ЮИА-ассоциированным хроническим передним увеитом, которых наблюдали не менее 1 года до и после начала применения адалимумаба. Препарат назначали по причине прогрессирующего и/или рецидивирующего течения увеита, резистентного к терапии метотрексатом.Результаты. Осуществлен анализ историй болезни 36 детей с ЮИА-ассоциированным увеитом. Активный увеит на момент начала терапии адалимумабом был диагностирован у 30 (83%) пациентов. У пациентов с активным увеитом ремиссия была достигнута в 29 из 30 случаев через 2 (2; 12) нед. Обострение увеита развилось у 11 (31%) пациентов через 28 (13; 69) нед от начала терапии адалиму- мабом. Применение адалимумаба привело к снижению частоты обострений с 4 (1; 9) до 0 (0; 1) случаев в год на одного пациента (р < 0,001), уменьшению доли пациентов, получавших местные глюкокортикостероиды (с 83 до 8%). Не обнаружено различий в достижении ремиссии и снижении частоты обострений в зависимости от пола пациентов, вовлечения в дебюте болезни одного или обоих глаз, серопозитивности по антинуклеарному фактору, типа увеита, характера суставного поражения.Заключение. Адалимумаб способствует достижению быстрой и продолжительной ремиссии ЮИА-ассоциированного увеита, резистентного к терапии метотрексатом

    Personality profiles and the "russian soul": Literary and scholarly views evaluated

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    Many domestic and foreign observers have claimed that Russians have a unique constellation of personality traits that mirrors their distinctive historical and cultural experience. To examine the hypothesized uniqueness of Russian personality, members of the Russian Character and Personality Survey collected data from 39 samples in 33 administrative areas of the Russian Federation. Respondents (N = 7,065) identified an ethnically Russian adult or college-aged man or woman whom they knew well and rated the target using the Russian observer-rating version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. The mean personality profile of Russians was very similar to the international average based on 50 different countries, debunking the myth of a unique Russian soul.The small variations from world norms did not converge with depictions of Russian national character in fiction and the scholarly literature. New items intended to capture distinctive, emic aspects of Russian personality provided no new information beyond the familiar Big Five dimensions. Religion, ethnicity, and beliefs about the uniqueness of the Russian character and the malleability of personality traits had little effect on personality ratings. Perceptions of the Russian soul do not seem to be based on the personality traits of Russians

    Machine learning for epilepsy detection and forecast review: new challenges and perspectives

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    The comparative analysis of machine learning methods has performed to solve the problem of early detection and prediction of epileptic seizures using electroencephalographic signals. Recent studies has shown that it is possible to predict seizures in prior of its physical appearance. Our goal is to present and analyse different approaches of seizure prediction techniques, particulary in machine learning and deep learning. Seizure prediction has made important advances over the last decade, nevertheless it is still a problem to provide steady algorithm of seizure early detection. Also, within individual patients exhibit distinctive dynamics, is it cruicial to find algorithms providing greater clinical utility. This article focuses of the problem of features development from electroencephalography signals in order to provide the accurate pattern recognition techniques for detection and classification of epilepsy seizures in advance. The mathematical model of the algorithms is constructed and quantitative data presented for estimating the methods efficiency.Key words: machine learning, epilepsy, electroencephalogram, preictal seizures.Pages of the article in the issue: 98-101Language of the article: UkrainianThe comparative analysis of machine learning methods has performed to solve the problem of early detection and prediction of epileptic seizures using electroencephalographic signals. Recent studies has shown that it is possible to predict seizures in prior of its physical appearance. Our goal is to present and analyse different approaches of seizure prediction techniques, particulary in machine learning and deep learning. Seizure prediction has made important advances over the last decade, nevertheless it is still a problem to provide steady algorithm of seizure early detection. Also, within individual patients exhibit distinctive dynamics, is it cruicial to find algorithms providing greater clinical utility. This article focuses of the problem of features development from electroencephalography signals in order to provide the accurate pattern recognition techniques for detection and classification of epilepsy seizures in advance. The mathematical model of the algorithms is constructed and quantitative data presented for estimating the methods efficiency.Key words: machine learning, epilepsy, electroencephalogram, preictal seizures.Pages of the article in the issue: 98 - 101Language of the article: Ukrainia

    Development of nuclear technologies in the Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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    Results obtained in the Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine on the development and use of nu-clear technologies implemented in the course of the fulfillment of budget themes, scientific-technical and techno-logical projects as well as innovative programs were outlined