2 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 2, 1974

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    Two faculty members receive promotions ā€¢ Committee of USGA proposes rule changes ā€¢ Henry and Perreten get study grants ā€¢ Dr. Parsons and Dr. Snyder to run Pa. Dutch course ā€¢ Japanese will join U.C. summer school ā€¢ U.C. to honor Rep. Ware at commencement ā€¢ Dave Liscom to attend St. Andrews ā€¢ Editorial: So what else is new?; Say something good ā€¢ Italian philosopher is reborn ā€¢ Alumni corner: The Ruby in debt ā€¢ The ghost of Ursinus past ā€¢ Ursinus students view unicorns ā€¢ New 3-plus-3 plan: Degree in 3 years ā€¢ Pi Gamma Mu names 10 to membership ā€¢ Brazilians say ā€œSaudade!ā€ ā€¢ U.C. students plan summers in Europe ā€¢ Review: Springsteenā€™s rock rocks U.C. campus ā€¢ ā€˜Chapā€™ resigns his U.C posts ā€¢ Lacrosse trials select players ā€¢ Bear runners looking good ā€¢ Faculty focus: Georgia Ferrell leads winning gymnasts ā€¢ Baseball squad facing tough competition ā€¢ Two Ursinus basketball stars honoredhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1015/thumbnail.jp