2,870 research outputs found

    Seismic analysis of 70 Ophiuchi A: A new quantity proposed

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    The basic intent of this paper is to model 70 Ophiuchi A using the latest asteroseismic observations as complementary constraints and to determine the fundamental parameters of the star. Additionally, we propose a new quantity to lift the degeneracy between the initial chemical composition and stellar age. Using the Yale stellar evolution code (YREC7), we construct a series of stellar evolutionary tracks for the mass range MM = 0.85 -- 0.93 MM_{\odot} with different composition YiY_{i} (0.26 -- 0.30) and ZiZ_{i} (0.017 -- 0.023). Along these tracks, we select a grid of stellar model candidates that fall within the error box in the HR diagram to calculate the theoretical frequencies, the large- and small- frequency separations using the Guenther's stellar pulsation code. Following the asymptotic formula of stellar pp-modes, we define a quantity r01r_{01} which is correlated with stellar age. Also, we test it by theoretical adiabatic frequencies of many models. Many detailed models of 70 Ophiuchi A have been listed in Table 3. By combining all non-asteroseismic observations available for 70 Ophiuchi A with these seismological data, we think that Model 60, Model 125 and Model 126, listed in Table 3, are the optimum models presently. Meanwhile, we predict that the radius of this star is about 0.860 -- 0.865 RR_{\odot} and the age is about 6.8 -- 7.0 Gyr with mass 0.89 -- 0.90 MM_{\odot}. Additionally, we prove that the new quantity r01r_{01} can be a useful indicator of stellar age.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, accepted by New Astronom

    Asteroseismic study of solar-like stars: A method of estimating stellar age

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    Asteroseismology, as a tool to use the indirect information contained in stellar oscillations to probe the stellar interiors, is an active field of research presently. Stellar age, as a fundamental property of star apart from its mass, is most difficult to estimate. In addition, the estimating of stellar age can provide the chance to study the time evolution of astronomical phenomena. In our poster, we summarize our previous work and further present a method to determine age of low-mass main-sequence star.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figures, submitted to IAUS25

    'Rapid fire' spectroscopy of Kepler solar-like oscillators

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    The NASA Kepler mission has been continuously monitoring the same field of the sky since the successful launch in March 2009, providing high-quality stellar lightcurves that are excellent data for asteroseismology, far superior to any other observations available at the present. In order to make a meaningful analysis and interpretation of the asteroseismic data, accurate fundamental parameters for the observed stars are needed. The currently available parameters are quite uncertain as illustrated by e.g. Thygesen et al. (A&A 543, A160, 2012), who found deviations as extreme as 2.0 dex in [Fe/H] and log g, compared to catalogue values. Thus, additional follow-up observations for these targets are needed in order to put firm limits on the parameter space investigated by the asteroseismic modellers. Here, we propose a metod for deriving accurate metallicities of main sequence and subgiant solar-like oscillators from medium resolution spectra with a moderate S/N. The method takes advantage of the additional constraints on the fundamental parameters, available from asteroseismology and multi-color photometry. The approach enables us to reduce the analysis overhead significantly when doing spectral synthesis, which in turn will increases the efficiency of follow-up observations.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings from Asteroseismology of Stellar Populations in the Milky Way 2013 to appear in 'Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings

    Do bond yields follow the hierarchy of risk post BRRD?

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    With a sample of 4,065 bonds issued by 63 banks from 12 euro area countries during 2013–2017, this study investigates how introducing bail‐in regulation has influenced bond yields in secondary markets, by distinguishing between non‐bail‐inable and different classes of bail‐inable bonds. The bail‐in risk premium does not follow the hierarchy of risk; it is stronger for less risky bonds. The effect on the spread between senior unsecured and non‐bail‐inable bonds is much higher than for subordinated bonds. Regarding subordinated bonds, the impact is higher for securities excluded from regulatory capital than for those included

    EXONEST: The Bayesian Exoplanetary Explorer

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    The fields of astronomy and astrophysics are currently engaged in an unprecedented era of discovery as recent missions have revealed thousands of exoplanets orbiting other stars. While the Kepler Space Telescope mission has enabled most of these exoplanets to be detected by identifying transiting events, exoplanets often exhibit additional photometric effects that can be used to improve the characterization of exoplanets. The EXONEST Exoplanetary Explorer is a Bayesian exoplanet inference engine based on nested sampling and originally designed to analyze archived Kepler Space Telescope and CoRoT (Convection Rotation et Transits plan\'etaires) exoplanet mission data. We discuss the EXONEST software package and describe how it accommodates plug-and-play models of exoplanet-associated photometric effects for the purpose of exoplanet detection, characterization and scientific hypothesis testing. The current suite of models allows for both circular and eccentric orbits in conjunction with photometric effects, such as the primary transit and secondary eclipse, reflected light, thermal emissions, ellipsoidal variations, Doppler beaming and superrotation. We discuss our new efforts to expand the capabilities of the software to include more subtle photometric effects involving reflected and refracted light. We discuss the EXONEST inference engine design and introduce our plans to port the current MATLAB-based EXONEST software package over to the next generation Exoplanetary Explorer, which will be a Python-based open source project with the capability to employ third-party plug-and-play models of exoplanet-related photometric effects.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Presented at the 37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2017) in Jarinu/SP Brasi