22 research outputs found

    A Sentinel in the Crosstalk Between the Nervous and Immune System: The (Immuno)-Proteasome

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    The wealth of recent evidence about a bi-directional communication between nerve- and immune- cells revolutionized the traditional concept about the brain as an “immune-privileged” organ while opening novel avenues in the pathophysiology of CNS disorders. In fact, altered communication between the immune and nervous system is emerging as a common hallmark in neuro-developmental, neurodegenerative, and neuro-immunological diseases. At molecular level, the ubiquitin proteasome machinery operates as a sentinel at the crossroad between the immune system and brain. In fact, the standard proteasome and its alternative/inducible counterpart, the immunoproteasome, operate dynamically and coordinately in both nerve- and immune- cells to modulate neurotransmission, oxidative/inflammatory stress response, and immunity. When dysregulations of the proteasome system occur, altered amounts of standard- vs. immune-proteasome subtypes translate into altered communication between neurons, glia, and immune cells. This contributes to neuro-inflammatory pathology in a variety of neurological disorders encompassing Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntingtin's diseases, brain trauma, epilepsy, and Multiple Sclerosis. In the present review, we analyze those proteasome-dependent molecular interactions which sustain communication between neurons, glia, and brain circulating T-lymphocytes both in baseline and pathological conditions. The evidence here discussed converges in that upregulation of immunoproteasome to the detriment of the standard proteasome, is commonly implicated in the inflammatory- and immune- biology of neurodegeneration. These concepts may foster additional studies investigating the role of immunoproteasome as a potential target in neurodegenerative and neuro-immunological disorders

    Genetic deletion of mGlu2 metabotropic glutamate receptors improves the short-term outcome of cerebral transient focal ischemia

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    Abstract We have recently shown that pharmacological blockade of mGlu2 metabotropic glutamate receptors protects vulnerable neurons in the 4-vessel occlusion model of transient global ischemia, whereas receptor activation amplifies neuronal death. This raised the possibility that endogenous activation of mGlu2 receptors contributes to the pathophysiology of ischemic neuronal damage. Here, we examined this possibility using two models of transient focal ischemia: (i) the monofilament model of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in mice, and (ii) the model based on intracerebral infusion of endothelin-1 (Et-1) in rats. Following transient MCAO, mGlu2 receptor knockout mice showed a significant reduction in infarct volume and an improved short-term behavioural outcome, as assessed by a neurological disability scale and the “grip test”. Following Et-1 infusion, Grm2 gene mutated Hannover Wistar rats lacking mGlu2 receptors did not show changes in the overall infarct volume as compared to their wild-type counterparts, although they showed a reduced infarct area in the agranular insular cortex. Interestingly, however, mGlu2 receptor-deficient rats performed better than wild-type rats in the adhesive tape test, in which these rats did not show the laterality preference typically observed after focal ischemia. These findings support the hypothesis that activation of mGlu2 receptors is detrimental in the post-ischemic phase, and support the use of mGlu2 receptor antagonists in the experimental treatment of brain ischemia

    Effects of Prolonged Seizures on Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons: Evidence and Potential Clinical Relevance

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    Seizures originating from limbic structures, especially when prolonged for several minutes/hours up to status epilepticus (SE), can cause specific neurodegenerative phenomena in limbic and subcortical structures. The cholinergic nuclei belonging to the basal forebrain (BF) (namely, medial septal nucleus (MSN), diagonal band of Broca (DBB), and nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM)) belong to the limbic system, while playing a pivotal role in cognition and sleep-waking cycle. Given the strong interconnections linking these limbic nuclei with limbic cortical structures, a persistent effect of SE originating from limbic structures on cBF morphology is plausible. Nonetheless, only a few experimental studies have addressed this issue. In this review, we describe available data and discuss their significance in the scenario of seizure-induced brain damage. In detail, the manuscript moves from a recent study in a model of focally induced limbic SE, in which the pure effects of seizure spreading through the natural anatomical pathways towards the cholinergic nuclei of BF were tracked by neuronal degeneration. In this experimental setting, a loss of cholinergic neurons was measured in all BF nuclei, to various extents depending on the specific nucleus. These findings are discussed in the light of the effects on the very same nuclei following SE induced by systemic injections of kainate or pilocarpine. The various effects including discrepancies among different studies are discussed. Potential implications for human diseases are included

    Are there endogenous stem cells in the spinal cord?

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    Neural progenitor cells (NPC) represent the stem-like niche of the central nervous system that maintains a regenerative potential also in the adult life. Despite NPC in the brain are well documented, the presence of NPC in the spinal cord has been controversial for a long time. This is due to a scarce activity of NPC within spinal cord, which also makes difficult their identification. The present review recapitulates the main experimental studies, which provided evidence for the occurrence of NPC within spinal cord, with a special emphasis on spinal cord injury and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. By using experimental models, here we analyse the site-specificity, the phenotype and the main triggers of spinal cord NPC. Moreover, data are reported on the effect of specific neurogenic stimuli on these spinal cord NPC in an effort to comprehend the endogenous neurogenic potential of this stem cell niche

    Brain diseases and tumorigenesis: The good and bad cops of pentraxin3

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    The prototype of long pentraxins, Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), is an evolutionarily conserved multifunctional, pattern-recognition protein constituted by a cyclic multimeric structure. PTX3 interacts with a variety of ligands, such as growth factors, extracellular matrix components, molecules of the complement cascade, pathogens recognition proteins, angiogenetic and adhesion molecules. PTX3 could be considered as a molecular link between innate and adaptive immunity as well as between focal and circulating responses during inflammation. In fact, it modulates the functions of resident dendritic cells and circulating lymphocytes. Recent evidence demonstrates that manipulation of PTX3 may produce even opposite effects depending on which target organ is considered and the physiopathological context. In the present review we discuss the good and bad cops of PTX3 concerning multifacted effects on inflammation, innate immunity, brain diseases and tumorigenesis. Finally, a perspective on PTX3 and autophagy is provided as a convergent pathway

    Neurons other than motor neurons in motor neuron disease

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is typically defined by a loss of motor neurons in the central nervous system. Accordingly, morphological analysis for decades considered motor neurons (in the cortex, brainstem and spinal cord) as the neuronal population selectively involved in ALS. Similarly, this was considered the pathological marker to score disease severity ex vivo both in patients and experimental models. However, the concept of non-autonomous motor neuron death was used recently to indicate the need for additional cell types to produce motor neuron death in ALS. This means that motor neuron loss occurs only when they are connected with other cell types. This concept originally emphasized the need for resident glia as well as non-resident inflammatory cells. Nowadays, the additional role of neurons other than motor neurons emerged in the scenario to induce non-autonomous motor neuron death. In fact, in ALS neurons diverse from motor neurons are involved. These cells play multiple roles in ALS: (i) they participate in the chain of events to produce motor neuron loss; (ii) they may even degenerate more than and before motor neurons. In the present manuscript evidence about multineuronal involvement in ALS patients and experimental models is discussed. Specific sub-classes of neurons in the whole spinal cord are reported either to degenerate or to trigger neuronal degeneration, thus portraying ALS as a whole spinal cord disorder rather than a disease affecting motor neurons solely. This is associated with a novel concept in motor neuron disease which recruits abnormal mechanisms of cell to cell communication

    Targeting type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors to protect vulnerable hippocampal neurons against ischemic damage

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    To examine whether metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors have any role in mechanisms that shape neuronal vulnerability to ischemic damage, we used the 4-vessel occlusion (4-VO) model of transient global ischemia in rats. 4-VO in rats causes a selective death of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region, leaving neurons of the CA3 region relatively spared. We wondered whether changes in the expression of individual mGlu receptor subtypes selectively occur in the vulnerable CA1 region during the development of ischemic damage, and whether post-ischemic treatment with drugs targeting the selected receptor(s) affords neuroprotection

    Structural modeling of altered CLCN1 conformation following a novel mutation in a patient affected by autosomal dominant myotonia congenita (Thomsen disease)

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    Myotonia congenita belongs to the group of non-dystrophic myotonia caused by mutations in _CLCN_1gene, and can be inherited either in autosomal dominant (Thomsen disease) or recessive (Becker disease) forms. Here we describe a 46-year-old male patient affected by myotonia congenita. Genetic analysis identified the mutation p.Val536Ile, and structural analysis suggests a pathological role for this variant. In fact, the presence of a bulky residue in the place of valine 536, such as leucine or isoleucine, may generate interactions with Tyr578, thus altering its function and impairing the dynamics of ion current. A mutation affecting the same aminoacid 536 (p.Val536Leu) has already been described, but in association with a second mutation (p.Phe167Leu). Therefore, these data highlight the importance of establishing the inheritance pattern for each variant of CLCN1 gene, that, joined with phenotype heterogeneity, may improve the diagnosis and genetic counseling in MC patients