103 research outputs found

    Topical issues of prevention of uncurious dental lesions

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    The article is devoted to the issues of prevention of uncarious lesions accompanied by demineralization of the hard structures of the teeth, as well as the means and methods used for remineralizing therapy in modern realities.В статье рассматриваются вопросы профилактики некариозных поражений, сопровождающихся деминерализацией твердых структур зубов, а также средства и методы, используемые для реминерализующей терапии в современных реалиях

    From bore-soliton-splash to a new wave-to-wire wave-energy model

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    We explore extreme nonlinear water-wave amplification in a contraction or, analogously, wave amplification in crossing seas. The latter case can lead to extreme or rogue-wave formation at sea. First, amplification of a solitary-water-wave compound running into a contraction is disseminated experimentally in a wave tank. Maximum amplification in our bore–soliton–splash observed is circa tenfold. Subsequently, we summarise some nonlinear and numerical modelling approaches, validated for amplifying, contracting waves. These amplification phenomena observed have led us to develop a novel wave-energy device with wave amplification in a contraction used to enhance wave-activated buoy motion and magnetically induced energy generation. An experimental proof-of-principle shows that our wave-energy device works. Most importantly, we develop a novel wave-to-wire mathematical model of the combined wave hydrodynamics, wave-activated buoy motion and electric power generation by magnetic induction, from first principles, satisfying one grand variational principle in its conservative limit. Wave and buoy dynamics are coupled via a Lagrange multiplier, which boundary value at the waterline is in a subtle way solved explicitly by imposing incompressibility in a weak sense. Dissipative features, such as electrical wire resistance and nonlinear LED loads, are added a posteriori. New is also the intricate and compatible finite-element space–time discretisation of the linearised dynamics, guaranteeing numerical stability and the correct energy transfer between the three subsystems. Preliminary simulations of our simplified and linearised wave-energy model are encouraging and involve a first study of the resonant behaviour and parameter dependence of the device

    Investigation of some hematological blood values of smokers

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    The purpose of the study is to identify changes in some haematological indicators and tobacco smokingЦель исследования – выявить взаимосвязь изменений некоторых гематологических показателей и курение табака

    Studying the influence of the psycho-emotional state of a human on the appearance of the deja vu phenomenon

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the presence or absence of a correlation between the psycho-emotional state of a person and the occurrence of the déjà vu phenomenon.Цель исследования – определить наличие или отсутствие корреляции между психоэмоциональным состоянием человека и возникновением феномена дежавю

    Analysis of formation of competences of students on a speciality general medicine in the process of studying the discipline of normal physiology

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    The article considers the tasks and goals of teaching the discipline normal physiology for students in the specialty General medicine in the process of competence formation. The analysis of the academic performance of students of the faculty of medicine and prevention for three years from 2016/2017 to 2018/2019, as an indicator that evaluates the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the formation of competencies.В статье рассмотрены задачи и цели преподавания дисциплины «Нормальная физиология» для обучающихся по специальности «Лечебное дело» в процессе формирования компетенций. Проведен анализ успеваемости студентов лечебно-профилактического факультета за три года с 2016/2017 по 2018/2019, как показатель, оценивающий знания, умения и навыки, необходимые для формирования компетенций

    Study of the basic drinking regime of students

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    The aim of the study – to analyze the drinking regime of students during the educational process at the university.Цель исследования – проанализировать питьевой режим студентов во время учебного процесса в университете

    Influence of artificial blood circulation during heart surgery in newborns with congenital heart defects on adverse outcomes

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of cardioprotection in cardiac surgery in children aged 0 to 5 years and the dependence of the time spent by the patient on cardiopulmonary bypass with the development of complications with further lethal outcome.Статья посвящена анализу эффективности использования кардиопротекции при операциях на сердце у новорожденных детей и анализу влияния длительности нахождения на аппарате искусственного кровообращения на развитие неблагоприятных исходов

    The significance of normal physiology study for future clinical education of medical doctor

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    The clinical education of the medical doctor should be based upon the exact and right knowledge of the mechanisms of organs and whole body functions. The course of normal physiology focused on the continuous relationship between physiology and clinical thinking of medical students.Клиническое образование будущего врача должно базироваться на четком представлении о закономерностях функционирования органов и всего организма человека. Курс нормальной физиологии УГМУ ориентирован на постоянную связь изучаемого предмета с формированием клинического мышления у студентов